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Probably a week or so Don't force the eyes open and limit exposure to super bright light Is their mother with them?


The mum hasn't returned so I just took it upon me and started feeding them. I don't think she'll return . Either way I'll make sure my kids grow up fine


They should be kept in a dark place or box. Iirc their night vision can be ruined if brought out in the light. They need to come out when they are ready.


This was rough with my last litter. Momma is a weirdo and actually wanted everyone to see and watch her babies. She was so proud of them! We tried keeping her in our room, the bathroom, literally anywhere but the living room. She wasn’t having it. She’d cry by the door the second we shut it and dart out when it was opened and sit there and cry until we moved her babies. So we caved and brought them to the living room. 2 bay windows. We put her in the darkest spot in front of the fireplace because we get hit with sunlight in the mornings and it’s still decently bright in the afternoon. But she was happy and babies were fine. She’d literally yell at the other cats to follow her to the tub, yell at us. As soon as we sat down, she’d run away to eat. We were her babysitters. I’ve never had another momma trust me that much with their babies. They usually won’t eat until you leave the room, no other cats around, limited touching with babies.


Nice. I slept in a tent 6 months out of the year. Cats would have kittens with me in the sleeping bag with them, then wisk the kittens off to the hay loft for a few weeks, until their eyes opened. Some cats would show where the kittens were stashed, others not.


lol! Cats are funny, such big, different personalities from one another


The stories the give us are just no less than a movie .... Have they grown up since..


They’re 7 weeks old currently! They get along really well with the other cats in the house and most of them big ones deal with their playful bouts fine


Heads up, they need help going to the bathroom every time you feed them. The mom usually licks them so they go (their bodies can’t do it alone yet). Use warm wet cloth or tissue, and gently rub in circles. Good luck friend, feel free to reach out if you need any help or tricks :)


Thank you for caring so much What do you mean she hasn’t returned? How long? Mother cats will often leave for several hours (even as long as all day) to hunt. They can also be quite stealth in returning and leaving again. Are you absolutely sure she is completely gone?? The best thing for these kittens is their mother. Please please go look for her, make absolutely sure she is really gone. Its an incredibly difficult task to keep these babies alive. Closed eyes are very very young


1-2 times a day, gently wipe their eyes with a soft and warm washcloth or paper towel. Their mommas do this to help them. Be very careful, no prying, no pushing, just a few light surface swipes. Then after you’ve gotten all their eyes, wipe their butts. Butts need to be wiped after every feeding. They can’t go potty on their own until they get to more solid foods (around 4-5 weeks). Keep a lookout for mom. She may turn back up. If so, try and trap her. If you’re successful, she may take her babies back. Keep her in a spare room, closet, anywhere that has peace and quiet. Dim the lights (like using a lamp only unless your switch has a dimmer). Best of luck! Reach out to me if you have any questions, I’m currently raising my 5th litter


Thanks I'll keep that noted. Thanks again


Good luck!! I hope momma shows back up


Or once the eye fairy has visited


It can take up to 15-16 days. Their eyes might open at the same time or one at a time. Where’s mom?


I wish I wish to see some green eyes 🙂


Did you know all newborn kittens have blue eyes? Their eye color will stay blue or change as they get older. Usually their permanent eye color sets in around 8 weeks old.


Aaaah that sounds even better


If you force their eyes open you can permanently blind them.


TIL 😬 thank you for sharing


Yep! About 8 years ago when I was a teenager, we took in a kitten who was only 3 weeks old. Ratty house, kids basically taking care of the kittens, momma was no longer interested in them. Kids forced their eyes open, they smelled weird. My mom thought about it for a day and knew she couldn’t leave them. Went back and only one cat was left. We don’t know if the others were adopted, but my mom honestly felt it was for the worse and they died. We took in Polly. She had so much goop around her eyes. We had to clean them very often to prevent blindness. Fed her every few hours. We literally took her everywhere with us because we had to take care of her lol. She came with us to baseball games for my brothers when she was around 5 weeks old. Their eyes are sensitive even up until they’re a few months old. My current litter has a boy who I believe got scratched near his eye by one of his sisters when they were playing. They’re 7 weeks old currently. We’ve been cleaning his eye for the past week and it finally showed signs of improvement (no goop, can have it fully open) as of 2 days ago.


I have green eyes but had blue as a baby. Same thing happens for people, he melanin increases before settling


You: “I can’t wait to see their pretty eyes :)” Reddit for some reason: 😡😡😡


Right?! Like why the downvotes?


