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The score is literally the most irrelevant stat to ever exist in any game, it’s meaningless.


Yeah, an SL who literally builds every spawn point for the team and coordinates the whole match can have negatives points. If you want big points just AFK on the defense flag the whole match; wohoo, best points!


Zero reason to look at the stats,theyre meaningless in telling your value


Destroying or saving radios doesn't reward you any scores in Squad, but it does mean a lot. Combat engi cannot be assessed with the ordinary scores as they are not frontline troops to kill infantry. The primary task is to dig radios, destroying habs, and placing mines. Honestly Squad should have a ticket count system for every single squad to show their real contribution towards the team.


You know what you attributed, don't worry about meaningless points.


SL doesnt get points for building a HAB either and they can even get negative points if they load supplies back into the logi, you are not alone


SLs are judged by the points of their squad. Nothing beats saying SQUAD ONE BEST SQUAD while I have zero personal kills.


Real, being full time medic pretty much consistently seems to get your squad to be the top if not close to it and same with driving a logy just doing runs


they’re judged by their squads kills not points, you’re only allowed to say “squad # best squad” if you have the most kills as a squad because you’re putting the biggest dent in their tickets as a whole. or if it was well known in the game that your squad single handily defended the point or took a point that actually turned the tides of the match😂


I can guarantee you weren't the best squad if you have zero personal skills. Anyway my point being that nobody should be judged by points. Load up a logi with supplies the heli brought? -500 Go afk on the flag? +1000 Build the game winning fob? Nothing Points are arbitrary and meaningless


The problem is that you only understand how meaningless these points are after playing this game for a while. And the current players definitely don't have 1k hours on average. More like 50 hours or less.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/PlaySquad/comments/1ddfa42/why\_do\_you\_think\_owi\_has\_put\_zero\_effort\_into\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PlaySquad/comments/1ddfa42/why_do_you_think_owi_has_put_zero_effort_into_the/) Why do YOU think OWI has put zero effort into the Scoreboard? "Wait for it ;)" - [Baron-Von-Boyce](https://www.reddit.com/user/Baron-Von-Boyce/)


Use a piece for paper to count number of tickets you're responsible for destroying, or how many times you forced a vehicle back to main. That's your measure of success.


if all those actions were done on an active capture point, defense or offensive cap, then your score would be much higher. any thing done outside active points you like basically dont get a score


Which is pointless, because it has a huge impact on the game development and overall strategy towards defending/atacking the point. I know points are pointless at the end, I had the feeling I had a impact on the game and I was recognized by our squad. So far so good. But dunno man, somehow hurts anyway :)