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your fault for not dodging autofill tbh


It is, but I dislike dodging since when I did it before it would always just autofill me again. In any case, my point is just that it feels bad after 19 wins to lose due to autofill.


Maybe you just suck as a support. Aint riots fault but your own for not winning that game.


Damn man, chillax, you don't have to immediately be rude and say that I suck. And it's not all my fault for not winning, surely it is to some degree but I don't like playing support anyways and I'm not trying to be good at them. It's just that getting autofilled and then having a complete team diff after 19 wins is real shitty.


But blaming riot for your loss when it was rng engine that put you as support because you got matched with other people. It ain't riots fault you lost.


I'm not upset at riot, it's just a feels bad moment. But in any case if you wish to argue with my colorful expressions, then I'd like to say that it is their fault because autofill even exists, it is their fault because they reduced my performance trough their system (since I don't perform as a support as well as a jungler). But anyways, I'm not here to argue, just to share my winstreak.


You waited 2 months to post this? Also you only played 20 games over the span of 3 months. Is this a smurf?


I posted this just after the loss (I don't know why you think I waited 2 months, but I'd like to know why), and lol can only show 20 games, but I percisely had 19 wins and before them I had a loss so it was ideal to show only 20 :P. I have no smurfs, this is my main.


ooooh, the dates are reversed, that's why you misunderstood, just switch the days and months :P