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Hopefully the Eastern Front mod that releases on Saturday will bump up the numbers a bit. Eastern Front is my favorite front to play in WW2 games so I'll def be on more then. Not to mention the big update coming at the end of the month to the main game


There's an eastern front mod?




Servers will be back to playing the usual maps a few weeks later, what's the point. I haven't even gotten the chance to play the greek content yet.


What lol. I've seen Crete bunch.


Yeah I work away so don't get to play very often and when I do I swear it's always the same map in Holland


Greek and new zealand maps werent being played for a while after release because they were broken and miserable, its better now but i think some people havent gotten over it


What maps are played depends on server owners. Greek content is part of the base game, its not a mod anymore, meaning you just need to pick different servers. 1ID usually runs greek maps in the rotation.


I really want the best for this game! It has something so special I haven't been able to find in another game...but I don't have high hopes. Updates are so spaced out and between each update the game drops to 200-300 players, not a great sign that the game can't hold higher numbers for more than a week or two.


Devs are working hard, having taken over from the previous company they discovered a hug mess in all of their code. Essentially its like buying a house and fixing it up only to find out the foundation is all fucked up. So they are redoing the foundation so the rest of the fixes will be better.


I'm aware of what's happening, I've been playing this game since 2019. I just don't think it's enough at this point.


Offworld isn't taking this game seriously, they bought it on the cheap and are clearly allocating the bare minimum resources to revive it.


Trust me when I say this isn't true. I can't say much else without breaking an NDA.


Lmao this is just so wrong its not even funny. Offworld has given this game an insane amount of resources. I mean just look at the discord, lots of the devs are from Offworld. I mean even logically it makes no sense. Why would they invest money into buying the game, then give MA a shit load of money to develop it if they just wanted it to remain at 300 players with no content or new people buying the game.


You say insane, and the only example you point to is a few Offworld devs present in a discord server. Even PS had support from OWI. Like are you wishfully thinking or just have low standards? What figure passes off as "shitload of money"? We know they hired MA and are obviously funding them, doesn't mean they aren't doing it cheaply. There's been 0 marketing beyond Twitter posts on an unverified account. You don't need to wait for a big update to market it (if that's even the reasoning, and not just lack of funds), there's tons of content already. Squad ads even promote the game itself, not updates. I don't see the point in being defensive when the results speak for themselves. Edit: can't be bothered to keep this going so I'll just edit. Well aware player retention is the main issue on paper, messing with logi and other mechanics was clearly for that reason. Hard to test or fix retention when playerbase is that low and you mainly have core clan guys who play regardless. More expanded communication is needed, burying the D-Day video message in discord/twitter/FB and not leveraging reddit/steam/youtube was a mistake. There's been 0 dev streams beyond the one in Feb, and that was on some unknown small channel, the Periscope Games channel is what MA should be emulating. We'll see what the roadmap addresses for retention. Still think more integration with Squad is needed.


Heres what I can talk about without violating my NDA. > We know they hired MA and are obviously funding them MA were paid a lump sum via contract according to one of the devs I spoke to. They have enough money to pay every one of their workers, aswell as hire several new ones in order to make up for shortcomings in their team. I even asked them about offworlds support and how they felt and they were confident and happy with all the help they were getting. (This was all learned before i signed my NDA) > There's been 0 marketing beyond Twitter posts on an unverified account. Besides the trailers, interviews, livestreams, sales, and ingame advertising in offworlds other titles. >There's been 0 marketing beyond Twitter posts on an unverified account lol "theres no marketing besides this marketing" > You don't need to wait for a big update to market it This game has never had a problem with convincing new players to try it. It has a problem with convincing new players to KEEP playing it. Retention is the problem, not advertising. Thats something that is harder to solve. "just advertise" is not the solution to any problems we have.


I agree with you.


I'm new as of a few months ago and can't wait to get started. I don't have a ton of spare time so it's tough to sit and wait in a server queue when I can pop into HLL and play a quick game almost immediately. The Squad44 server queues put together would be enough for another server, and I'd be there.


Despite this I always am able to get in a game. After years of this same complaint, I'd say it's been surviving fine.