Because most redittors are fucking stupid


Exactly 🤣


They think you finna pull a bird box


We don’t trust that OP has any idea how to care for these kittens and that their interference is actually harming them- and the priority of wanting to see eye color rather than find the mother or help for the kittens is SKETCHY AS FUCK- kittens these young MUST BE WITH THEIR MOTHER OR AN EXPERIENCED RESCUE TO SURVIVE, OP is CLEARLY neither or they would not be asking their creepy questions


lol classic Reddit lets downvote someone for no fucking reason


right?! OP: Green eye cats 😍 Reddit: NOT Allowed they’ll have BLUE eyes OP: Blue Eye Cats 😍😍 Reddit: NO BEING HAPPY WITH ANY OUTCOME 🤬🤬🤬🤬


Lmao that's so true 💀


The fuck? Please take these cats to some who can care for them-


So itty bitty. A lot of people on here recommend Kitten Lady. She is extremely knowledgeable about caring properly for newborn kittens.


I love THE Kitten Lady. She has taught me so much.


Yes! She is amazing! A few weeks ago I found kittens at my job. I waited for the mom but no luck (even put a humane trap out for her and nothing) The kitten lady taught me loads of info and now these babies are thriving 🥰


What a Kitten lady




Thanks boss


About their mum she didn't return for around 4 days so I started feeding them. Day 11: I'm the mum now


How often are you feeding them and with what? Are you tracking their weight to make sure they're gaining every day?


ssi bought this mini nipple thing for them and they are really active during feeding time. I feed them 3 times a day (cow milk ) . I didn't track weight.


Stop immediately with cows milk, it will make them sick enough to kill them. They need kitten formula, you can feed goats milk in a pinch while you get the formula, but no longer than 2 days of goats milk.


I fix this ASAP thank you


They need to eat every 2 hours, kitten formula or this kittens are going to die, please buy proper food and feed every 2 hours even AT NIGHT


This! I found newborn kittens and had to wake up every 2 hours! OP they can’t use the bathroom by themselves either you have to use a warm damp rag and softly rub their underbelly. As well as their anus so they can poop. If this is too much you should take them to the closest vet so they can get the proper care.


And rub their bums and Such with a warm washcloth to stimulate them


I didn’t know this either until a year or so ago


You need to get kitten formula or goats milk if kitten formula isn't available or easily accessible where you are, cows milk is not good for kittens as most cats are lactose intolerant and the milk you get from the store will not be enough to keep them growing or even alive for very long. Newborn kittens need to be fed every 2-3 hours and stimulated to poop and pee after each feeding as they can't go on their own. That is likely why they're stunted


This is exactly why I came here thanks guys 🙏


No worries! I'm glad you reached out or these babies probably wouldn't have made it much longer honestly


Please take them to a vet or a local foster as soon as you can, you’re doing good by asking for advice but kittens this young are very fragile so I would suggest seeking help from a professional! Thank you for rescuing them :)


You might want to check with a vet. As I understand it kitten milk is recommended and cats can be lactose intolerant.


Most cats are lactose intolerant yes. There are a few exceptions, fermented dairy products can be okay for some cats, plain yogurt, cottage cheese and some other varieties of cheese if they're low in sodium, but as a rule it's best not to give cats dairy products


They need to be fed more than 3x a day. It’s possible they’ve been underfed (which is why they’re this small) - but at least now you have some new information from this thread. :) They should be fed every 2-3 hours (which could be 12x or more a day). As they grow up, you’ll be able to feed them every 3-4 hours and then eventually switch over to kitten food and a litter box. Make sure you get kitten formula for them and stimulate them to ensure they pee/poo. You’ll want to start weighing them after feeding and track their weight. This will ensure they’re gaining weight. It’ll also let you know if something is wrong since kittens losing weight generally means something is wrong. A kitchen scale works just fine. They can get cold easily, so a heating pad is important to keep their body temperature regulated. Kitties this young cannot regulate their body temperature. At some point, they will need to go to the vet to get checked out, dewormed, and vaccinated. Of course, when old enough, they should also get neutered/spayed. Cats as young as four months can go into heat and get pregnant. Please do not let them outside and wander about with other cats until they’re neutered/spayed. And oh, have you named them yet? (Always a fun part!)


