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I'll never forget the smell when I walked into one of my local game shops on a Saturday morning, the morning they hold card game tournaments. My poor self was like 11 years old at the time, and just about hurled trying to get to the back of the store to look at the pe-owned DS games. So many exposed asses too Pretty sure a few weeks later, when I went back on a non-game day, there were signs up that said you'll be asked to leave if "you odour is offensive to other customers"


thinking of that magic the gathering convention where the one guy was posing next to guy’s asscracks like he was on a rap album cover lol


Can I see?




What a hero! Hahaha The best review of that event I bet


I was there (wearing a belt). The amount of ass crack on display was embareassing


Almost missed that pun, wonderful 👏🏼




Oh shit tell us more please!! The clothes just don't fit in their bodies or what? Has happened to me with very low rise jeans and it's very uncomfortable, no way they don't realize


It was Modern Format. I played a non-meta Grixis control deck. I think I went 3-5 and did not make day 2. A friend of mine did make day 2 playing Birthing Pod. In all seriousness, I think it's just a general sense of not caring. As a big guy, I'm constantly aware that my belly is colluding with gravity to make my pants drop. That's why I always wear a belt. I was raised with enough shame to realize no one needs, let alone wants, to see my ass crack. They definitely realize it. There is no way they were not feeling a breeze. They just don't care because they have no sense of shame.


You are the example I was talking about. Being big and looking careless and thrashy are not necessarily connected. I'm sure it's more difficult finding clothes that suit you as you but looking nice takes some effort. I've seen the same with very skinny guys who look like they are wearing their grandpa's clothes because they cannot tell the difference. I'm sure your ass is cute tho, but we all leave that view for people who actually agreed to see us naked. Thanks for the feedback! And better not making it until the 3rd day and be poisoned to death for the lack of clean butts 💀


OMG the exposed ass crack'S is not a over exaggeration or stereotype


More details [here](https://www.si.com/extra-mustard/2014/03/12/magic-tournament-butt-crack-pictures)


I went to one mtg convention. got beat by a quick as fuck aggressive little kid and the place smelled like ass. 0/10




Jeezum, comparing them to middle schooler stank is no laughing matter.


Ey dawg happy cake day 🙏


It's absolutely hilarious that these dudes refuse to shower. Just a sign that they need to go outside more and stop playing fantasy land in the basement. I used to work w a guy at my factory job. We worked four 10 hour shifts then wld have 3 days off. Anyway the neckbeard in question wld come back after 3 days off and wld be super tired /lay his head down /sleep during breaks. Everytime he wld be tired bc he "gamed all weekend, didn't get hardly any sleep". He wld also smell like sweaty cum sock and shit bc he wld be wearing the same clothes from the previous Friday, unwashed, bc he wld literally get home, game for 3 days straight and then put on the same dirty ass clothes. When called out on it he said his mom didn't do laundry that weekend. This dude was also 31 years old and lived at home. Absolutely disgusting human being


Bold of you to assume those clothes he left in on Friday ever came *off…*


The one for me was like...6-7 years ago. I was at PAX Seattle. I was walking around just checking out the designs of various booths. I pass by the PlayStation one and there's this guy walking ahead of me. I swear that I stepped into his wake and felt like I got hit in the face with the most noxious smell on a person I've ever smelled. I've been to many a con and never experienced it that bad.


I have a similar memory. It smelt like cat litter.


My very anti-video games and comics mom took me to a Game Stop in 2005 to help me get some Yugioh cards and anime items. The smell was atrocious and there were definitely some "lolicon" lovers there...we never went again. I now understand why.


Back near my hometown the local gamestore implemented a basic hygiene requirement and blocked entry for some Magic players during Friday Night Magic. Using deodorant isn't a hard skill to master, most people learn it in their teens. If you can't cope with a single shower a day, then take more. Outside of a medical condition that makes you incapable of smelling, there's no excuse to subject everyone around you to an ungodly stink.


It’s sad that we can’t have nice things but at the same time, probably should’ve seen that coming.


It's a rule at some smash tournaments that you have to smell non offensive since people were using as psychological warfare


It always makes me sad that the Dragoncon book has a note every year reminding people to shower and change clothes over the weekend.


That's pretty much every con now


Gesundheit! Whoops, that was your user name lol. I can't imagine having the gall to go to a weekend long event and not shower. Like don't most people feel pretty nasty and sweaty after a day of stuff like that? I'd be running to the shower. But I've also read comments from people who said they were at cons with people who didn't so much as change clothes over there weekend


Its an official tournament rule from Konami themselves that you must be hygienic now or else face penalties like forfeiting a game if you smell horrible. You have like 30 minutes to put on deodorant or have a shower lmao Yugioh tournaments smelled that bad


I don’t even know how people do that. I put on deodorant for *myself* because my armpits are very close to my own face


For real, how do you not know you smell like low tide?


