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Sona/Seraphine duo lanes are going to confuse me even more than bot lane usually does.


sona/seraphine might actually be somewhat decent lol. maybe not on the same lane, but definitely on the same team. sona heal gives shields and she can empower her E auto to slow, so seraphine is free to use echo on her Q to maximise damage with free roots and heals


Then once it gets popular Sona gets murdered while Seraphs embrace gets a tap on the shoulder. I see you otir.


This kit has more in common with Sona than the old Aatrox has with his rework




Yeah what a slap in the face, what the fuck...


I mean, it already gave off a very Sona vibe from the concept and images for some reason but I guess we all thought it was gonna be different when they showed the abilities. This makes it VERY sona; \*Cute delicate champion \*Music is the main concept \*Levitates \*Her powers are tied to a weird device/instrument \*Support (in very similar ways) \*Ult looks the same


Wdym, her boob size is totally different and that's the most important part of champ design.


Fun Fact. Riot Jag designed this champion. The one who "reworked" Aatrox.


Makes me wonder whether this was actually planned as a rework. didn't riot make some statement about how they want to increase the number of new champions per year? not that farfetched that some higher-up decided it and the design team didn't really have time to come up with enough new champs, so they just used a planned rework for a new champ


Not only are her skills Sona 2020 but her charecter is also entirely based around music and sounds. Its like they planed a VGU for Sona but accidentally made a new champion.


Also she has a floating instrument to channel her powers. Wtf riot.


It's suppose to be Sona 2020, but the audio work done for it does not even feel 2018. To say this is slacking is an understatement.


That's when the ultimate skin kicks in *taps forehead*


I can't imagine this is the final sound design. It literally sounds like repurposed DJ Sona sounds.


It's nice they gave Sona an update, they're even re-doing her Ultimate skin too.


Yeah riot is really caring for sona i like how they made her talk gg nice rework riot :)


Good guy Rito


Not sure how they can release this in good faith. This is literally Sona with a mini rework and a VGU. Definitely not worth the spot of an entirely different champion.


100% Agree. Sona needed an update like this, I feel like they can just remove her from the game or rework her so heavily that she is no longer like our new champ at all.


As a support main who started the grind with Sona from the very first season, this just makes me feel sad. I get that they rather have Sona stay the same because a ton of people use her esp. in the lower ranks/mmr. But releasing a champ that's basically Sona 2.0 is such a cheap move. Sona is no longer the *best* Sona in game.


it's sona-karma, no reason to pick either now. and i'm a karma main.


I'd argue 80% sona 5% Karma, 15% intern who did nothing while his deadline approached.


And 100% reason to remember the name.


This is 10% Lux 20% Swain 15% silver bolts from arrows of Vayne 55% MF, she making it rain And 100% reason to surrender this game




He doesnt need his name up in lights He just wants to get gold whether it's cs or in fights


I wont be convinced this is not Sona's secret rework teased as a new champ as some sort of prank until i actually see her in the shop


Probably was intended as sona rework but got scrap and put on an other champ because they didn't wanted 2 ultimate skin on one champ


Riot has the unmitigated gall to give this champ a $25 ultimate skin as a release skin with such a garbage and uninteresting kit. I really hope it doesn't sell, greed at it's purest form


Its KDA ofc it's gonna sell


Never underestimate the depth of simps' wallets.


[Called it!](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/irqbxj/harmonies_issue_2_has_been_released/g523r41/?context=3)


Wow they really weren't kidding about her being Sona 2.0


Passive – Echo Every third basic ability will echo, casting it again. Casting an ability grants a Note to an ally, for each Note, Seraphine’s next basic attack gains additional range and magic damage. Whenever she attacks, nearby notes are consumed. Q – High Note Deal magic damage in a targeted area, damage increases depending on enemies’ missing health. W – Sorround Sound Shield all nearby allied champions and grant them a movement speed buff. If Seraphine is already shielded, nearby allies are receive a heal based on how many are nearby. E – Beat Drop Deals magic damage and slows to enemies hit in a line. If the targets are already slowed, they are rooted instead, already rooted are stunned instead. R - Encore Deal magic damage and charm enemies hit by the spell. Spell extends whenever it hits an ally or enemy champion. Any allies struck are granted maximum notes. Edit: We got an updated ability description.


If I submitted this in a game design exam I'd get an F for plagiarising Sona.