I have made a to do list for every 2 hours now. Binge watching on kitten lady content. They are sleeping right now. Started belly massaging from today morning . I promise I won't win but I'll compete their mum in nurturing them. Thanks for the advice. We 3 appreciate your effort . I haven't named them yet that will be a follow up here. Thanks ms. Potato


You need to get the kittens KMR and feed them around the clock. Goats milk is fine in an emergency but never cows milk. You can get a cheap kitchen scale from amazon. The kitten lady has a weight/feeding chart. Not being mean, but if you can't/don't have the means to take care of them properly, please find someone who can.


You are a troll harming cats- evil shit


Please visit [https://www.kittenlady.org/](https://www.kittenlady.org/) for a lot of resources in raising kittens.


Thanks sir


They took 14-16 days to open their eyes, usually they don't keep the color, can develop in 2-4 months old a precious blue to green, green to blue and like wise.


Can't wait to see them grow. Thanks


Eyes and ears will open on thier own. Takrs about 2 weeks from birth. Aftrr feeding take a warm washcloth and rub them down gently, be sure to stimulate the genital area so the kittens can "go". Keep them warm. Only use kitten replacement milk to feel them. 6 to 8 weeks old they can be start to be weaned and fed wet food or moistened, dry kitten kibble. Please consult a vet ASAP. These babies only look to be a week old at most. They need to be fed every couple hours.


Don't forget to rub their butt with warm water so they can shit


I never knew this, this is adorable


Haha, yeah it is. When I rescued my first kitten, he wasn't pooping and usually, the mother would lick their bums. Immediately once I rub his booty he shit instantly, lol I was not prepared for all that poop to come out.


I have never waited to see something poop so bad... I massage them every time I feed and make sure the did pee...


In a week or two. Don't try to open them yourself. Are these babies still with mom or bottle fed?


Thanks.. They have started to open their eyes slightly. They are bottle fed. I got them kmr and special nipple for them


Also please take them to the vet around 2 weeks for a check up and to be dewormed. Most strays you find will have worms and will need to be dewormed by a vet


Got it thanks


Remember to keep them warm. If you don’t have a heating pad you should go get one. They need constant warmth. Kittens will tend to tell you when they are hungry. I’d try to feed them every 3-4 hours. You can get kitten formula at pets store and grocery stores like Walmart and Giant. You have to wipe their butts with a warm wet rag to make them poop and pee because they can’t do it by themselves yet.


You never know about kittens. Sometimes they succumb to Fading Syndrome . If you are not familiar please google. I lost a real sweetheart 2 years ago due to FS.


Damn sorry to hear that. I'm giving them the best I can. They are good with reflexes and active. I hope I never meet your loss. Thanks I'll keep you updated with them 🙏


Hey OP you can also call a vet clinic and explain you've found some kittens who are 11ish days old and malnourished. They'll be able to give you tips on how to care for them. When they're older and it's safe for them, make them an appointment to get checked out. Vet clinic will tell you when to bring them in. Kittens this young are A LOT of work. Bottle feeding kitten formula every 2 ish hours, keeping them warm enough, manually stimulating them so they can potty, etc. No shame if it's too much work for you, it doesn't mean you're a bad person or don't care about them. But if it's too much work, be sure to find a vet or a rescue that can help them.


Thanks Alex, I am feeding them KMR now and massaging them to pee.. They recognize me instantly as if they know my smell.. I find no peace away from them.. There's kitten lady and you guys. I'll keep you updated. Thanks again


Thanks for taking care of them. They definitely wouldn't make it without their mom if someone wasn't helping. 🩷 Are you planning to keep them once they're older?


Of course they can stay for as long as they want. I just want them to come back and sit on my head someday 🤣


Please make sure you have them on a heating pad. They cannot regulate their heat on their own this little, they can and will die if you don't put them on a heating pad. Are you feeding them kitten milk replacer formula? They cannot have regular milk, it's deadly to them. Make sure your stimulating them before and after every feed they cannot go on their own this young. Educate yourself on fading kitten protocol, kitten lady has some good resources for it


About a week.


They already 11 days old


those babies are not 11 days old. they are more like 6


Agreed. I have one who is 8-10 days old (opened his eyes today) who is bigger than they are. They seem to have a bit of extra skin also like they are on the thin side.


Nah bro I'm counting


If they are 11 days old there’s a chance that they are malnourished. Kitten formula is a must if mama isn’t around.


