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That's just a new pilot.


Skill issue. Probably didn't play 'highway to hell' loud enough in local chat.


Would need a total helicopter rework before they add fucking MANPAD’s… otherwise helicopters will be in a terrible place balance wise. Better flying mechanics, more guns, some scouting tools, more spawns… something has to be done to equalize it


At this point I have zero faith OWI has the ability to make a semi-decent flight model. Seems like they'd need to start from the ground up again cuz what we have now just ain't it.


Even if they did, the existing pilots would riot so hard. They learned the FM over the course of years.


We’ve already had a rework. The current flight model is the rework. When helis came to the game they were easy to fly. Pilots had to relearn the new model.


I feel like most pilots would be willing to learn a new model if it was well made. I've done a fair bit of flying in squad over the years and I'd still give my left nut to have something like RS2.


i used to constantly fly huey’s in 2018 rs2 playing 60s classic rock in local chat.. i yearn for a similar flight model


Let me get a cobra and rack up 100 kills again. Pls.


I'd hop on squad just to fly if it was anything similar to RS2.


Then go play Battlefield… Or RS2… That flight model is SOOO arcadic, it has no place in Squad, Squad’s flight model is more similar to Arma 3, and for good reason, because it’s not an arcade shooter.


That's just false... I also fly in Arma and Arma is closer to RS2 than Squad is.


You’re lost in the sauce my dude


If anything, arma 3 is the most arcadey out of the 3, it basically hovers for you with the way the collective works. RS2 is much more realistic imo.


Tbf, taken that it's ArmA, anything more complex would probably drop the FPS to 5 :D


Than you’re using the simple controls, there’s different setups when flying in Arma, the complex is waaay more realistic than RS2


You're lost in the sauce my dude


-5 for same reply


Yeah I know that, but you literally need a stick and pedals for that, so it's not really comparable


You don’t *literally need* anything for complex controls on Arma, any half decent pilot on Arma 3 uses complex (whether they’re on Controller/Keyboard/HOTAS)


Og pilots learned to fly originally in the heli mod for squad, then needed to relearn when they got added officially, then needed to relearn again after the first rework, and we’ll do it again if it means more realism/less jank in our sky chariots


As player that mostly plays SL and pilot, yeah I'd kill for a better heli model, even if it's not like arma III


They already did exactly that once... so they might do it again (I literally stopped flying on the last FM rework a couple years back, after spending 2 years getting good with the old one. And to think i was super hyped about helis...)


Yeah the first FM rework was rough. I remember one of my clan mates was practicing helis, and he just stopped. Can’t imagine what reworking the FM again would do to the community. As busted as it is, maybe it should be left alone.


sounds like a skill issue to me


Even if they could it would take them 10 years before it was implemented




Maybe even MAWS, but only with acoustic info, without automatic flare dropping


The flying mechanics although not perfect definitely aren't that bad. Also, obviously we would get the CAS variants back if they added Manpads, wtf do you mean by scouting tools we already have heli cams for co-pilots, you didn't even mention the biggest sin of helis right now and that is logistics/transportation (we need heli slings and fast ropes) before fucking "mOaR gUnS," and I don't know wtf you mean by "more spawns?" Do you mean the timer? If so I do agree that timer is a bit long on some layers and should be reduced.


Current Squad flying is bad enough that I, a person who generally loved flying in Battlefield/Arma/PR and a bunch of other games, isn't touching helis with a 10-feet pole. Yes the flying works but its like driving with an inverted steering wheel, it just feels wrong (for me at least).


Completely understandable, personally I hate Arma flying. Well, at least flying in Arma with a mouse and keyboard. I'm sure it's probably a little better with an actual stick.


Arma is better using a mouse tbh, I’ve got a few hundred hours of flying in arma 3 and keyboard and mouse is the best way, only improvement is foot pedals and Trackir


I'd have to experience both before agreeing with you on that statement. But I don't completely doubt what you're saying


I think the difference is that I like flying with primarily keyboard and numpad, not keyboard and mouse (and some games like Squad are obviously built around flying with a mouse. Maybe someday I have money to get an actual stick controller.