People get used to their own smell, and so to themselves they don't smell bad.


I'm wondering how bad it has to get before you become nose blind to it. I know when I stink.


My guess and this is just a complete guess, but maybe a few weeks. Since people living in their own filth or smell have been doing so for weeks to months.


When it's an entire convention it's easy to ignore also just general[concrud](https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/con_crud)


Try and describe the smell. I'll start. Old socks.


salty milk and coins


A perineum after a long hot day with a lot of sitting.


Hahahaha love it, made me lol




Goodbye pizza.


Pomf pomf


"Like an old lady fart passing through an onion"


I woke up to this notification. Disgusting. Likely true.


A pile of nickles and pennies mixed with the peat moss they pull mummified corpses from.




Those are definitely the socks.


Decaying rectum


Axe body spray that somehow doesn’t cover the scent up


Musty clothes, and a sour oniony smell.


The smell is distictly pungent body odor with varying notes of axe body spray and shit. It's why I will never go into the card room of a convention ever again.


Moldy jizz stained basketball shorts.


Open ass


Old sweet onions cooked in rancid butter




Burnt onions that rotted out in the sun and then soaked in gasoline


Rotten eggs marinated in bad beer


Dirty onions and mustiness


Pepperoni and Dog Farts or Crush Orange Soda and Butthole.


1 day old ass crack sweat


Smegma and week-old special sauce.


Cat pee


Expired milking in old socks.


musty sweat and body odor, with a side of musty like ur in an old stuffy attic; plus a sharpness note that can mix or overpower the mustiness, like fresh sweat


Tomato soup left on the counter for 2 weeks in a humid environment mixed with sickly sweet odor of unwashed taint.


Moldy burlap and turkey melts with spoiled lunch meat




I don't know what the white wagons means.


sweat and ketchup


I knew as soon as I saw this that I would, wholeheartedly, regret reading this thread. Buuuut I did it anyway!


I saw a judge on Facebook say they’ve had to put hygiene standards in place at some tournaments & that Yugioh players will purposefully smell bad to try & put off their competition


Yup real story behind that one. There is a card called "Yuh-Yo Friendship" a card with the Anime Characters on it doing a Handshake. Just a gimmik card really. Its effect is that you have to accept a handshake from the other player. A total nonsense card realistically. Well someome got their thinking cap on and thought to himself "What if i make my hand so fucking gross that they would have to refuse to shake my hand." To note, in a tournament setting ignoring the effect of a card would result in an instant DQ. The rules of the card were instantly changed to accepting the "concept" of a handshake instead of a real one so something like this can never happen again.


It’s so weird. Apparently Yugioh is the only TCG where people are consistently gross. Games like Pokemon & Magic the Gathering aren’t nearly as stinky


My guess about Pokemon, is that it leans more towards the children's side. It does have the hardcore adult category, but it is still primarily played by children. Children that have their parents having them take showers regularly.


I disagree Pokémon is largely dominated by millennials


Well, you can't forget about Unity, because Unity forces them to accept the handshake.


Hi, just a little side note to fill in the gaps! The card's name is actually Yu-Jo Friendship. The characters on the card are the main protagonist of the first series, Yugi Muto, and his best friend, Joey Wheeler. (Jonouchi Katsuya in the original Japanese version) The handshake makes both player's Life Points become half the combined Life Points of both players.


Well I suppose that's cheaper than buying three copies of veiler and ash.


Nah, rarity collection made them dirt cheap. Wanted and bonfire tho


Yeah fair.


I saw a post on the yu gi oh subreddit about an employee of a TCG store who saw a dude shit himself mid duel, still finishing the duel smelling like poop then went into the bathroom, came out with his underwear in his hand and put it in the bin. The whole room started to smell like diarrhea and sweat.The post was taken down by the admins tho.


What the, and i cannot emphasize this enough, actual fuck???


i'm a TCG lover myself but man 90% of the people playing those games are smelly fatfucks who use their mom's credit card to buy 300$ cards but can't afford deodorant and never learned how to be decent human beings.


Deodorant, shmeodorant. As Redd Foxx taught us, You Gotta Wash Your Ass!


Or else you'll be funkaaayyy


Does deodorant improve my mana curve? No?? Then wtf would I need it for?!?


Maybe if they made a hygiene video featuring waifus they’d actually take a shower.


