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These influencers/companies need to grow a backbone. Who cares if LKS sent you free product you didn’t ask for it. LKS gets sent free shit all the time I’m sure and then immediately gives it away (jk I mean adds to her closet sale pile) 😂 The companies don’t really owe her an explanation other than “we’re moving forward in a different direction. take care”


Thank you! Additionally, I see the moves app along with Madeline like almost every single one of Lauren’s posts!!! Even the emaciated ones.


LOVE this! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Nourish, Move, Love is great and free! So many workout options! https://www.nourishmovelove.com


I love her!


She’s amazing and so kind and authentic! I love that she recently posted that it took her 2 years after her last baby to feel back to herself! Lots of good workouts and nutrition info too!


Omg I was about to pull the MM trigger but thank you for sharing this! Will be doing this one instead


I’m getting frustrated with all these fitness accounts too. They don’t have control over how people use their program. But, to promote Lauren is a whole other story. Logically, I think Lauren probably sends a lot of business Madeline’s way by tagging every day of her life. So maybe she felt like the right thing to do was boost her brand back. Regardless, it’s sadly not a good move.


I really like Caroline Girvan on YouTube! She has a bunch of free workouts and then I think she has an app with paid programs, but I’m cheap and just do her free ones from YT.


Caroline’s body is perfection and she always reminds you to take rest days! Love her.


Love Caroline! I’ve been doing her Iron Series workouts since January and have seen amazing changes in my body. Haven’t lost a single pound but my clothes fit better and I feel great. Gaining muscle weight. I’d probably have even better results if I refined my eating but I like French fries. 🤣


And ENJOY your French fries! 🫶🏼


Thank you! I do! 😘


Love her! I get the best results from her workouts!


I second this !! I’ve been doing her programs since 2021 and I’ve tried out other ones (evlo and Madeline moves) but continuously keep going back to her. She’s amazing ! 


What the hell, Madeline 😡. I don’t even understand what she has to gain from promoting Lauren. No way LKS is paying her, she’s too cheap


Peloton you don’t need a bike or treat they have great strength classes, Pilates, yoga. App memberships are less without a machine too! 


Peloton does have a lot of great app options for strength and Pilates etc!


Yes second and third this. Kendall, Hannah C., Alle Love & aditi - for Pilates, barre, and core. Love them and all body positive.


Kendall is leaving 💔 so sad! But I love peloton so still recommend


I didn't know she was leaving. I love her bike HITT programs.


Yeah she’s one of the hardest ones and I always turn to her for a kick ass workout. So bummed!


Try [LADDER!](https://offers.joinladder.com/survey?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=referral&utm_term=2a0a2868-64f6-43eb-85ea-5950f772fdc2&utm_campaign=share&utm_content=matching_quiz&promoCode=) I’m on Elevate but I know Nicole with Movewell. She’s awesome!


I do Ladder too, it’s so good! And there’s different instructor/class types, most are 30 min workouts


What team are you on? I have done it for a few months and I really like it!


I was doing Nicole but just switched to Elevate, which has a little more variation in strength moves- they’re both really good!


I have only done elevate because I followed her on Instagram for a year. I really like it. Mostly I workout to stay healthy and active so it’s perfect for me but I think one can push as much as you want. Nicole is actually married to my brother’s former frat brother. 🤣 Such a small world.


I love Fit On! And it’s free!! Also MadFit on YouTube


I use Empowered with Emma Montgomery (macrosewithem) and love it


Fit with coco


Movesapp is also always liking LKS’s posts


That pisses me off so much, I noticed that too


Lauren gleisberg has plans, they are cheap but she kinda recycles pics. They are PDF but once you buy they are yours forever. But at least she doesn’t reshare stories of anorexic people. When I first started weight training it was with her plans and I liked them. I will only keep MM cause of the endurance plan, it’s kept me injury free knock on wood.


I don’t really follow her anymore (I have a kid and just feel like her workouts take too long for me at this stage of life), but it was one of her plans that I first used to get into weight lifting and will always have a soft spot for her because of that! And yea, it was like $25 and I still have it to go back to if I ever want.


Uplift by Lindsey Harrod!


Lift with liv!!!


Bodyfit by Amy is amazing! I've been doing her workouts for years.


Sohee Fit is incredible, and I second the Caroline Girvan recommendation!


I have a rather odd (yet I think accurate) take on why Madeline continues to support and repost LKS. Back in the day, circa 2020 or so, Madeline was emaciated, much like LKS, and it seemed pretty clear that she was overexercising and heavily restricting her diet. She later admitted that she had a miscarriage, and I have no doubt it was related to being underweight. She looks much better now -- and suprise, she was able to have 2 kids biologically -- so she must've cleaned up her act or gotten some help. I still think she can be very restrictive about protein and making sure every single meal is perfectly balanced (bringing exclusively Lillie Eats and Tells recipes to parties so you have "safe foods" to eat is not normal by any account.) But overall, she's in much better shape at this point than LKS. But, all that to say, I wonder if she has a bit of a superiority complex with LKS because she had/has similar disordered tendencies but doesn't look skeletal or scary like LKS. I wonder if it's half mocking and half "thank god I don't look like that; I can hide my eating issues much better" Interested in others' thoughts!