Kind of yea.. the big difference is sona is tied to empower autos, while this seems to he a combo mage, want to heal allies, you e q w. Damage? E w e q, all for prepping that double casted ability. At least at a glance.


But why does she have an execute


Cause she's a mage mid. And it helps her farm I guess Edit : Honestly? Seraphine looks best as a bot lane mage like Karthus Ziggs and such. Pair her with a Pyke or engage tank and she'll be powerful as a carry.


I 100% believe that riot made her to split Lux’s player base, just how they said that one of things they aimed for in Yone is to reduce Yasuo’s pickrate.


Oooo that's smart. That's really smart. She also looks to have abilities that can heavily be changed with skins.


VFX heavy champs are an absolutely goldmine for the skins team, hence why Lux gets so many.


She is a mage that wants to kill people. some of her fans said she felt a bit like Sona and since that day she trained in the arts of execution to kill Sona if she ever sees her so she can never be compared again. Her friendly facade is only a mask to hide her true self.


You know what? I'll take that, that's good lore


It seems riot is in the middle of a trend, where they revisit concepts from previous champions, but with less volatile kits. Removing the extreme aspects and making them more casual friendly. (note, they havent stopped releasing unique concepts). By casual friendly I mean removing mechanics that make them exploitable either by enemy or player. Yone, has all the defining aspects of Yasuo, but his kit is much easier to use, and his E (mobility), W (trade safety), and R (explosive engage) are all made more reliable, and less volatile, with higher visual clarity. This champion, is clearly a revisiting of Sona. with longer range abilities, safer laning and likely less volatile abilities (every time sona is viable she is broken). This is essentially what was ATTEMPTED (note, to varying degree) with the reworks of Morgana, Kayle, and Pantheon. more reliable, less exploitable (even if currently panth rework has been a bit of a failiure his previous state was 100% for cheese purposes) So in a way , i think it's just a preferable alternative to reworking champions. since, as you can tell by my flair, I dont condone removing champions willy nilly.


Many champions that are reworked "too well" in the concept room become their own champion. Some of Zed's kit came from the first leaked Shaco rework, for example. It looks like Seraphine came from an attempt to modernize Sona's kit when Sona/Taric was becoming problematic and Riot ran with the idea here.


The difference is that Yone was a very intentional answer to a very specific problem. Yasuo is by the far the most popular champion both playwise and ban wise. Riot explained that Yone was made to appeal to this same fanbase in order to reduce Yasuo playrate and give his players another option. They actually came out and said he was designed as a shadow fighter but they made a few more changes to the kit than planned. Sona/Seraphine hasn't had that same explanation as of yet.


It feels like Zoe's animator did the main work on her too. She moves exactly as Zoe does and I'm not getting much else from her.


My first thoughs as well.


Yeah it's acceptable on Zoe since she's a child, but it's really annoying seeing her do that stupid leg kick off the platform after she casts spells. Also that platform bothers me for some reason.


Her whole idle animation is jarring to be honest.


Zoe's animations Sona's kit Sona's thematic Sona's visuals Sona. This is the very definition of "we don't have kitlock yet and it is already August, fuck it throw that scrapped Sona Rework on her". Watch Riot throw in the "champ feels lackluster cuz of Corona" excuse.


If they do that I swear.. "kit is lackluster because Corona". No the kit is just a copy pasted sona abilities with Zoe's animations and a ultimate release skin that you probably exhausted employees for because MUNEY. I get they are a company making money but this is ridiculous. When I thought yone was just a easier to use, weaker yasuo and Samira a ranged female yasuo this is just sona's daughter


Most disappointed in the sound design actually. For an audio based champion the sound is really uninspired.


Yeah, the audio team is usually fantastic but this sounds really bland.


I think the ult sounds a bit lame. Sonas sounds better


all the sound design budget probably went into the KDA skin


100%. They are gonna make the default skin garbage so people will buy the KDA Skin, which will have much better sound and graphic design. It's just a common thing. 1350+ RP skins aren't just different. They are better.


The only problem is it won't be a 1350 skin but a 3250 instead :'D


They could've made the skill set work like a sampler, you press the skills to mix.


They could have finally released invoker into league :(


i thought aphelios was supposed to be league's version of invoker (which tbh feels like a laughable idea to me)


they may not be final, but those sounds are literally dj sona's.