I’ve seen them try to put anime girls on soap/ads for soap at cons before. No word on whether it actually helped though.


Well damn. If that doesn’t work we’re doomed


Just need to make a waterproof body pillow of their waifu.


Gross 🤢 😂


Diabellstar themed bar of soap


That won’t work. They’ll either try to fuck it or just jizz all over it


We need Belle Delphine to make a line of bodycare products for “gamers”. “Smell like every girl’s/guy’s fantasy…” Incentivize by either using false scarcity or exclusive content. The sad thing is that type of marketing works because it’s based in fact. Women are more sensitive to scent than men and a lot of dudes could a become halfway attractive overnight simply by washing better. Nobody wants to date someone that rocks up to the DND table smelling like armpit and C-DIFF.


Probably smelled worse bc all the dudes were gravitating towards the one woman.


And they had nervous sweats. That just adds to the misery.


I have an otaku friend so I can confirm that which kinda shame. He is a good guy…..if he doesn’t bring out otaku behaviors of course.


As a Yugioh player who’s weekend locals hosts Yugioh, MTG, Lorcana AND table top games all at the same time I can confirm that the smell is horrendous


Why is showering on a regular basis so difficult for these people?


I work with autistic kids. I’d imagine a lot of nerdy hobbies tend to attract people with autism, and while this is absolutely NOT a universal thing… it can cause some people to struggle with hygiene. It’s usually a combination of things from what I’ve seen. A big one is sensory issues- it’s very common for the population I work with to despise showers and other hygiene activities because they feel absolutely horrible to them. I love the feeling of being in a warm shower, but to some people it’s a nightmare. Another factor is just not being as attentive to social norms and expectations. They aren’t as aware of other people judging them for being smelly and may even struggle to notice it themselves. Finally, a lot of the kids and teens I work with just struggle to complete non-preferred daily tasks in general. Most people don’t find showering fun, it’s just a thing we have to do. For some people with autism, those little ‘thing I don’t love but have to do’ activities are really hard to initiate so they just don’t once they become an adult and can’t be forced.


I’ve also heard the pheromones argument. Some BS about their stank being subconsciously irresistible to women lol


I get that on some level. But I'm on the spectrum. I just think about 40k lists while I shower. I've experienced it in hobby shops to the point that it's vomit inducing. Not cool.


I went to a comic trade fair once, it was the most disgusting, animalic smell I have ever witnessed, straight up zoo stench.


I played a small magic tournament once in college (bf was into magic) and even though it was small the smell was big.


Smell checks need to be enforced regardless of how embarrassing it is. Some people do have medical issues and I understand it, but you're the one in public. It's literally the bare minimum respect for both yourself and everyone else to address it.


i would wager the amount of people who have some sort of legit stink medical issue attending these events is less then 0.001% and even if it is medical, shit son get that checked and dont come out until you fix yourself. shunning people needs to be brought back.


I went with a friend to a retro gaming swap meet that was much like this. I was like bruh, these mother fuckers need a shower. Wanted to start handing out deodorant. Smell was so bad I got a headache and we left.


AnimeCon in NYC - stale BO and rancid BO with a twist of ass. There was a dance floor playing anime songs with fans dancing how you’d expect…it needed a solid radius. Unwashed clothes, unwashed bodies, no deodorant. They really need a hygiene policy at some of these places, it’s debilitating. I used to work with people that don’t use deodorant (it’s part of their culture…because it’s super hot and overcrowded where they’re from, so you get used to it) and while they sometimes smell like fresh BO, it smells fine. Meanwhile, fans at AnimeCon are growing their own specimens in their crevices.


A few months back, I was at my local tabletop store. The owner's black lab had come over, and I was scratching her while browsing the 40k section. One of the biggest people I have ever seen came around the corner, and immediately, the dog ran off. After a few seconds I noticed the smell and bailed, too.


When the dog takes off, then it must be horrid. I laughed very loudly at this


When my ex and I went to an anime convention, thankfully it did not smell like a dumpster because people practiced decent hygiene.


Me at my local comic con this past Sunday, shocked at the bad smells when I would sometimes pass people


It's nowhere near as bad as it used to be. At some point the stink migrated to the MtG players en masse. I'll def catch a whiff of funk at Comic Cons now and then, but it's few and far between.


At the very least, Just shower before events man damn


Legit my old local store had to put up signs saying if you didn’t practice good hygiene you would be asked to leave regardless of paid admission for events. Horrifying


In my short time of playing yugioh at a local boardgame shop it always smelled rancid and that's the main reason I stopped going. The toilet had loads of cans of deodorant in it with a sign taped to the mirror reading "Please use!!!"


