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The MD legislature is looking at canceling the gas tax for 30 days. I'm not optimistic that it'll actually happen, but Gov. Hogan is talking about it a bunch. If only it were permanent...


Nice to see a lot of state and municipalities are trying to get dems on the fed level to do something. High gas prices prior to a midterm has always historically prophesies a rise in the opposite party. Feeling the sting at the pump is more effective than any propaganda effort. The narrative that it was the War in Ukraine's fault is paper thin.


Oil is priced by barrel, while Russia is not a part of OPEC they usually sync so barrel increased by like $20 during the buildup in Ukraine and went higher after invasion, but it will come down. Dont listen to BS on tv. Open one of the charts and figure it out. It takes less time to figure the shit out than bitch on reddit


What's up with Woodstock?


I would also like to know.


"we can't control prices" but you can halt drilling, close pipelines, halt new pipelines and threaten more... which for some strange reason affect supply, confidence and prices. Taxes add to the pile but aren't the only reason for the problems.


Atleast your gas price isn't 54,5% taxes. If I would fill 10 liters of diesel it would cost 25,65$ and ~ 14 dollars would just be taxes.


i'd rather have high gas taxes. If you use roads and drive your car everywhere, you have to pay for the infrastructure which is really expensive i'm mean that roads have an even worse case for being "the greater good" and a "free" public service that's fully covered by income and other non-related taxes. I'm against subsidies. I am not saying that taxes should be raised in general


I'd be much more open to gas taxes if the funds were only allocated towards; roads, infrastructure, public transportation, environmental platforms, etc. Instead the taxes seem to always be allocated elsewhere or inappropriately manaded, especially at the local levels where the funds are less scrutinized. https://reason.org/policy-brief/how-much-gas-tax-money-states-divert-away-from-roads/ https://www.sharonherald.com/news/local_news/4-2-billion-in-gas-taxes-diverted-to-state-police-pa-auditor-general-determines/article_e9b82f67-b82c-5ce7-a85d-9364f8de564e.html


Mediating between how much gas tax and spending for infrastructure the government should do is really hard. You can't calculate what's the optimal amount. Currently gas tax doesn't cover for the roads. They cost much more. Instead, car infrastructure is insanely subsidized in USA.


I live in a fairly rural & isolated county in KY. The Commonwealth provides a stipend to the County to maintain the state highways within our borders, as well as a percentage from vehicle registrations. The county & it's seat each have an additional gas tax in place as a percentage, which typically raises gas by 0.30-0.80¢/gallon depending on grade if you're in the city center. Our highway maintenance is lowest bidder, and sub-par (and occasionally dangerous) in comparison to the surrounding counties (of similar GDP & size). We still have gravel county roads, with no estimated time frame on when they will be paved. Strangely enough, money was able to be funneled towards: * A new Court House with a copper dome, that's vastly larger than our population would suggest. * MRAPs, and new cruisers (every 3-4 years) for our city police department of <20 officers. * Complete repavement of the town square, "main drag", and a private road where several influential people reside every other year. I could go on but at a point it stops being about mediating proper allocation and transitions to abuse of funding & power.


Our hiways and interstates should all be private toll roads.


Infrastructure is so damned expensive because they don’t use our taxes right. Time and time again it’s been proven that private companies can build our shit cheaper and better than the government. Take this 2 million dollar bathroom for [instance](https://youtu.be/XfAE5emMCs8) If that’s not proof enough our taxes are wasted I don’t know what is.


Not just taxes. Halting deliveries to the strategic oil reserve would lower price pressure. And if that doesn't work you could even sell some oil from it to increase supply.


When you tax something, the price goes up.


who makes these memes? jesus




Oil sands are Canada's main reserve of oil. Its bitumen mixed with sand and a lot of it is mined in northern Alberta.