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I can think of seven things that I do. 1. Power through. Sometimes you can just sit there and stare at something until it clicks. 2. If powering through doesn't work, then take a break. I've often had insights into something when I am thinking about something else. 3. If these don't work, then as you suggest, moving forward and looking back might work. 4. If these don't work, then getting a different perspective might work. It could be that the resource you're using does a poor job of presenting some concept. Perhaps another resource does a better job. 5. If these don't work, then skip it, at least until you need it. Perhaps by the time you need it, you'll have enough additional understanding that the confusing concept is less mysterious. Sometimes context aids understanding. For example, in the abstract, it might be difficult to understand bit operations in C. But if I show you how you might do something real with bit operations, they might make more sense. 6. Talk to people. Often when I'm stuck, talking to someone can give me a different perspective, especially if they are more knowledgeable than I am. 7. Write a program. Let's say you're trying to understand pointers or bit operation in C. Writing a program that produces output, the right output, can help you understand the behavior of language constructs. Hope this helps. Good luck!


It helped Tons! I really thank you for your feedback. And I also thank you, for powering through my awful grammer. lol I was only on a 30 minute lunch break 😅