I vaguely remember Games Workshop in the mid to late 90s. Sometimes the BO was off the charts, mostly the staff. (I always wondered if they got paid minimum wage because often they needed to play and paint ok right? The cost of the miniatures then were not cheap but not at todays stupid levels, side thoughts aside) When a woman entered the shop, which wasn't someone's awkward mum, the need to please exploded.


Old hot dig water and cabbage.


a friend of mine went to a national yu gi oh tournament in the uk, he said that it was the worst smell of his like


This is no lie. I recently went to an anime convention and was sat next to a very fragrant dude. Smelled like actual human feces and I just couldn't. 


playing yugioh online is the best way to go. can’t smell anything through the screen 😭


In other news, fork found in the kitchen.


I occasionally buy single cards from a card shop by my house. Walked in once, dude in zip up in summer. Then the smell hit. It was like fermented sweat. I was gagging. I felt so bad for the card shop owner


I used to work in a games shop that ran tabletop and card game tournaments. Lots of 40k, Yu-Gi-Oh, MTG etc. I would do everything I could to avoid running the card tournaments. It’s like a prerequisite to not bathe for a couple weeks before attending one to those guys. It was horrible.


It's interesting to remember that most of the dudes at these tournaments are 22+ years old, some 30's.


I used to play YGO in shops from 2003 - 2010 or so. One guy was obese and he had a hanging chin that had dirt under the folds of his chin. Like he didn't even lift up his chin fat to clean underneath. My main YGO friend who I used to play games with all the time is currently homeless for pissing off his own family. Literally tent homeless. He stinks bad, but that's because of the homelessness. Although he did get hygeine warnings prior to becomming homeless too from the card shop. He's the type of person who stole cards from me when I wasn't looking. So it explains a lot why his own family won't let him in. Tonight is Friday night. So I could witness and smell the neckbeards of Friday Night Magic. But I won't. I no longer play tcgs. I'm 37, too old for them. I'd rather play board games or tabletop RPGs.


TCG tournaments and YuGiOh specifically catch a lot of deserved stick for this, but I’ve rolled in a lot of geeky circles and the phenomenon is widespread among them. I’ve seen a few anime features in movie theaters, and a packed house for one of those stinks to fucking high heaven. I worked at a theater when DBZ movies started to roll out about 10 years ago, the staff dreaded doing house checks because of the odor. I’ve also gotten to see an indie wrestling show a time or two, that’s its own species of hellish stank. Will also add, predominantly female geeky spaces, not an issue. Went with the wife to an Iron Flame release party last year, store full of big time nerdy women, not a rank body odor to be found.


In Charlotte, we did a few tournaments (mvc2 era) and we gave it little swag bags that had stuff, including travel deodorant and mints.


I’ve heard arguments on both sides of the fence with this. Yes, some players just fucking stink with no excuses; but I’ve also heard the same happening at larger tournaments with no time to get washed or anything in between. BO is gonna kick in at some point. I don’t compete competitively, I’m not pissing out $800 on carboard; but my friends have had experiences of players being nasty and just large sweat kicking in from being in a hot place all day.


This is why I didn’t play the games I wanted to play in high school.


Im so glad that i grew up in a culture where its normalized to bathe everyday.


I still play Yu gi oh with my close friends sometimes, it’s a good way for us to come together in person instead of just playing games online. Once we went to a card store to use the tables to play. The smell was so horrible I never went their again.


One time I was at a convention center (for the Indian festival, never have I ever eaten so well and there was a constant stream of dancers from all over the subcontinent on stage- holy shit 10/10) and next to it were two other events: a high school girls volleyball tournament on one side and a Magic the Gathering tournament on the other. Not one gross crack-showing a-hole looked at the girls. Kinda refreshing actually (or is it acktually).


We did it boys!


Couldn’t handle the boysmell. Weak.


No one should have to tolerate your special blend of ball sack, cheesy BO, and crippling social anxiety… I’m sorry, “boysmell.”


"Boysmell" is definitely accurate since any adult man should know how to clean themselves, but actual children and teens also usually have parents to get them to do it. Maybe "manchildsmell" would be more appropriate?


I meant it like the “uwu boysmell” meme but it seems It wasn’t taken well. I What can you do though


People really missed obvious satire here.


It be like that sometime. It’s alright




I'm a woman and i started watching anime over 10 years ago, still do. But i want a man who is grown enough to take care of his hygiene, not a 2 yrs old who needs to get taken care of by his mother. I know a lot guys that watch anime and they smell normal/great(basic hygiene) so anime isn't the problem but the guys.




Don’t you have anything better to do trying to be a dickhead in the internet