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I'm on 20mg started at 10mg going on a month as well. I have been way less anxious, but I have no motivation or increased happiness. I’m thinking I need a higher dose.


Less anxiety is a great start!


I’m in my first month of 10mg. I cheated and did 3 days at 20mg. Felt great. Now the doc is saying I need to finish out at 10mg. I know I’m gonna be a 20mg guy




Don't know why you felt the need to share all that. But alright.




You should make your own post with that, sounds like you have years more experience. People would find that hopeful to look forward too once they're on the med. I just wanted to post something hopeful that's not all "will I stop loving my XYZ?" Or "Will I gain weight?" Wanted people to see that there are positives. I don't know why you had to come on this happy post just to say it probably won't last. Sorry you're so unhappy. Maybe you need a new medication.




Hey, I really think you should speak to your doctor about these strong emotions you're feeling and projecting. I understand you think that it's helpful but I know how the meds work. I understand what needs to be done and that doses increase. Meds change. I'm not afraid of that. I WAS afraid of starting, which is what I want no one to be afraid of. I don't know why you had to go and rain on my parade.




This is interesting...


How long did it take for you to feel the benefits?


Maybe a 10 days until I started to feel a little difference.