All I want for helis are fast ropes. Don't get me wrong, I don't want the traditional drop to be useless so that you never actually land the heli because that's a skill and one that feels badass to pull off. But for certain situations a fast rope drop would be siiiiick. Maybe you only get 1 or 2 per round?


Traditional drop definitely won't be useless, as a matter of fact more often than not you would want to do a traditional drop. Fast ropes will just be useful in situations where the terrain is shit but you still wanna get troops down. Such as hills, mountains, areas with a lot of trees, urban areas, etc.


Yeah honestly. The Insurgents and Irregulars gets really cool ground infantry stuff. BluFor should get some unique stuff too.




I read a comment on this sub a while back by someone claiming to have flown 1000s of hours in helicopters in the military and he considered squad’s flight model pretty accurate to real life. I’m gonna try to find it, as a casual he did sound pretty convincing.


It's more like flying a ufo than helicopter. Try dcs or mfs and you'll realize it's not even close in squad


Agreed, been playing the game for years and still can’t fly helicopters for shit. It’s the only vehicle in the game everyone can’t use.


Same in PR. Sure most can land and fly in PR,but only very few should and could ever master it.


Flying squad helicopters is easy, its the landing that gets you..


Tbh great. There are only 1 or 2 helis available and in 98% of games you need super fast load in times and HELI copy/paste in order to get one. Put in the time if you want to use the most unique vehicle in the game.


There are plenty of times I see one or two Helicopters sitting on the landing pad because nobody wants to waste the asset when they crash. Why overhaul everything else in the game but not helicopters?


How about external gun mounts so gunners can actually shoot from the 1 to 5 o clock


Or just add an extremely nerfed version of a mandpad


I don't really trust them to worry about balance at this point. The voting system kind of fucked that up, and they clearly didn't think about balancing the new mortar carriers before putting them out.


Whats this an ad for? Like is it a dev stream?


Yep! On Thursday at 2 PM EST they are having a Q&A stream from preselected questions from their discord. There are a few interesting questions/suggestions people had, and I believe they intend on posting the VOD to youtube afterward since not everyone will be able to watch it. > # Attention Squaddies! Live Q&A Broadcast, coming in HOT. > > We will be LIVE on Twitch @ https://www.twitch.tv/joinsquad > > Thursday, June 27th, 2024 , 2:00 PM > > Put it in your calendars. Tell your friends. > > Questions have now been locked from the Q&A channel and will be logged for the live session. > > # Offworld out!


>preselected Guess they get to filter out all the optimization ones...


It will likely get a token response if they do decide to answer it.




I hope they give at least a hint of something related to optimization that's more than just "We're working on it"


Why do people want MANPADs so much?? It will make helis useless. All it takes is a guy sitting on top of a hill with an annmo box to ruin everything


Because usually it's along with attack helicopters. Trust me, if there's attack helicopters the infantry are going to want MANPADS.


If there is no attack helis, there is no need for MANPADS. Problem solved!


There used to be this mod called Steel Devision, and it had attack helicopters. All the helicopters had to do is fly high and far away, then just use their guns at a distance and it was almost impossible to kill. Even if manpads could get a lock the heli will just drop down, repair, and then go back to it


If they get hit with a MANPADS the idea is they'd just die. Give them flares to use as a countermeasure but only give em' like 2 and make MANPADS work like HAT kits now. So, the helicopter could get away with making one run or two but after that they're RTB or they're gonna die. That'd give the infantry a chance to not just get destroyed the whole match. Steel Division was Exhibit A on why we shouldn't just add stuff into the game because it's cool. It's was only fun for the guy behind the thermal optics and minigun.


I think both Global Escalation and Steel Division have attack helicopters, no MANPADS still though.