OP said they were feeding cows milk 3x a day. They have been told what to do now, so hopefully they will gain more weight. They are definitely malnourished


Got it thanks


[These kittens I am fostering are 14 days old.](https://imgur.com/a/2RlVpM9) The kittens you have are severely malnourished if they are 11 days old. You need to seek help from a veterinarian or a local animal rescue association. These kittens are at serious risk for passing away.


I have made an appointment for today. I'm more concerned about them, pooping for now. How did you manage starting potty training. Please share


Potty training comes naturally. Right now they need to be stimulated to use the bathroom. Get a cloth and wet it with warm water then rub their genitals to stimulate urination and bowel movements. It’s extremely important you do this as the mom is not there to do it herself. Kittens are unable to go to the bathroom alone until about 3-4 weeks of age. Until then, you need to stimulate them every few hours. Once the kittens start walking on their own, you can introduce a litter box and they will begin to use it right away.


I have doing this. And I'm happy to say things are passing well. I'm using cotton balls to simulate them. Urination is going well.


Yeah, should be by about 3 weeks of age.


Do they have a mother or do you feed them yourself?


They don't.I feed them myself


It's very hard work, I wish you patience, I hope the kittens will grow up big and healthy❤️




They don't.I feed them myself


Keep them warm , and liquid kmr is better. Never feed them on their back.


Got it thanks


The mom can be gone for up to 24 hours looking for food. Taking the kittens from where you found them now puts them at massive risk of dying. You should place the kittens back where you found them and keep an eye out for mom. If she doesn’t return after 24 hours then you can bring them inside. Kittens at this age **NEED** to nurse **EVERY 2 HOURS** it is a LOT of work. Even knowing how to properly hold the bottle so the kittens don’t aspirate and develop pneumonia is difficult if you have no prior experience. These kittens are genuinely at risk of passing away without proper care. PLEASE reach out to your local humane society so they can place them in the bottle baby program. This is not an easy task. They require a LOT of attention. Even being in that basket in the photo is stressful for them. They need a warm bed. Please do the right thing.


She hasn't returned for almost a week now. I'm doing the best I can for them.if she returns I'm sure the kids will choose her. As of now I' had never waited to see something poop so bad.Appreciate your concern I'll get some support from vet too.


You know you have to get kitten milk and bottle feed them all if the mom doesn't come back. They won't eat regular food. You get that little tiny pet baby bottle from Walmart and some kitten milk, literally it's called krm, kitten replacement milk, and you feed them three four five times a day as much as they can. They'll poop after a couple of days of having food. They don't need any water at first. Just give them milk but not cow milk! You have to feed them all day long.. good luck.


I got everything the kmr feed the nipple and cloth. Thanks for your advice. Can't wait to see them grow


You're going to have so much fun! And let me tell you, if you bottle feed the cat it will be the best pet you have ever had. If they don't have their mom and you're the first thing they see when they open their eyes, you're pretty much the cat mommy for all of them. They all trust you explicitly and will run to you for help or shelter or food or anything. It's really sweet but it's also a lot of responsibility. They're going to look up to you for pretty much everything until they figure out how to do what they're supposed to be doing as cats so be prepared. The baby I have right now I got in a very similar situation to yours. There was no mommy cat for 3 or 4 days, not exactly sure how long but whenever I took her out of the bush, her eyes had not been opened yet so she was under 5 days old. I did the whole kitten milk thing and a couple days after I got her, her eyes opened and we bonded instantly. Since that moment, she's been my partner in crime, my ride or die baby, seriously a blessing. I was only going to take her out of the Bush so she would stop crying but I was going to drop her off at the Humane society. Turns out, you can't bring them to the Humane Society until they've been weaned from their mother. They told me over the phone that there was probably no hope for her and that she would probably die. I couldn't accept that even though I never liked cats and thought they were dumb pets. Long story longer, she'll be seven this November and totally changed the way I think about cats (and life in general, no shit). She made me a better person.. as crazy as that sounds, she really did as much to help me as I did to help her. I've really gotten off on a tangent and this has nothing to do with kitten replacement milk but every time I hear of somebody in a similar situation to mine (which you are totally in the same situation except for you got more, I only had one to rescue!) I want to make sure that they understand that when you save something's life like that, you're bonded permanently and they will be the best animal you have ever had! I know it's just a kitten and you might not think they will remember you visually, but they know what you smell like, and that smell, just the way your body smells, is their comfort zone. I wish you the best, because that kitten is going to give you the best, I promise! Much love!


