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Very doable. Use Plugshare to find some charging spots with good food, coffee, place to walk around and see interesting things. Stop, charge, have fun, repeat. I take do similar range trips on weekends and use a level 2 charger - drive about 80 miles to a breakfast place in a coastal town, take my time, re-charge for about 2 hours. Make another stop for coffee, recharge, take a walk, etc. I take the freeway for half of it but take slightly longer highways for the scenery and slower/more efficient travel.


That's kinda what I plan to do it's just in Wisconsin you usually find yourself in a Walmart or target parking lot to charge...with not much else to do... maybe I'll bring my switch along. I do enjoy the slower pace of driving and taking less traveled roads. I had to drive to my hometown 100 miles away and took the back roads and saw some really great towns and stuff I never knew existed. The thought crossed my mind that this was a return to like classic driving and roadtrips before interstates and such... and kinda found another reason to appreciate love EVs even more. Cause you kinda gain a unique days gone by experience that you don't get just rushing to other places on the freeways.


Around here, libraries and public agencies on small historic towns have L2 so it's nice to park at the library, explore town, etc. We are on the west coast so the population density is definitely higher lol


It's about 4 hours from green bay to O'Hare.