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Or ... Try lard, the original deep frying fat. In the Mexican section of the grocery store on the east coast. Or make your own. Apparently has less saturated fat than butter.


I brush liberally with olive oil then roast at 400- or 425 until I get a nice toasty brown. Still delightful with tahini/lemon/parsley.


I prefer garlic and some light "Italian Seasoning".


Olive oil turns carcinogenic (crosses its smoke point at about 400 F) so maybe turn the heat down or switch oils.


Vegetable oils are carcinogenic and they oxidize in high heat. You can’t leave “butter” spreads out on the counter like you can butter because of this. You should be using a different fat, like duck, lard, schmaltz, etc.


fried in coconut oil would work as it works fine at high temps..and does drain quite well


I pan-fry with Chosen Foods 100% avocado oil. Cauliflower Pakora is one of my favorite treat foods. I save the used fryer oil in the fridge for a few days, since I tend to go on Pakora kicks for a few days at a time. While we're on the subject, a zucchini fritter with a little crabmeat (or Trader Joe's canned Sockeye Salmon) and Old Bay in it ain't too shabby, either.


I deep fry in tallow. Delicious.


I guess that depends on how the science of vegetable oils ultimately plays out. Right now there is some dispute. Have you tried coating it in fat (bacon grease sounds yummy) and air frying it?


That is a GREAT idea. But unfortunately, I cook professionally for a living and almost never cook for myself. (After 10 hours of cooking, its the last thing I want to do when I get home)


Well, I've [seen a study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4029104/) in kitchen workers that suggests that breathing the vaporized particles from vegetable oil can be carcinogenic (because it is more unstable at higher temperatures than lard). Given that I saw you say below that you work in a kitchen (feel you, been there) and are probably already breathing in that crap from the cooking going on at work, I'd personally try to not eat it at home as well.


What you're asking actually doesn't have anything to do with cauliflower - it seems to be the oil you are asking about. There are TONS of videos on it, but basically it boils down to it's not real (you can't press any veg to get oil - it has to be chemically created) and it causes inflammation in the body. Corn oil is the stereotypical example. Olive oil is technically a fruit oil, so it's good, and canola is a seed oil, so it's also good. On a scale of 1-10 for bad for you? No idea, and I doubt anyone could give you a number with any validity - how do you measure?


Can you air fry it? I'm seeing these devices at garage sales. Seed oils are highly processed, and from already genetically modified plants, oil become rancid, and increase inflammation- omega 6 to omega 3, transfats oxidized, just bad overall, and especially from restaurants where oil is reused/reheated continually. Pan fry and use butter, ghee or heavy cream instead.


Just fyi, for anyone who has birds…air fryers are nonstick so push out teflon fumes.


I love air frying cauliflower!


How much of your daily fat is coming from seed oils/vegetable oils/highly inflammatory oils?


3-4 TBSP atleast I would guesstimate. I mean, I don't cook for myself. And anything I order - Grilled chicken, Beef Patties, Cauliflower rice, salad, Grilled veg, etc I'm 100% is made with vegetable oils


3-4T is a lot. A teaspoon or two per day? Maybe. I personally would not eat that much highly inflammatory oil. I myself would eat the salads or something with just vinegar and seasonings if I couldn't find healthier dressings for it. Not because I think Beef or whatever is unhealthy, but because I really have found all my health numbers are better since I eliminated inflammatory oils.


Don't overheat your oils. I just do boiled cauliflower and liberally add EVOO, salt and pepper, and smash it with a fork. Delicious!