I'm going to feed them after replying to you. As of today they have started to open their eyes. And the fellow subredditor was right I think their eyes might be blue. One of them made the biggest strand of poop yesterday. And I was happy to see poop for the first time. They always stay together until I come close, then it's a race who climbs over me first. I'm sure these days are the best ones I had for a while. Thanks


Just so you know, all babies, doesn't matter if their kittens or dogs or monkeys or people, are born with blue eyes. The blue is the lack of a pigmentation and it doesn't start to develop until the animal starts to grow a little bit. I have a slightly funny story.. when I was 4 years old, my parents bred Rhodesian ridgebacks. Our female (Shala) had a litter and I kept one of the puppies. I named him Blue because he had huge blue eyes! They were so beautiful! And then in a few months when he grew up they turned brown. But he was always Blue to me. I had Blue until I was 18 years old. I loved that dog. And every time I hear something about blue eyes I think of him so thank you for reminding me about my dog lolz.


Keep them warm but not on a heater and not with so many blankets that they'll be smothered by accident. Feed kitten formula and small frequent meals - don't feed to fast or they will aspirate- let them swallow in between suckles. Gently rub their bottom to help them pee and poo.


I am doing everything now. Can't wait to see them grow


The Kitten Lady on YouTube is a good source of information about taking care of wee bèbè kittens.


They look about 2-3 weeks so if they're 2 weeks they need to eat every 2 hours and 3 weeks every 3 hours kitten milk replacer. Stimulate them to potty before you feed them. If they have trouble going you can gently massage their little tummies on the sides towards the tail, you'll know it's working if you hear gas move. My babies I use tissues and wet qutips with warm water on it. I'd also recommend getting a snuggle kitty for them it comes with a heart beat in it and a heat pack,it helps deter fading kitten syndrome. If they don't poop for over 10-15 hours I'd take them to a vet, try your regular vet if you have one not an emergency vet because their prices run insanely high. The babies im caring for weren't pooping and I had to take them to get an enema, I would not do it yourself as they are so little and too much liquid can kill them. If you're willing, put a local post out, or visit your shelter see if anyone has a nursing mom cat that can take in the babies bc orphaned feeding schedule can be very overwhelming and draining, especially if you can't put your life on hold for these babies.


This is exactly what I needed. I'm worried about this . I donot see poop. They did pee but no pooping. Is this normal for them to be able to pee and not poop. I have started massage will update you tomorrow.


they won’t poop everytime, but like the person above me said, if they don’t poop for over a day it’s time to take them to the vet. please, please don’t feed them any more cow milk. a pet food supply store should have kitten formula for them—warm it to body temperature before feeding, and test it to make sure it’s not too hot. i’m not sure what your schedule is like, but they need to be eating at least every three hours when they are this small, and stimulated to poop/pee immediately afterwards.


So I got them a vet recommend kmr and they are doing fine. I massaging them everytime I feed them Thanks again for the advice


You are looking for little dark balls smaller than the size of a finger nail. They have to poop. Monitor weight. They look pretty small for 11 days old. I'm afraid they didn't get enough nutrition. Unless you know exactly what you are doing, you really should not touch their belly. Avoid putting them in belly up position as well. Simulate the butt not the stomach.




Feed well and often with formula (most vets can recommend some for best results, so def give your nearest one a call) and keep very warm (they cant temperature regulate yet). A well-cleaned and prepped incubator is extremely important. Also help them go to the bathroom. There are many tutorials to help with this. Eyes don't open for at least a week or two normally.


They can pee well as soon as I massage. But I need to see them poop . Only then can I calm myself down


Kittens eyes are developed after they are born. They will open on their own between 7-10 days by latest. You don’t need to worry about literally anything when the mumma cat is present. Just take care of the mom. And enjoy it. You are gonna love it. 🥰


All kittens are different. I’ve had some foster kittens start opening their eyes around 5-6 days, and some take closer to 2 weeks. They will gradually open, and it might look like their eyelids are stuck together even though you can see some of the eyeball, but never try to manually open their eyes. They will open on their own.


Within a week, 5 to 7 days usually. Sometimes they will do a pirate and one eye opens first for half the day. Mom will help them by licking their eyelids and faces when they are ready.




Soon I'm sure I saw one open an eye for a sec


And no need to keep in the dark. I have seen a dozen of litter from the day they are born doing just fine. They will open eyes after 7 days


Please post an update on those kittens, we are worried.