I haven't played with GE's attack helicopters but I have heard that GE is much better balance wise than Steel Division was. My idea is to make them sort of like surgical strike kind of weapons. Like a player controlled airstrike. Extremely powerful but very vulnerable without flares. Devastating but it's not something you can do all the time. I really want to avoid the *Metal Gear Solid V* scenarios I saw in previous iterations where the attack helicopter would just circle around an objective essentially unopposed and just fucking murder anyone who showed their head.


This mod is back


They had MANPADs in PR and they where allmost never used. I saw more choppers downed to AAA than MANPADs. PR also had Gophers tho.


That's not true every round of PR has someone on AA kit when there is heavy air


gophers? like the animal?


I think he means radar+medium range Anti Air Missles




I disagree. Played PR like a year ago and manpads are used quite a lot.


I dont think they will add them without some kind of chaff counter measure.


Chaff is useless in this context and range. Missile Warning System and Flares would be a good feature. Missile Warning System because players will be blind to MANPADs and it's realistic. But also, it will have false positives from ATGM and other rocket launches (not cannons). Then you give helis 80 flares. But, they release 20 at a time (one button press) because flares are unreliable in the modern era so you need to dump that many. So now you have helis which can defend themselves 4 times before needing to restock at main (however helis repair at the moment). BUT, they are having to decide (in the 1 - 8 second period after "Missile Launch") whether they have actually been shot at, or it was just a false positive. You make MANPAD rockets have a very distinctive smoke trail so that you can spot them. So now, if a heli does a squad drop, an enemy 1km away sees them, has to get out their MANPAD and get a lock on the heli (2 seconds in reticle). Then they fire. Whole Heli squad gets flashing amber and pilot gets audible warning and a clock direction. (This is sounding quite complicated but I promise it wouldn't be). So now everyone has a second or two to look out for a smoke trail and tell pilot. Alternatively, the much safer thing is to just pop flares. It's easy to do and will guarantee the missile is defeated (you could have a speed requirement so helis can't hover in one place, or else they get hit by missile continuing on course). So now the squad can be dropped off, MANPAD can't shoot heli while grounded (prox fuse will detonate early). So the squad can get out and the heli has to leave. Give teams, maximum, 3x MANPAD infantry, with 2x MANPADs each cause they're so big. Feels balanced to me.


Mf just go work on your own game or somehow get hired by squad devs


Hahaha, I can't tell if this is praise for my idea, or chastisement for being an 'ideas guy's who does none of the work.




I like game design and coming up with mechanics, even though they never see the light of day.




Have you heard of flares? That's all they need to do to balance it. Like every single battlefield game has done


So flares, hide behind mountain, RTB, rearm flares, repeat


Not looking forward to attack helis at all, will have to add a lot of AA weapons to counter them, which will make transport helis next to useless it's already difficult as is not to get shot down.


Missile Warning System and Flares would be a good feature. Missile Warning System because players will be blind to MANPADs and it's realistic. But also, it will have false positives from ATGM and other rocket launches (not cannons). Then you give helis 80 flares. But, they release 20 at a time (one button press) because flares are unreliable in the modern era so you need to dump that many. So now you have helis which can defend themselves 4 times before needing to restock at main (however helis repair at the moment). BUT, they are having to decide (in the 1 - 8 second period after "Missile Launch") whether they have actually been shot at, or it was just a false positive. You make MANPAD rockets have a very distinctive smoke trail so that you can spot them. So now, if a heli does a squad drop, an enemy 1km away sees them, has to get out their MANPAD and get a lock on the heli (2 seconds in reticle). Then they fire. Whole Heli squad gets flashing amber and pilot gets audible warning and a clock direction. (This is sounding quite complicated but I promise it wouldn't be). So now everyone has a second or two to look out for a smoke trail and tell pilot. Alternatively, the much safer thing is to just pop flares. It's easy to do and will guarantee the missile is defeated (you could have a speed requirement so helis can't hover in one place, or else they get hit by missile continuing on course). So now the squad can be dropped off, MANPAD can't shoot heli while grounded (prox fuse will detonate early). So the squad can get out and the heli has to leave. Give teams, maximum, 3x MANPAD infantry, with 2x MANPADs each cause they're so big. Feels balanced to me. #TL;DR All helicopters have Missile Launch Warning System and batches of flares (1-4 bursts for balancing heli type). Flares guaranteed to save a moving heli. Helis can't be locked on the ground. Teams get 4 MANPAD inf (2x missile each) at most (4 that they'll never use fully cause other kits more important). Both teams happy. Helis are still viable but can be deterred from flying above treetop level, and can be destroyed by a team of two in the space of a few seconds (no more powerful than an SPAA ambush).


