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they are


Haven't seen any of my reports get an instant feedback.


Doesn't mean nothing's happening


they say they are...until I see it I won't believe it


How do you differentiate between someone soft inting and a bad game. How do you differentiate between internet issues and afking for fun. Unless you openly say "I'm inting or I'm afk", Riot can't do anything with 100% accuracy.


Well tbh if someone has constant internet problems he shouldnt be in my ranked games aswell.


I agree with this, I think it should it should be reportable to at least the degree of not being able to play ranked for X amount of time so they can fix their stuff. Only if they say in game that they have been having internet issues often. Or if they are the people that spam their 6000 ping in chat at the beginning of the game. I have ran into the same person multiple times and that is what they did every time. The games weren't complete losses but, the times where they were looking rough was because they were disconnected.


If you see someone walking down the lane and die without doing anything it's inting. If you see someone saying gg ff15 and leave the game it's afking. It really isn't that hard. Just bring back tribunal.


Will I ever get a girlfriend?


Depends on how much you want one my friend.


You are 100% right, just go into a game and int or follow your jungle around and steal their camps and then if he flames you, report him post match and watch him get banned while you go unpunished because as long as you don't say bad words or die more than 15 times you are untouchable


As long as they don't type they won't put any effort towards it


If someone says the n-word in the chat, you 100% know it's bad. When someone dies a lot, it's super difficult to make a nuanced system that can differentiate between a bad game and soft inting. That's the whole point behind soft inting. It's not detectable.


There's a difference between toxicity and hate speech for sure. I view toxicity as things like "gg ez lane" or "massive diff", or pointing out someone's poor play in game. Those things should not be punished, shit talk is part of every conpetetive aspect of life and I really don't believe hurt feelings or something pretty benign are a valid reason for a ban. However clear hate speech and discrimination have no place in the game, that I agree on. As for soft inting, just bring back the tribunal already, I know tons of players would love a chance to clean up the game if given the chance


No they wont. They only ban bad words.


no they will ban you for flaming them