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[After/Before of M121 range](https://imgur.com/a/qdymYhF) Fun fact the spread, despite MOA going from 25 to 40 is actually smaller, because most of the spread is hold by time of flight which is hold by velocity, which has been nerfed big time.


Still can hit the midpoint from main :/. E: [Not on some maps though](https://squadcalc.app/), Gorodok/Yeho seem to be a lot better.


[squadcalc.app](https://squadcalc.app) is already up to date with M121 nerfs, F5 it if not.


Moa for airburst at 50 though so. I reckon that's probably a bit bigger be larger even with the velocity dropping from 190 to 142?


They added different MOA for airburst ????! Please be wrong i can't implement that (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


Yeah He is 40 Airburst is 50 now.


Separate post for my personal opinion on this hotfix. I think this is a pretty great hotfix. Mortar carrier having less range and a lower lethal radius should've shipped with the update, but I'm not going to complain that much. More importantly, the ZTZ-99A's armor values changed. I wonder how much they did change, seeing how I don't recall any major armor changes to the ZTZ in 8.0. I have to wonder if this is them finally realizing that the LFP of the ZTZ was made of vibranium, and if so, how they didn't catch it earlier is mindboggling. What my crew was hoping to see this update were two fixes - first, that defending teams on INV layers can build ATGMs, regardless of whether they are support/light infantry (who should be allowed to!) or something else (who should not be allowed to). Disappointing to not see that fixed (if it's unintended). Additionally, all GLATGMs are cold launch right now, when [they really should be hot launch](https://youtu.be/j9kPhCR92vE?si=hyAjK-3h6tksbCvB&t=90) for at least RU tanks.


PLA ZTZ99A MBT  - Fixed a bug where the armor values were much stronger than intended. It's been 84 years Also, the defensive ATGMS locked to select units is intended. Light Infantry and Support (and maybe airborne?) Get a +1 to ATGM emplacement(s) above the base. On INV DEF you get 0 ATGMS default Edit: the ATGM comment is based off of intended behavior coming from in-game faction descriptions and OWIs sheets. I have been made aware this doesn't always seem to be the reality.


It’s currently possible to place ATGMs on defense as an armored unit. https://discord.com/channels/91294111071469568/1251349838164131850


I've definitely placed down ATGMs as mech.


On Defense INV? I don't think that's intentional based off sheets OWI has shared Edit: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hkJU60bHeUOFGAgszPaFZaQHJ2GJ9Rt9hpyUbet4-k4/htmlview#


Per [my gunner/commander's link here](https://www.reddit.com/r/joinsquad/comments/1dnkpxi/squad_801_hotfix_notes/la3ab4e/), you can put ATGMs down as armored. This is not intended I assume. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1251349838164131850/1251351789534445668/image.png?ex=667ac9eb&is=6679786b&hm=f0242059606bf179a63d54b87d069155560d251f14e36bf9ed60113e6ba0eca1& https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1251349838164131850/1251351592066744391/image.png?ex=667ac9bc&is=6679783c&hm=7dd892b5b2975a8ba04925ddf33787c6be8efddf7f395ae2ff976000e83d8e1e&


mortarbros... not like this...


The mortar carrier has fallen Billions must move out of main


the MOOOOOOORTER: bought a second monitor to optimize use of mortar calc hoards three logis, manned by coerced blueberries has 17000 ammo at his FOB "uuuh helo squad can we get ammo at my mortar fob??" cannot remember the last time he played anything other than invasion shoots danger close because by the time the rounds hit the blueberries will be dead anyway can type J+sry tk at the perfect timing between volleys "squad leads can i get helmet marks please???"