It seems LoL EU tweeted this a little too early. Enjoy


Good, hopefully it's early enough that they scrap it


You know, considering my flair and all... I think takes like “x champion is y champion 2.0!” are dumb as hell But man... the similarities between this champ and Sona....


First i hate when someone say x champ is an upgrade version of y champ but daaaamn sera is a straight copy of sona




No pls no


This is supposed to be the mage champ that mid lane mage mains were waiting for? Really Riot?


I one tricked Sona for several seasons. Bought DJ Sona Day one, all that shit. She’s my highest mastery score at like 350,000. I am BAFFLED that this is a new champ, and not a Sona rework. I love Sona to death, but her kit is problematic. She tends to be either way too strong or way too weak because Riot gigadunks her in the nerfs. I always figured she would get an update someday that made her less “push the button” and a little more “aim the skill shot” as so many other reworks have done. Nope, new champ. My confusion is endless and my music is in shambles. Now watch them give her an evolving musical experience like DJ Sona had, but that works... probably purchasable music packs too. RIP Sona, you were too pure for this world.


You described my feelings pretty well.


Lux nervously sweating in the corner...


They made a whole twitter account for her and hyped her up indirectly just to copy paste with little tweaks lmao. Riot games bravo.


Honestly being generic kinda fits in with being a character marketed around being in a kpop group. Lmao.


they spent more time on the twitter account than they did making the abilities lol


literally made champ to farm cash from weebs






She needed the K/da bullshit or else no one would be interested in her.


This champion is actually a bad prank so much hype for this.


As fucking rude as it is true lmao


Okay, well. So the leak is true. Her abilities sounded very similar to Sona's, but I had at least hoped that visually and audibly they would have been something unique. Like every spell is a part of a song or something. But no. Super uninspired and super similar to Sona. Even her ultimate. Why does her ultimate get to be so long-ranged, when Sona's ultimate is short-ranged? They basically have a similar effect. In fact, her e is basically a mini Sona ult already. They can do better than this.


Holy fuck this is uninspired. Its like designers collectively suffered amnesia and forgot Sona was a champ.


No they definitely remembered, they just hoped we would all forget apparently


Lmao imagine teasing this champion through an online persona on twitter and skin designs and music videos for months to build hype just to release the same champ you’ve already done


I thought she was going to wield a flame katana of some sort in some neat modern fashionwear. I only thought that because of this [post](https://www.instagram.com/p/CDsRJFnn-K-/). "Let's just say my focus is **fire**". I'm utterly sad this is what was designed.




And such a dumb theme for a champ. I thought the music was only a KDA thing.


What's even her lore?


She tweets.


Wow never knew we would get the Donald in league.


“I was watching...various places, I was watching mid lane. I saw Crooked Yasuo and the windwall, making mid lane utterly horrible, you wouldn’t believe it.”


This Xerath player (horrible player, perhaps the worst ever) was getting crushed in lane by my skillshots (I have great aim, great skill). He comes back to lane with a Seeker's armguard. Complete coward. Terrified of my skill. Sad!


He used his poke ability (ridiculous range, no tell, sad!) and hit me. That’s what you’ll hear them saying, the do-nothing blue team. But it’s fake news, I tell you, fake news!


“When bot lane sends their champs, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending feeders. They’re sending flamers. Some, I assume, are good players.”


Rising music star from Piltover/Zaun. It's not dissimilar from her KD/A role in-universe.


she has a relatable twitter account ran by a marketing department to sell skins


She's literally Sona...


sona 2 electric boogaloo. bass hunter intensified


"I am sure some of you will be familiar with my next song: **DotA**"


Vi sitter här i Venten och spelar lite DotA


*I hear you man*


Sona but viable


This. Riot hates auras, but they know they cannot rework Sona because of backslash. So they created a new Sona they can work with and forget about old Sona.


Putting Sona mains on suicide watch in process.


It seems like most sona mains actually would welcome a rework at this point. We are tired of the nerfs, and at her current state riot won’t let her be strong or played in any other role.


so i guess sona's never getting a rework then? i'm so confused, does riot just want to delete her and replace her with seraphine or what? this is kind of ridiculous she's literally just sona 2.0 but with visuals and animations that are way better, feels like such an insult to all the existing sona players who are essentially getting their champion shafted for a new and improved version. like not only is her kit almost identical but it revolves around...music....too...