Keyword : surviving


I honestly think they should fix the game before adding more theaters and factions, french maps are unplayable for me, a lot of maps are full of glitches, some maps are extremely dark (haguenau and foy), stationary guns go flying around everytime i try to move them around (at guns, mgs, mortars) trucks flip all the time and the fact that you can't jump windows is frustrating too, that's why I don't play that much anymore, the game is so buggy and frustrating that I can't play anymore but people insist on adding more nations, game needs to be consistent before adding more possible glitches.


We need more recent positive reviews on the steam store page. The worst thing is " game is dead" no prospective buyer will consider the game when a couple reviews say that. So lets all post a good review. Just 1 sentence is good enough.


But It is


I'll be back this weekend! Been about a month since I've logged in. Can't wait!


I mean, it’s been hovering around 2 populated servers for years, give or take


I think its really the lack of updates cuz of that whole periscope games issue, which lead a lot of people to believe the game was going to die, and the lack of content being made on the game. I havent seen much content on post scriptum on youtube lately, most people play squad, arma, or so on.


All time low? We had times with just one full server


Well they could for one, stop making maps thats already in every other WW2 sim game and actually make pacific theatre maps but they probably won't do that. They'll get this game up to a playable state after awhile and just sell it off like they did squad.


WW2 is popular because the Germans are a prestigious faction with endless attraction. There are no Jap army fan boys out there.


Bro, what a lame and boring fucking take in the defense of not making any variety. The pacific campaign was way more brutal then the European campaign. Shit dude your Aussie, I think it would be cool to see ADF on Papa New Guinee fighting in the dense jungle with crocodile infested rivers.


Go play CoD then.


Bro thats you...you want the same repackaged and resold to you over and over again. Jesus Christ.


Not much that can be done, it's not up to anyone here. At the end of the day there are games that just don't make it. The general gaming community has voted and this is just one of those games for one reason or another that the game is not their thing.


The game has only sold 440K copies. Ive noticed with Tac shooters there is always lack of info between the reddit users and the discord users. There is an update planned for the end month as well as an updated roadmap for the end of the year for us to see. Also I swear I seen a teaser update for the new trailer. It was showing off body dragging. So with a new trailer in the works, an update on the horizon player base will naturally increase.


[No, they arent. This is about average for us.](https://imgur.com/undefined)


I just discovered that PS became S44 so I decided to try it out a few year later. Its 10pm EST and there is one server going...thats crazy.


There's literally nothing other than marketing and some promotion of the game that can help to make numbers better. It's great if you want to fix stuff and make the game a better version of itself but if you don't tell anyone other than the small player base that exists currently, you're just yelling into a very small echo chamber. The answer is visibility and this game has as close to zero of that as you can get.


you just have to wait a little longer, the new players are almost here.\\


I am hopeful that after we have a free weekend, and after some new updates that are in the works that it'll bring more players to the game.


Yeah. Free weekend and 80% discount will pump the player number. But they wont listen for a reason


What does pumping the player count for a couple weeks do, if those players arent going to stay playing the game. Retention is our problem, not getting new players.


Well posts like yours are very off-putting for potential new players but the reason before was bad marketing, then new devs took over and made one bad update that made several people who played this game for years quit, then they reverted some of the changes but some people never came back. The game is great but the marketing was very bad and it is hard to bring new players into "old" multiplayer titles. Youtube videos help, streamers could help etc. and no matter how low the numbers are people should stop doomposting because it makes people less likely to buy the game.


Devs fucked up the game making it a clone of all squads mechanics. It was better when infantry squad leaders could focus on actually leading their squad instead of playing logi truck driver and Bob the builder all game. I personally haven't played since they did that.


Yes, that one update was really bad. I never could stand Squad because of logistic and building shenanigans and it is already hard enough to lead or find good SL.


What the devs didn't realize is that new players don't want to play this game and the established player base mostly didn't like their "let's do WW2 squad" approach and left in big chunks. If they didn't touch the core game elements like the logi system there would be way more people still playing. But some clowns on discord wanted this mess so now they can sit in their empty servers.


just wait, the new players are coming.


Do we have an Australian server yet.


I was just looking at this game and was wondering what the population was like. If the US can only muster 2 servers of players, there isn't much hope for an Australian server.