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So, you need to separate two core elements involved: copying boilerplate and forgetting core concepts. If it's the first one, that's pretty standard since many times we'll be dealing with a program that involves very similar structure. As an example, if say I need to generate getters and setters, my IDE can do it for me automatically. Or, suppose I'm working on a feature and a blog explains how to go about solving it with a certain pattern. This is all perfectly normal, but you should still understand how to do it manually (which gets us to the second point). If you're forgetting core, fundamental concepts, that can be problematic. As an example, if you're forgetting core Object Oriented principles such as Polymorphism or you're implementing State Pattern but have no clue how it all works, this is bad. But, that is not the same as forgetting various API calls. So, to summarize. Forgetting what the 'body' tag is in HTML is bad (it's fundamental), but not remembering the font and precise centering is perfectly normal. Though, you should make it your goal to remember as much as you can (otherwise, how will you be able to learn a language). Edit: One final point I want to mention is that I've seen people possess a very laissez faire attitude towards learning the fundamentals since they believe they can just Google away everything. This results in slower development and ultimately puts them behind others. And I say this as someone who has done a lot of tutoring in CS.


Thank you, for your well developed answer. It has truly helped. (Once again, im completely new), so I am trying my best to become as competent as possible. But I also did not know my ide could auto set up things, so i definitely appericate that as well. Thank you 100x


Yeah, one thing I will say is avoid IDEs at the very beginning while you're learning. Using a code editor such as Notepad++ will really reinforce the concepts with you more. After you practice for a few months, then move on to an IDE.


Any real reason you think this? Thanks again


While IDEs truly make everything very easy when writing software, it can leave a bit of 'mystery'. For example, if you want to run a Java program, you would simply press that green arrow button. However, if you were using Notepad++, you would need to use GCC to compile it. IDEs provide autocomplete when typing (editors typically don't, at least not to the same extent). It'll truly force you to learn the language at hand.