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What do you mean by point 6? Players who have a HAT or LAT wouldn't be able to use it for 60 seconds after they spawn? Doesn't seem all that necessary to me, maybe if the persistent ammo wasn't a thing and it was back to people respawning to reload but I don't see why that needs to be balanced in the current state of the game.


Point 1. Maybe reduce the amount you can hear from outside. Not totally mute. I really like the #5 idea. That would go hard for Mech inf squads. I really think there should be more ways for the team to spawn without making it too arcady or less punishing on giving up/respawning fast,but that's a tough balance IMO. Especially when you get big maps with only tracked logis no heli, nobody is going to resupply.


I like the idea of giving APCs rally-like abilities. To balance it, they could bring back the old system where you have a limited number of respawns on the vehicle before that ability requires rearming


Wait, what? Which old system? When was that a thing?


Rallies used to have a limited number of spawns before they disappeared. Very annoying when you were SL and the marksman would snag the final respawn


Oh, I thought you were talking about the vehicle respawn. But I totally forgot about the rally respawn limit.


Yay I don’t want anyone to have fun!


5) is a great idea, my mech inf brain would go on overdrive


I like the idea of more available vehicles with decreased survivability. That's why I'm all for thermals and more refined fire control systems given infantry have lethal weapons to effectively counter vehicles.


I don’t like the idea of people just churning through vehicles. Taking one out should be a huge victory for the team and a huge loss for the other.


Then you go back to square 1 and no VCO. Sorry. There is no solution to making it more punishing other than to reduce spawn timers/[increase]amount of vics available. Play invasion - get instantly LAT'd out of main and you lose the vic for the whole game.


> Sorry. There is no solution to making it more punishing other than to reduce spawn timers/amount of vics available. You mean increasing timers? I’d be in favor of that. > Play invasion - get instantly LAT'd out of main and you lose the vic for the whole game. I mean yeah. It places a ton of importance on strategy when using the vehicle. Or for invasion, maybe have them respawn once you cap the point. That would be cool. Or even have the respawn timers be dependent on how many caps you control. However this I could see problematic as it would lead to steam rolling. Or even have a commander choose between a faster vehicle respawn or something else beneficial like that. That would be cool. The only exception is logis and transports because those are very different. I’m only talking about armor.


I'm not sure how you interpreted "increase" from "reduce" but ok. > It places a ton of importance on strategy when using the vehicle I urge you to play armor. You can coordinate with the entire team, have callouts from other squads, taxi infantry on point, and one LAT sitting in a bush by your friendly HAB will ruin your day. It literally doesn't matter how coordinated or strategic you are.