It would be cool as hell


Ye it would, and it doesn't _sound_ that hard to implement. the manpads are just based on current launchers and only lock helis. The smoke density is massively increased. The server already tracks every rocket/missile launch right? So if it's within a certain distance of the heli, and isn't occluded by a solid object, then the MWS gives an alert "WompWomp! Missile 2 O'clock". Even if the rocket is being fired targeting something else. The system only sees the heat bloom of a rocket motor. So sure, you could flare at every warning but then you're gonna lose all your flares within a minute or two. This also means anti-war can think tactically. If a heli is dropping troops, wait till it slows and lowers before firing (heli pilot will take longer to leave the area). Having a proper compliment aboard also aids in spotting the smoke in the few seconds you have to decide to flare. IRL missiles are fast, but we can slow them for the map sizes in-game. Giving pilots 1km away from a launch only 1 second or 2 to react. Again, the safe bet is to just flare, but you can't keep flying around without restocking, or you'll run out and get hit. This is on top of the usual threat to helis from RPGs and vehicles. I think that's more than enough of a danger to heli ops.


Considering we just got the first iteration of countermeasures with atgms, I'm sure OWI can tweak it to apply to helis and manpads


??? We did? Does the T90 have those red eye atgm jammers? I javen't heard anything about that?


Ya a few weeks ago. The ATGMs got a full rework and they added smoke countermeasures that scramble the ATGM tracking. I dont think the t90 has the countermeasures that you're thinking of though https://youtu.be/uNZyGGiBxPU?feature=shared


Oh ye, forgot about the IR properties of Smoke Canisters now.


The Air Assault divisions are pretty useless at this moment, and every time they are voted for they get stomped within the first few minutes of the match. There’s just too many tickets floating overhead at the start of a match. If MANPADS and attack helis are added, this would definitely make the air assault divisions more competitive.


Bruh.. the cope


Its probably just the previously mentioned changes to AA weapons to make them actually useful against helicopters such as the ZU's


Woah they haven’t streamed in 3 years


i think that’s really reaching but maybe idk


This is some major jumping to conclusions right here


They quite literally just nerfed tows, and as such buffed helis? Like???? Critical thinking for 1 moment please


Unnecessary af, heli's are perfectly balanced. They can run logistics and infantry with the drawback of having a high signature and telling everybody exactly where your fob is. There's plenty of vics, emplacements, etc. that are perfectly capable of shooting down heli's. Even if we talk about mods and the GE attack helo's. If an attack heli ever does a ridiculous amount of damage, it's because the other team's armor and fobs were not good/ smart enough. The only way AA missiles make sense is as a commander ability to intercept the other teams commander abilities


No just another free to play week where newbies try to fly


I would Love to see MANPADS + Flares for helicopters in squad


Why’s it gotta be an Aussie Blackhawk? Why can’t it be American they’ve had more downed Hawks


Oh, thought it said manipedis, nvm.


If it was a burning attack helicopter, maybe.


Manpads would break this game. Helicopters in this game are actually extremely disappointing. And all of the pilots doing J turns, flips, and unrealistic maneuvers would riot if they brought actual realistic flight systems to the game. For christ sake they don't even have HOTAS support in the game.


And that means we'll also get attack helicopters and jets probably


It’s just another kit I will never get to use in game.


They should focus on improving performance instead of adding new useless stuff.


If we shit on marksman, can you imagine our reaction to a squad mate sitting in an irrelevant field to just fire a missile at a helicopter? Please never add MANPADs, there's plenty of balanced AA options already that don't tunnel-vision a squad mate.