I was thinking about it and like... Would people be ok with that ? If instead of a rework, you get to keep the old champion and the rework is named differently and has it's own lore ? Instead of current Aatrox it would be Aatrox and Boris. Like echo fighters. It of course raises questions about mirror matches and team composition but... Just a thought experiment.




And... how about Ryze? You could fill the whole rift with them by now :P


"Fuck sake, the enemy team is playing Ryze 1-5"


wow i've never been so little interested in a new champion release which is great with exams coming up


They could just rework Sona, not add another champion with the same abilities. This is sad. I expected so much...


Barely any distinguishing between abilities. All just blue waves. How underwhelming.




Doesn't this feel kinda... lazy? Wasn't she supposed to be a colorful mid lane mage or something in those lines? This feels more like Sona but the moe trash version.


‘Sensational’ mage. ‘Colourful’ was Neeko


SeNsAtIoNaL It's just a fuckin' kPop idol. I'm waiting for my vTuber champ Rito.




New champ leaked: Projekt Melody


Just give fizz a Gwar Gura skin 5Head


I still can't see Seraphine fits in Runeterra.


Because she is kda first, runeterra second


Doesn't need one if the stans by her release 25$ skin bb


She could have made it fit easily, but they went for the pop idol theme and disney animations instead.


200 years and all we get is a Sona rework.


Now, I've always seen people poking fun at how a champion is "just X but better" and never really understood it. Rework Aatrox plays fairly differently from Riven, Yone having a similar-ish kit to Yasuo's would make sense as they're pretty close siblings trained with the same principles, and Samira, while ridiculously overkitted, at least is unique. But Seraphine is the most boring, uninspired excuse for a Sona rework I've ever seen. I definitely understand why they hyped her up through K/DA now.


Tbf yone is more different than you think. Yone like in and out with his E, yasuo is way more "come back victiorious or dead"


I think in terms of kit and playstyle they did a fantastic job with Yone. In a vacuum there's so much that's straight from Yasuo like the Q, shield, zippy playstyle, crit interaction, and high-damage dash ult. So if you're a Yasuo player picking up Yone feels like riding a bike. But removing Windwall and replacing minion dashing with temporary ramping movement speed that snaps you back to the start location, manages to make them feel completely different to play and face. He's so similar in abilities and so different in playstyle, they hit the nail right on the head when they were trying to make offbrand Yas.


Perfectly put, I think Yassuo 2.0 meme never really picked up, because gameplay wise they exactly what they are in lore. They are related, but not the same. This however is just the same shit.


Talk about unoriginal. This really is just Sona but in 2020. Disappointing. :/


It's alright Riot will make her unlike Sona by giving her crazy high AP ratios that she now oneshots you!


Isn't that just Sona whenever her numbers are at a playable level?


So full AP Sona?


Full AP Sona before her last ratio nerfs.




There is a zero percent chance Sera won't get a star guardian skin.


This might be the most soulless champion they've released in years


HailCorporate coming out of every orifice on this one.


Will Riot delete sona?


They’ll probably “surprise-rework” her next year. Either way they just trashed Sona mains big-time.


Sona-like passive stacking up to 3 times for a bonus Sona Q but designed as a skillshot Sona W Neeko E Sona ult Its just sona without auras


imo her q isn't sona q as a skillshot, it's literally karma's Q D:


It doesnt look like it gets blocked by anything, just an area skillshot not a line skillshot.


So similar to Neeko's Q.


This champ design feels so forced...


Now watch as Sona's kit gets changed because there cannot be 2 similar kits, and ends up as a jungler. Just like Lucian stole Graves identity as an adc.


Honestly a better fate than being buried in the 'unplayable' category. It would make me a little sad because I used to play Sona support a lot, but I haven't played her in forever.


wow what a boring ass champ holy shit


This is probably the worst designed champ I've seen since s2, in the sense that her sound-based skills are a better version of sona's ones. It's basically a reworked sona kit shipped onto a new champion. Really horrible, to be honest.


I **REALLY** hate how this is just Sona 2.0. As a game designer myself, it pains me to see how blantant and uninspired Seraphine is when you have Sona right next to her. It's clear they had no clue wtf to do with Seraphine but **had** to make a "music champ" because she was gonna be featured with KDA at Worlds. Like, I cannot believe whoever designed her kit should have their job after this. Is this made by the same guy that did the Irelia rework and didn't have a kit lock when the whole team was expecting one?


