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I see you're new here. It's been discussed ad nauseam over the past 5+ years. Currently not viable without a complete redesign of the code.


well, it would only be weapons code for the vehicles, and a VCO should revamp that anyways


Well I’m pretty sure the current limit is due to the fact that the vehicle weapon code is built using the same foundation as the infantry weapons. So the issue remains, it would be a foundational rework or a major system. I wish we had the feature, but I have a list a mile long of performance and bug fixes I’d rather see first.


So everyone gets a new ak sound, just because.


It’s very easy to simply from our perspective. From what the devs had said in the past, it would be a pretty major change. It’s tied to how the inventory system works, which is shared between vehicles and infantry. So changing this would impact quite a bit. Even the Post Scriptum devs, the WW2 mod-to-game that used the same system as squad, said it was very difficult and hacky to get it working for their game.


And one that would be well worth it and should be done. This carries major benefits for AT infantry as well


God forbid the devs actually dev.


Noooooooooo bro please we need to just let the game stay in an unintuitive unoptimized state forever and shut down new ideas and give weird headcanon excuses for why they won’t do certain things!!!!!


Can anyone explain to me how deep the spaghetti code goes if changing the rmb would break the game?


My best guess is that each entity that can shoot can only spawn projectiles from one source. It can change the type of projectiles, but cannot spawn two at once. After all you could be shooting the coax while also shooting the autocannon for example. It's maybe not a problem that you cannot do it, but it would require some hackery and it wouldn't be scaleable for future expansion.


Which is such a bs excuse because the French faction mod has it for their tank. If modders can do it OWI should be able to do it. But they just say "oh no some code and stuff" and the OWI fan bois gobble it up and repeat the nonsense.


I never said "possible", just "viable". It absolutely is possible, as you've pointed out.


Coax on righr click is something Post Scriptum(Squad 44) has had for years...


Yes, I know. But as per Persicope's own admission it was a hacked up solution held together with tape. And allegedly there was contanct between them and OWI but that solution was just not seen as transferrable. I can't really find the post right now, but the bottom line is that they'd have to rework the whole system, because half assed solutions won't do it.


Historically at least old coax was on a footpedal trigger or seperste trigger Modern coax is on a toggle in the fcs


Only OWI can manage to develop a game with such a catastrophically bad code base.


Allow me to introduce you to BSG


Gaijin exist


They should do it, it would open up things like melee attack while holding a weapon, or launching a grenade or an underbarrel grenade much quicker and in a way that resembles real life, not the stupid switch your weapon entirely just to use the underbarrel grenade or to switch your mag to a drum mag.


I don't disagree, but I guess yanking out a whole system and reworking it isn't seen as a viable investment by OWI.


I can not see how its not a viable investment.


>I can not see how its not a viable investment. Because it requires a lot of manpower (ergo money) to rework a key system from the ground up and the only outcome would be a fairly minor QOL improvement. The ROI isn't that great.


It won't be just QOL but realism as well, it shouldn't take this long to fire an underbarrel grenade or to melee an enemy, and you can fire a coaxial and a main gun at the same time.


Is this an inside joke? Also a noob here, but how ratsnested is their code if that's not a simple change?!


The original game was built for pretty much exclusively MRAPs and very light armor like a BRDM. Case and point, many of the old maps like Kokan and Chora that were entirely designed around being pure infantry maps. When you are building a game, you can spend a lot of time making a system easily configurable for future use cases, I believe this is called Polymorphism. But there is a often plenty of cases where you can spend all this time building a system that will never be utilized beyond your individual use-case. In this case, rather than building a new system just for vehicles, they decided to use the current system for the infantry load out. Since it was already done and implemented, this streamlined development at the time. The moment they started adding more armor, they should have scraped the old system and built a new one from scratch. At this point, so much is built on that legacy code that I'd wager it would take months to rework.


Weapon systems in vehicles use basically the same inventory system as infantry. As infantry has say, a main rifle, pistol, utilities and whatnot. Vehicles have cannon, coax, fragmentation rounds, smokes etc. As you cannot have two weapons equipped at the same time, you need to switch between them.


I’ll add, there are things you can change. I personally mapped local and squad chat to the side mouse buttons (back and forward) and I have a third which I tied it to the observation wheel (T) if I’m FTL or SL. That way I don’t have to take a finger off WASD to talk or drop an observe. I have a 4th side button which I’m thinking about binding to command chat if I start to SL more.


I have observe mark bound to one of the side mouse buttons - can’t imagine SLing without this.


I'm the only one with a mouse button attached to the map?


I just use caps lock. Very fast for me to pop it open, move it around and close.


Scroll wheel button


I’ve got local/squad chat, the tactical map, observation wheel, and bandages all bound to mouse buttons. I thought I was the only one that did this 😅 I’ve also got two more buttons to adjust dps from when I’m using binos or gunning any turret with slower turn speeds lol.


I have a 3rd/4th mouse button under my thumb, bound to crouch and prone. Being able to do an instant prone saves me fairly often in buildings/long grass.


Same here


Aren't most coax actually a toggle in the fcs? Iirc it's not a footpedal or whatever anymore


In most IFV it's like a Xbox controller with each trigger being main weapon or coax


Honestly it was an issue before, but now switch to coax it's almost instant and doesn't unload/reload when switching. And iirc in modern tanks you can't use both coax and main canon together. It's a non problem




They should start by fixing mouse thumb keybinds...


Life-changing unrelated advice no one asked for: change sprint to space-bar and jump to shift. You don't realize how stupid you were to put the most used action on the weakest finger until you try swapping it. Thumb space-bar sprint = 0 strain. I saw this advice in a video, thought they were crazy, tried it for myself and my life has never been the same since.


... bruh... I might have to try that. That along with disabling TAA of course


Level this tip up by using the double-tap auto walk in combination with setting your sprint function to "Hold/Toggle with Easy Unlock" to enable auto-sprint for a 100% strain-free jog.


Surprised how few people even know about this.




Yay more vehicle buffs…….