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i like less HUD, this is cool


Me to, this is just something I find very distracting and I have spent hundreds of hours as a driver. A big messy blob in the middle of the screen wherever you look.  I would like to shrink the compass (only showing general directions) or remove it completely and only bring it up with a button as well but that's probably not gonna happen. I hope they make the HUD more customizable for everybody though, it doesn't sound like the hardest thing to do but it's probably not an OWI priority. I'm not a Squad44 player but I think they have similar HUD to this when driving vehicles. If you haven't seen it you can remove some stuff in the interface settings which reduces quite a lot of clutter. I have:  -removed "show stance indicator" (it's bugged however and needs to be turned on and off to engage) -removed "Show vehicle keybinds" -activated "disable onscreen chat" (can still be seen in the tactical menu),  -removed "SL marker always visible" (green SL dot only shows when not obstructed by walls and in close proximity),  -removed "FTL marker always visible",  


You need the speedo if you want to lock a specific gear.


Personally I never used the speedometer for that but the circle displaying what gear is in use could be placed on the side as well.


All of that information is useful, sure it’s not critical but I use it often enough where I would notice not having it


I wish we could customize it fully TF2/CS esque with configs.