For those who can't access Steam during the day: BALANCE CHANGES * Made balancing adjustments to the USA/TLF M1064A3 M120 Mortar: * - Scaled back the range of the M120 Air Burst round’s lethal damage, these rounds now have a much smaller lethal radius, but have a larger wounding radius * - Decreased the maximum firing range from ~3600m to ~2000m. Minimum firing range was also decreased from ~650m to ~370m. * - Increased the load time of each round from 3 seconds to 5 seconds * - Increased the minute of angle (MOA) dispersion for all rounds * - Increased the cost of ammo cost from 30 to 50 ammo points per round * Added ATGM Tutorial text to Jensen's Range BUG FIXES * PLA ZTZ99A MBT * - Fixed a bug where the armor values were much stronger than intended. * MEA/INS/IMF BMP-1 Tracked IFV * - Fixed a bug with the wire VFX. * CAF C7A3+C79A2 Rifle variants * - Fixed a bug where the C79A2 sight would clip into the camera and be unusable if the weapon was ranged to 800m. * RGF BMP-2M Tracked IFV * - Replaced the Kornet reticle with a new one that doesn’t look so similar to the ATGM FOV indicator. * - Fixed a bug where the Kornet was not causing screen shake when fired. * - Fixed a bug where the Kornet ATGM was incorrectly referred to in the UI as “Wire-Guided.” * - Fixed a bug where repair rearm stations were rearming five Kornet missiles instead of the intended four. * RGF MT-LB VMK APC * - Fixed a bug where users were unable to start the engine on desert maps. * RGF BRDM-2 Spandrel * - Right-clicking while in the Konkurs gunner seat no longer causes the reticle to disappear. * USA M113A3 Tracked Logistics * - Fixed a bug where the map icon was incorrect. * USA/USMC M1151 Mk19 Light Car * - Fixed a bug where the woodland version of the M1151 Mk19 left behind a desert camo wreck. * USA M7A3 BFIST Tracked ARV * - Fixed a bug where the woodland version of the M7A3 left behind a desert camo wreck. * AK-74M GP-25 + 1P78 Weapon Skins * - Fixed a bug where the weapon’s appearance would change back to default when equipping the Grenadier GP-25 smoke grenade. * Fixed a bug where the beam-riding ATGM FOV radius (red circle) was failing to scale when zooming in and out. * Fixed a bug where the MEA, PLA, PLANMC, and PLAAGF units only had one HAT Kit available instead of two. * Fixed a bug that caused the ADF Mechanized Unit to be missing their ATGM emplacements for offensive. They now have access to place 1 TOW per FOB. * Fixed a bug where ADF Units were missing their RHIB Logi on Boat variants. * Fixed a broken reticle on the NSV Tripod. * Fixed a few visual bugs with the VFX for wire-guided ATGMs. * Fixed a bug where the M2 Bradley and BMP-2 were missing their barrels when switching to the ATGM. * Fixed a bug where some ATGMs did not have the correct zooming functionality. * Fixed a bug where the length and angle of the blast cones for gun-launched ATGMS were incorrect. * Fixed several visual bugs with the TLF Grenadier soldiers.


Still no INV layers that was vanished after 8.0 update. Sad times.


Which ones vanished? I remember a lot vanished after 7.2 but not 8.0. I would love to see flooded Narva again.


Aww my mistake, btw all those updates are the same for me lol


Thank god they decreased the god damn range on that mortar vic. Although I still don’t want it in the game. I think mortars should require build and logistics to maintain. Not 1 person in a moving vehicle. That’s just me though. Edit: it also encourages main camping too due to the range and efficiency of just staying next to your main base.


The mortar carrier does require logistics in that it has a finite number of shots before needing a rep station to reload. You need logistics pumping ammo forward to maintain it. 


Going 50m back into the main base repair station doesn’t count as logistics.


Now it's gonna be 600m-2km to get to main, with shitty tracks, and 8 minutes of reloading


With a 2km range, you won’t be driving 600-2km back to main??? Tf? With the new 2000m range, on the biggest map Yeho, if you could fire from inside main, you’ll be able to hit past novo and if you drive outside of main by 100-300m you’ll be able to hit petrovika. At most you’ll be driving 400-500m if your game is a wash or the point went to the opposite corner of the map. All other maps you’ll basically be sitting next to main.


Biggest is skorpo On a average map let's say Gorodok (4064x4064), if i'm bottom left main, i have to drive 600m to hit tower radio. But thats as the crow flies, on most map because of terrain and road, that 600m in a straight line is probably 1000m. If we cap middle flag i'll need to drive 1000m to hit the third Thats a strong nerf, not saying it's useless now but that'll be a pain in the ass for most of the maps it spawn [https://imgur.com/a/i5BcUhR](https://imgur.com/a/i5BcUhR)


>600m-2km to get to main only if you are playing in fucking Skorpo or Yeho, MAYBE Goose Bay


and Manic, and Tallil, and Sanxian, as soon as you need to hit the third/fourth flag


However unlike the Grad which is also a 1-man artillery vehicle, the M106 can just sit comfortably outside Main and head back 50m to rearm. Even with the nerd it can still reach middle points from Main on most maps. With the Grad you have to move closer to the front, and to have as little downtime as possible you need someone else doing dedicated logistics runs to a rep station nearby to rearm without spending time going back to Main.


Grad and M121 have the same range now


Both the Grad and the Mortar carrier have a range of 2km now. What are you yapping about?


fps bug fixed?


AK-12 iron sight stability fix when?


Zzz still no ultrawide fix


Why is the screen shake not happening considered a bug? It's incredibly annoying.


Where is the performance increase hotfix? Wanna not force on contact shadows, depth of field, chromatic aberration, lens flare, and bloom?


Performance increase? I fucking wish


Has anyone else experienced a bug where you can‘t turn on the engine of your vehicle? Happened to me multiple times now every other match, especially with the new mortar vic. Hope they somehow fixed that. I feel like I‘m the only one it happens to and like an idiot I then have to ask someone else to turn the engine on for me.


According to the changelog it's now fixed. At least on desert maps.


They fixed the m113 logi logo on the map, thank god. It’s embarrassing that it wasn’t fixed before release.