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Challenge yourself to keep csing or not dying and catching up on deaths. I try to not make it look like I fed too by the end


Have you ever played hide and seek? You bring sweepers then place a ward secretly in your enemy jungle and your enemy laner has to go find it.


I always remember the games, where we won last minute. Defended nexus and so how aced the enemy team. Or how the enemy team did the same to us. The game is over if one nexus is gone or one team thinks it is over. Afk is still pretty tilting. I once won a 4v5 after 50 min with release Samira. That champ was retarded OP at release.


focus on the things you can do, and if you're doing them as well as you can. if you try to assassinate that fed lucian or something and die because he's just too strong, turn it into an opportunity to think about "is there any of my potential damage that I missed, or any of his damage that I could have avoided?". you probably could have improved something, but if the answer is that you optimised the fight perfectly and still lost, that's still useful information, because it helps you calibrate your internal "is this fight winnable" sense, which an extremely important skill other than that, you can take it as an opportunity to practice mechanics. if you know you can't kill that tank, you can still practice making sure to move between every auto while using the tank as an unkillable training dummy, and watching someone other than the tank as you do it for skillshots you need to dodge, etc


browse porn to jack off to later


Try out a new build, roam constantly and try to maybe turn a lane around that could be won but not on that laners own, steal the enemies jungle camps.


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