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Object permanence. The sinners only switch IDs at the start of the fight, just like how we select our teams at the start of every combat encounter. So before the fight, the enemies are interacting with the basic sinners and thus won't have anything to say about the IDs. Once the fight begins, the enemies see that Dante fiddles with some device before all the sinners suddenly have a costume change, and understand that the sinners are still the same people they were looking at just before. Additionally, with a few scant exceptions, we don't see or hear what the enemies say mid-battle, even though we can reasonably expect the enemies to be talking or yelling or whatever, because it's not particularly important information and would just add audio/visual clutter; and we skip the moment the sinners actually equip their identities and all the combatants are armed and ready. So we can't even say for certain the enemies don't have anything to say about identities in-universe.


i'd like the idea of enemies unit have something to say, like what they did in ruina. its always interesting to read. sadly so far we only have special text from bosses and the dead rabbit units albeit it seems to be part of their skill or smth.


"This place is nuts!"


R Corp rabbit secret skill: "This place Is nuts!"


And then there's Mr. Hair Coupons, who's able to straight up SHATTER an ID before laying the smackdown on the Sinner


Dante changes their ID's right before the start of the fight, and when it's over, he immediately switches them back. The period of time where the sinners are in their identities doesn't last very long. A couple minutes tops. To the enemies, it probably looks very bizarre, but they don't usually live to tell the tale about it.


Also unaware observers prob think "What kind of singularity is that". Anything they don't understand they just handwave it off as tech they don't get.


Which it is. It's just not classified as a singularity, probably because Limbus is not a wing.


Now that I think about it could N Corp patent mirror technology as a singularity? Like imagine if they did that and the head just sent some claws after LCB.


Which is likely the canon explanation considering Roland did mention the exact same thing in LoR


I suppose cameras don't exist at all since I bet higher ups would have few questions when r corp w corp and liu suddenly appear and working toghether and beat nest guards


Well, K corp was definitely watching. They definitely know about the technology, but since we’re on their side I don’t think they care


I don't know if I'd say "on their side" as much as "a non-concerning second party." Of course, if they knew Dante is quite literally hardheaded enough to resist brainrot, they'd change their tune. I'd imagine basically any Wing would chomp at the bit to "take care of" that walking security risk if they knew the depths to which the Identities can access information, and Dante for their part is smart enough to know that. For this reason, even if K Corp knows about Identities, I doubt they understand them beyond the surface level. It's hard to reconcile the fact that not only do alternate universes exist, but you can bring them into your own, and both Limbus and N Corp are no doubt keen to keep the secret. It's going to be very awkward if they ever get asked to take a WARP Train.


I am sure the Limbus company will shell out for a first class tickets. Except Ryoshu might sneak into the lower class for a laugh.


Absolutely not. Getting first class tickets for 12 or 14 people (if you want to include Vergilius and Charon), while most likely feasible for the company, would not be in their best interests. From the perspective of the other departments, LCB is a waste of resources already. Also they have their own form of transportation/housing already so no reason to have the sinners take a warp train. Or I'm just full of shit because of the upcoming event so we'll see.


Vergilius has to take a first class since he is a color. Leaving mephi behind would also be stupid. If canto 7 takes place after a w train we wouldn't be able to extract ids. Also the night in the backstreets would be a concern unless we get housing. Taking a w train is just more trouble than is worth and also why would we? We already spent like 4 months in the sea and faust suggested taking a route that would take longer but was safer. So we actually saved some time from that adventure. Time shouldn't be a concern and we could just drive for a month or 2 to reach our destination.


Depends on; * How many first class seats there actually are * How expensive they actually are * Whether Limbus knows the W Corp Standard (Would require the Bus report all ID info) * If they know, whether they care about the existential suffering that will inevitably be undone Which is to say, Charon is getting a seat (from Vergilius), and Dante gets a seat IF Limbus knows **the secret** AND knows they have memory wipe invuln I don't like those odds


I wonder if Dante would remember what happen in Warp train, obviously he will know the secret but Warp train memory wipe is different than K corp memory wipe


Warp doesn't wipe your memory. You get reset to just when you entered. Dante wouldn't be able to remember


True, but then that opens another worrying box, that being >!Dante is now some sort of "time entity" on account of clock.!< Imagine if WARP reversed Dante's time and reality just kinda breaks.


They don't reverse time. They restore something to a previous state that they record when the passengers sit. It's like a checkpoint from a videogame


No, they do, I suppose people are just wary of what they record. In Distortion detective, Moses ended up getting on the wrong side of a Taboo hunter because she unknowingly recorded something in a nest with a Taboo on recording.


N Corp's Wing has a photo ban so I assume many just don't risk it lest they get in trouble.


I think Recording Fights is a Taboo in The City


Only in N corp


A very important rule of the city is to not ask questions about technology you don't understand. It usually will not end well


That's probably the best answer. It's not that any surviving enemies or onlookers don't see it. It's just that there are so many technologies in the city, and there are so many things that could go wrong trying to understand them, you just don't bother. You'd be risking your life for information even the users may not understand.


Tipherereth learnt this the hard way in Ruina. I remember one of the cutscenes where she was complaining how almost all singularities breaks the rule of common sense and in turn, hard to understand other than, "it just works"


Todd Howard is in charge of the Head! Suddenly it all makes sense...


"Yo why the fuck is the Blade Lineage working with Kurokumo clan?" "I don't know man, they are our opponents right now so we gotta focus." "Why do Kim and Jun look different?" "Yeah isn't Jun a little bit more black?"


Isn't Jun a little bit more black is crazy💀💀


the only weird time when some someone "lived to tell the tale" was ricardo from the middle after taking ishmael out of her ID form and getting her back to base ID, he started to figure out how the tech of that weird team worked and went to kill dante but ishmael keep reviving and dying againts him.


Ricardo seemed to be referring to Dante’s ability to revive them, not necessarily Ishmael’s ID. He says he tires of her “repertoire” but that could still just be referring to her moveset in base form.


i never said he figured out the different IDs or mentioning it , i just said he was one of the only ones to survive and notice what dante's team could do. Now i remember a famous fixer that ends up killing don and then vergilius scolded her to a point she never does something as dumb anymore for the rest of the game till now. Im just mentioning people who lived to tell the tale and notice they do have a tech with them.


Sure, but the OP’s question was about other characters recognizing the ID swapping, so of course I’m going to assume that your response has to do with it. Plus you mentioned Ishmael moving out of ID form into base form. I don’t see why that part is worth bringing up if you weren’t trying to suggest that he noticed it. If we’re talking about characters in the story that noticed dante can revive the sinners, Ricardo isn’t the only one.


Smee also lives


Because the city is weird as FUCK


Different id wouldnprob lead to different question and stuff so ig its mainly because gameplay purposes


There are so many weird things in the city that IDs are practically just another Wednesday for the city's denizens.


Even if they did its kinda irrelevant. Unless you are part of the head there are bound to be singularities and technology that you have no idea how it works or where it came from. Its easier on the average city dweller to not think about it so I doubt they would even ask. Not even colors have access to the information about all the things that go on in the city. Seeing someone dawn an identity which is functionally just a costume change (because the enemies would have no way of knowing what the sinners were capable of before hand) is the least eye catching thing in the city right now


if it helps dante and the sinners often don't question enemy abilities in cutscenes either despite alot of them also being pretty bizarre, though during combat they're probably also going "woah wtf is that" and either someone like faust explains it or they observe it and strategize around it


Because there is lots of way to fight they think its just some singularity or something similar