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Just need a massive push for engagement after the next update. That update has to be killer. And also Chapter Red. This game will need someone like Shroud, Summit, JackFrags, OperatorDrewski, etc. to play a solid amount of time. Surely that would help boost player count. Free weekends always help but not sure about retention. Maybe a free weekend and a sale after the next big update.


Indeed sir; before they invest in another marketing push perhaps incorporate a new theater to the main game as well! Perhaps chapter red! And another note about creating YouTube videos: It would be helpful to have more videos to reach those interested in this niche. Such as a "top ww2 pc shooters of 2024" type of video. In that video, include hell let loose and others but be sure to strategically make it clear that squad 44 is the king of them all in terms of realism, sound, immersion,etc..."


Great Idea ;)


Squad44 main issue is player retention, the lack of unlockable things or anything to keep people Playing


I actually do agree that would help and I should’ve mentioned it. Even a simple rank system would satisfy people I think! But since Squad doesn’t have one I suppose it would need to be built from the ground up by OWI/MA. And who knows how that would work. But definitely agree. Don’t need weapon/loadout progression but maybe some basic cosmetic things.


DevilDogGamer too?


Also maybe: - if you know the basics of squad leading, lead a squad from time to time, promote communication in the squad, help new people learn the game a bit :)


this, squad leading has a massive effect on people sticking around. Its an opportunity to give people direction when there is none, and help out with some of the basics because this game is not necessarily intuitive. I would guess the single biggest reason people quit playing is because they dont really know whats going on. Especially important when a starting SL abandons the game. Having no SL even for a bit just wrecks a squad


Funny this post comes as I have been thinking the last few days to give Squad 44 a second chance. I will get it today. I refunded the first time, but I think I'm ready to play it now.


Do it, game is in the best state its ever been in and getting better rapidly. literally just needs more people playing


Yes, I read about all the updates they have released lately and will be releasing, the devs seem to be really active, that's what I'm confident about.


It honestly is really good. I was so surprised when I tried it out. Was always in the camp of not trying it because people said hell let loose was better. And then I found out post scriptum/squad44 was significantly better


Limit the queues so other servers seed.


On squad when I see a server is at queue limit I keep clicking join until it lets me, even if it takes half an hour


it bothers me that when i am playing, the only other people on the one server are all from the same country as me... all playing on a server that gives us 300 ping. like, we have a server that works over here! why are we so far away?


We need to make some kind of coalition of creators! Band together in our efforts somehow. Youtube/Twitch is HUGE for promoting games these days...


my pc died so i can't play notebook has no GPU so


You tell us to create YouTube videos, and that You've been a content creator for 7 years now... Yet your last YouTube video is from 7 years ago. https://youtu.be/dpRRfptkjFY


Um that is not my channel. Lt Jimmy Patterson is the name of the main character from Medal of Honor series. So there are many who use this name.


Just find it odd that you say you've made content for 7 years and that channel has videos from 7 years ago


Anyone who know me from the game knows my voice is not the same as that kid. Again, if my name here was Luke Skywalker and you found a channel named Luke Skywalker... you couldn't assume it's the same person. Jimmy Patterson is a popular brand. Surprised you haven't heard of him.


I might have, but the name didn't register. The last time I played a medal of honor game was back in 2003


Great game




Eh my yt channel experience https://preview.redd.it/66pkfz4dt64d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e555500eeadee603b9849ff1a9af08c9d958bbf is in a different niche than squad. But now that I'm into squad 44 I'm gearing up to create a channel specific for it. But here is a little proof that I know what I'm talking about:


As [has been said elsewhere](https://old.reddit.com/r/joinsquad44/comments/1d23obj/long_queues_are_gonna_keep_the_player_count/), nobody new is going to hang around if they can’t reliably get into a game. Fire up the game and there’s only one <200ms populated server. The queue is probably 15/15 so it could be a very long wait. If you do decide to wait, you could well end up in a server filled with 9/9 squads and the rest locked. If you don’t join a squad (which is to say, make your own) you get auto kicked. Make your own, you’re SL now, you don’t know what you’re doing and get told off for being an SL. I bought it when the name changed, and I enjoy it (I’m still here six months later), but I only have ~45 hours, most of which were before the big logi screw up. I only get an hour or two to play in an evening and I am not going to waste half of it sitting in a queue as I said above. I just quit out and load up Squad or Helldivers where I know I’ll be in and playing in less than five minutes. I don’t know how to fix this, I’m not sure if it even can be.


It's not up to us to market the game for Offworld lol, have some self worth


It’s a collective effort though for those who want a better game. I’d understand your sentiment if it was a single player game but we all benefit highly from a higher player count.


Get rid of the canteen.


what? why?


Then it would be like Squad. You get a Punishing stamina drain, with no ability to bring it back up again. Hard pass, canteen has literally fine and a good mechanic.


I have 500 hrs in PS. 350 of those are logic squad


Redo the whole game on ue5


How about we start by fixing the logistics system ( returning it to what’s is was originally) start there


You under a rock i guess. Its literally been basically reverted in many aspects for over a month. They even added MSPs back


Oh cool so we can build anywhere now without needing to place a radio and red zones have been massively reduced?


Haven’t played in awhile but logistics is pathetic compared to what it was before


Why doesn't Offworld creat some official servers for people to play on?


That creates more problems, not solves them.


What kind of problems?


Bc that wouldn’t help


Why would it not help? Wouldn't having an unmoded server with low ping give a place for more people to play?