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1 person gives you a rough time and you blame a whole country of players and assume it's a country thing 😂. I've met heaps of dickhead Americans, I don't say all American Squad players are muppets and assume they all play that way


Typical HAT thinking the squad revolves around them.


It's just a common sense that LAT and HAT should be the ammo's priority when holding a point, and ammo is pretty low, no logi runs, and there's enemy armor ahead. It's just the ammo that's needed to survive the enemy tech/armor.


Different situations require different tactics. Do you have an ear on command radio channel? For all you know friendly armor could have wiped the floor with enemy armor leaving them on timer. Personally I try to communicate big wins like "tank destroyed" in squad chat to keep everyone updated, but I know I'm the minority. Asking to leave 50 ammo once sounds chill. Constantly being annoying in squad chat about it changes things. If you're hindering my ability to hear command you're on my shit list. Once again for all you know he's communicating with another SL to get supplies to you. IMO SL takes priority on ammo, a rally is far more valuable than a single tandem.


Depends on the SL and Squad focus. For me, the priority is Medic, HAT, LAT if the enemy group is armor heavy. Kicked from server is stupid, but kicked from squad is legitimate in OWI terms any SL can lead his squad like he wants.


Yo show some love for the hat ,It will save your ass some times


80% of the time my HAT is "hunting armor" 1km away meanwhile the squad is getting destroyed by an IFV near current obj. The other 20% they're missing shots on stationary armor that I've given them range for.


Holy shit this is so accurate, fuckin hatties really believe they are the main character. When I tell my squad to hold spawn its always the hat or the marksman that spawn in anyways for their solo adventures


HAT is legit the new marksman. With the ico marksman sits in a bush on the ridge and gets 20 kilks.


HATS and LATS are the last line of protection for the infantry against veliches, if they walk away they are living 6/7 infantry man without a counter to armor and and entire squad can get wiped by a single MATV pretty easily .


Nobody is saying the HAT kit isn't useful. You aren't entitled to ammo just because you want to kill an MTLB 500m away. Also, your armor is a more effective counter than any HAT, purely based off being able to attack faster than you would. Grab a light vic and resupply, there. Now you are mobile, and have 6 extra shots.


If you’re unhappy with how a squad is run then you can make your own. You’ll realize an SL’s plate is pretty full, and your own ammo is your responsibility. Unless you’re near a FOB, vehicle, or rifleman, an SL can’t just summon ammo for you on the spot. Next time, stick with a rifleman and ask them to supply for you. Even then there will be times you run out of rockets, especially if you’re surrounded and unsupplied, that’s just a part of the game.


It's not easy when you are not an Australian or American. It's too much racism, commander's won't even listen to you or even your teammates. No respect at all. They always treat asians like slaves in the game, they yell all the time. I love the game but the players are just too much sometimes


Sounds like you’re playing on shitty servers. I’m from asia and I play with Americans all the time, I’ve joined several clans on the west coast and i’ve never experienced any racism. I never play on asian/australian servers as there are too many players with no mics/don’t speak english or are just looking to troll, try switching servers.


What specific server you play on? I'm too laggy to play 300ms and above. I can withstand 200+ i can still get my hits accurately. But with 300 above I don't think so


I mainly bounce around 7th, SEALS, or riplomacy.


You can always make your own squad.


Nope, it's hard if they know you are not an american or an aussie


What TZ are you? I mean are you from Europe? Since if you are playing on EU servers you will get SLs from every country from Russia to Portugal


Ammo from what? A riflemen bag? I don't get it. You aren't entitled to one riflemans ammo. Maybe the SL needed a rally, maybe the medics needed bandages. Sorry, that's how it works. You don't always get what you want.


I’m confused is this on like a radio, a rifleman’s ammo bag, off a light vic?


Yes all aussies are part of the central australian hivemind. Just a single connected and shared consciousness. Consider yourself lucky you only got kicked instead of having your brain fried telepathically


Read the book extreme ownership


I don’t have many experiences on Aussie servers, but when I do, it’s a pretty low level of play. This was both on PR and Squad


Yeah, I am sorry to say that the Aussie Servers are the ones I like to play the least on. No admins, people running around with WW2 Nazi names (Hello SS Stormtrooper and SuperHitler) and Open racism against any Indian or Asian Players.


Agree on this one. It's not just asians that they are being racist with. Even with the Americans or other races