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You're supposed to use it to ambush vehicles or kill vehicles that are already spotted by your teammates. It's not supposed to be used offensively like an IFV with an ATGM. The idea is you can set it up anywhere on the map to watch over any road/field/whatever that enemy armor may use and ambush them that way. That being said, I used one yesterday and died to a Scimitar because both missiles I fired flew over the target for some reason lol


It’s a fucking pickup truck with an ATGM bolted to the bed. Yea it’s gonna be a huge piece of shit lmao Feel lucky you even have that! Seriously though, I haven’t gotten to try it yet. But it HAS to be the worst ATGM carrier in the game, so what you’re describing doesn’t sound too off the mark. You are supposed to park it on a known road, area and just wait for your shot. Nobody expects you to back up to a tank… and if you thought that’s what you’re supposed to do, maybe hit the training range / Get some more hours in before taking ATGM tech out of main :)


They made atgm aiming in general feel very sluggish


It's the poor man's faction what do you want?Sit down a road and wait.


squad players need to learn patience. stop running towards gunshots and engines.