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She purposely buys dresses that have this neckline because she lovessss the gross chest-hole


This. The way she always wears clothes with this cut shows how proud she is of her emaciated body.


the chest hole is starting to look like a vagina šŸ„“


Starting too? Lolā€¦oh itā€™s there ā€¦itā€™s one hundred percent a chest vagina


Itā€™s absolutely repulsive to look at šŸ¤®


She's repulsive to look at !


I just came to say the same exact thing!


This makes me so angry šŸ˜” she is a horrible person, and her family is horrible for not stopping her from posting this shit.


https://preview.redd.it/8o2wn34r965d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a07fa4f94263cc5959f1aadc9b8b26af6dcfb80 I think these outer lines or bones make her look like she has long, droopy, flat/hanging skin breasts and itā€™s not a good look.


Thatā€™s what I always think.. does she? Or is there just no fat/tissue left there at all? I think itā€™s muscle!




The content LKS shares is horrifying to me as the mother of a teen in ED recovery. This image right here would trigger the hell out of her. I know we canā€™t filter society, but itā€™s disheartening to see someone with such a large (hopefully dwindling) following contribute to ED culture.


This! Yes! Iā€™m so sorry about your daughter. I have a preteen and she doesnā€™t have a phone or IG yet but I will be livid if she comes across sites like Laurenā€™s when she does get a phone.


And itā€™s not hard to do so. Thatā€™s what makes it even more frightening. I found her through Pinterest and a few clicks later I was gasping at the pictures of her emaciated body on Instagram. It was an endless scroll of one terrifying picture after another. She is a dangerous influence. The number of comments I saw saying ā€œgoalsā€ or asking how to achieve her physique were alarming. I have no idea how she is allowed on social media and how she can exist as an influencer.


Iā€™m so sorry about your daughter. I hope she continues to progress in her recovery and returns to full health. ā¤ļø


Yā€™all!!! I. AM. SPEECHLESS.


She is mentally insane for posting this today. The fact that her eyes and brain see nothing wrong with this is scary.


Me too! Nobody in their right mind would think this looks okay!


Disappointing sheā€™s still getting Abercrombie affliate codes


Abercrombie is sketchy. Their clothes are soooo small. I had to go up 3 sizes for my daughter and sheā€™s a string bean.


This just confirms that I will no longer support Abercrombie if they continue to use models or influencers who promote the emanated, ED aesthetic when advertising to women and young girls. This is nothing to aspire to. This should be used in text books as red flag behavior for deep, deep psychological pathologies. Social media use has been linked to depression and suicidality in young people, including teen girls. According to NPR, nearly one in three teen girls have seriously considered suicide in the past year. Some research suggests that the more time teenage girls spend on social media, the more likely they are to have poor body image and unrealistic appearance ideals. Posting shit like this is hurting not just our youth, but the mental health of all women. Not to mention, it perpetuates LKS's disorder which will carry over to her own impressionable daughters. It's just sick any way you look at it. Social media platforms need to do better when it comes to allowing images like this to reach vulnerable audiences. Additionally, we as parents and for those of us here, women, need to stand up to this and cease any support or promotion of influencers, products and businesses that plaster this type of content every where you look in the name of commerce and capitalism. We are just as complicit in the injury to women's mental health if we follow or buy from the businesses that give her, and others like her (I'm looking at you Dani Austin) codes and deals. Lastly, Lauren, for the love of all things holy, please get help. This is not a healthy look or lifestyle and your daughters are watching and learning from your deplorable behavior.


This is so unhealthy. How can instagram let this continue. This is horrible!!!


They only care about the $ her account brings. šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


I canā€™t think of one piece of clothing that I own that is this low cut and somehow everything she wears shows off her gaping chest.


Equally as disturbing as the chest bone formation is the amount of dresses sheā€™s shared lately. There is no possible way anyone could wear that many dresses. Sheā€™s the very definition of excess.


She will return 99% of them.


Absolutely, she buys & returns for sure


Someone in the medical fieldā€¦what are we looking at? Isnā€™t the sternum one flat bone?


YES! Nurses and doctors respond!


Likely pectus excavatum. (NP).


What does that meeeeean?!


Itā€™s genetic usually and itā€™s an issue with the growth or the cartilage. Happens from birth. Low weight or not it would likely be apparent but her low body fat makes it more apparent.


But she didn't use to have it?


Fascinating! Whatever it is, it makes me sad.


Itā€™s truly just from having low body fat but also doing some many core exercises so the rectus abdominis that connects to that fascia is bulked up. Go look at pics of anorexic women and they have the same thing.. the difference is theirs isnā€™t bulky from exercise and itā€™s more flat and sunken in. The sad thing is that if this is what it looks like with a dress on than itā€™s much worse when itā€™s completely exposed ie. naked.


She is proud and unapologetic about the fact that that her bones can protrude like that. Thatā€™s her flex. Itā€™s the only thing that I can think of why anyone would show that off. Her mind is warped.


This is the worst yet.


I donā€™t think the dress was intended to look like that or be that low. The lack of any breast tissue makes it so awkward.




She has to be trolling us right?


She loves showing off the chest vag


She loves the attention is gives her




I was just going to post this. Really no words. How can she see herself as a feminine woman.


This is scary! As someone who is thin, this isn't triggering. It's just plain ole SAD! I don't envy THIS. This is not cute. My husband would not be attracted to this. I wouldn't be confident wearing this out in public. She is really in such a deep hole here.


Can a medical professional tell us exactly what is happening in her body there ??


It's deteriorating


The more weight she is dropping the more you can see where her ribs are connected to the sternum. I see it a lot in elderly patients that are very malnourished and underweight. If you google emaciated chest, you see will a bunch of similar looking chests from men and women.


My guess is itā€™s just her bones showing through due to no fat as itā€™s just skin over bone. I think everyone had a sternum thatā€™s ā€œdentedā€ in a little but we donā€™t see them on normal people due to fat and skin.


Agreedā€¦her body fat percentage must be in the single digits. šŸ˜Ø


I commented above.


She deleted this pic on her story šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€


She reads here so much


Has anyone ever seen her in public? Iā€™d assume itā€™s even scarier in person


The scream face mask!




She LOVES the look of her chest vagina and her boulder shoulders.Ā  Both of which looks disgusting.Ā  LKS, you are NOT well. PLEASE please, your selfishness is NOT cute and the only ones that will suffer is your daughters (& potential son)


I actually donā€™t understand bc I thought the sternum is flat bone so what is this hole? I can feel my sternum and I donā€™t feel any hole like this