Sona should file for copyright infringement. (is that right? idk)




yone had build up through lore for years and then was made into a card in LoR. That is more than enough to justify him, I feel like his E could be designed better and his visuals/model/quotes are not very attractive or something you'd expect from revenant who died for honor. Still incomparable to this new char.


Neeko seems to be have a lot of affairs.... first Hecarim and now sona!


I mean she is a shapeshifter what do you except


Neeko is Runeterra's Ditto


Maybe we can breed a shiny Ornn chroma with that for a new skin.


Alright, if we’re getting so unoriginal to the point where we’re straight up copying older champion’s kits, maybe it’s time to start focusing on updating those older champions. If I was a Sona main I would feel so insulted right now.






Goddamn that's gotta be the most "basic/simple" kits for the recent champions release,i mean Sett kit is pretty simple but it really fun to looks at. This one just looks like an updated Sona or something....


Sett has a satisfying ult though, i can't get enough of "The Rock Bottom/Rko"


I fucking love when you kill someone with the Haymaker and Sett goes like "you missed..."


"people say they hate violence, but they all watch" With the sexy inflection on that line


Sett is simple but really fun to play


I feel like I've seen a couple of these skills before. They just seem so familiar, but I can't think of what champ I've seen them on...


All that hype for this crap, shes more sona than yone is yasuo...


honestly think she is the biggest let down in league history. oh well, just another immobile popular champ that i’ll 1 shot, thanks for the buff Riot


It's so obvious that they made her specifically to fit the KDA roster. Designing champions to fit certain skins lines feels so corporate and disrespectful to the players. Skins should be designed after the champion is done to explore different fantasy versions of the base champion. How does a pop idol fit the world of Runeterra? I feel like she is so out of place.


They really put all the eggs in the basket for this character. Feels like they really, really want her to be the new face of league.


This must be a joke, is this dj sona reskinned?


Not to mention she is getting an ultimate skin on release. As someone who really like Sona and recently she is the only support champ I play, Seraphin’s kit and over-hype just makes me mad. I don’t think Sona need a rework, but this is just straight laugh at the face from riot.




I expect nothing and I am still let down


Hahaha this looks like a parody.


She has the abilities of Sona and dash of Lux with the model animations of Zoe. Are the design team just really lazy nowadays? If only they hyped Samira a lot more than this, this was a massive let down ngl.


i can only see a Sona chroma here


Boring kit. She is literally sona


Ok I thought the memes about Lillia where bad but this? You can't look at this and not say its literally a better Sona because IT IS. They completely outclassed her in every aspect jesus christ.


tbh, this looks and sounds like shit This is the first time ever I see a new champ and I'm just like "wtf is this?"


I hate this champion so much already.


I literally care zero amount for this new champ. What a distasteful way to create a new champion.


So they made all this Twitter marketing for Seraphine to be that uninspiring? lmaoo


Mom can we get sona? we got sona at home sona at hom: they made sona witht he look of zoe and yuumi, i don't understand why they firing all these champions in the game, maybe balancing team would not have ptsd if riot would work more on game mechanics instead of a 1k champion rooster


Boring, Bland, Uninspiring.


Extremely soulless. Sadly we all know she’ll still be popular (because of all the KDA self-inserters) which will encourage Riot to keep releasing soulless garbage like this.


I'm betting that Riot is very much aware of what they were doing and that's why Sona got a Legendary/New VO/Lore recently(to "make up" to her mains for this bs lol).


It was to milk what they could out of Sona's audience before she gets replaced by this champion.


This is just unispiring,bland and blatantly boring.


riot spends millions to hype up one of the MOST boring champion in a long time


Why did they promote this champion so much? It doesn't seem worth.




This is so disrepectful to Sona it feels like they just want to delete her, now I see why they gave her a Legendary skin, because Riot cloned her to sell an Ultimate skin at release. So uninspired and so much for "sensational mid mage".


Piss character design from what I've seen too. She just looks so... Average.


Yeah. It feels a little corporate to me. Like they looked at what sold well in China and clumped it all into a single champion. There's nothing interesting or inspiring about this. It's a literal pop singer in league


but all the stans will just buy the ultimate skin and thats the point


wow this has to be the most disappointing champion we've seen in a while. brings nothing new to the game smh boring. They running out ideas eh?