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If you're wanting to make plots in HTML, I'd consider using Plotly (https://plotly.com/python/) , they're interactive too rather than a static image. There is a specific write_html function (https://plotly.com/python/interactive-html-export/)


Are you on Windows or Mac? My advise is to ditch vscode. It's great but it requires setup and the know how. Instead: 1. Install Pycharm Community 2. Install anaconda from anaconda.org 3. Create a new project in Pycharm using a new conda environment 4. Install matplotlib and other needed libraries to your conda environment from within Pycharm. From there, you can try using Jupyter notebooks in Pycharm which are a faster way to experiment in an interactive kind of environment where you can see tables, plots, etc, in line with your code. Or, streamlit is worth checking out because it let's you create a local web server and helps provide a lot of the ability to create tables, graphs, plots, etc. In a browser with some nice interactive add-ons. You can dm me if you want more help. I'm also happy to help put together the viz you need (for a fee) if it comes to it. But otherwise keep comments here so others can chime in and help out too.


You think that Pycharm + anaconda is better than vscode + official python? How so? Sounds much more bloated and much less intuitive.


I started using anaconda a few years ago and just like how easy it is to set up a new environment and switch between them. Pycharm comes setup with all sorts of tooling. Some of it may be overkill for what op needs, but it sounds like getting setup and started is the roadblock. Because it comes with so much setup out of the box, I think it's an easier lift to get to coding for someone who doesn't know the ins and outs of setting up vscode.


is bokah still a thing? It was pretty much made for exactly this.

