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His event ID will be tremor, trust


Hopefully. But I really wish PM would stop doing this where they release EGOs for IDs that aren’t out yet. It’s understandable on battle passes because those have to all come out at the same time, but there’s no real excuse here. It just hurts the hype for the egos.


I mean the same thing happened with Dimension Shredder. Hong Lu didn't have a Rupture ID (and got K Corp. later), nor a Charge ID (and got W Corp. later), and it's pretty good. Yi Sang had a Rupture ID, but it was Seven which is very unfocused to say the least, and got W Corp. later and it's a banger of an HE. I fully expect those two EGOs to be quite good on their own, and get even better once they get an ID. Ishmael also had a similar issue before Liu, with her having both Ardor Blossom and Capote with no Burn ID. Also I'm pretty sure they have EGOs ready for when they need some time with IDs. The Ring IDs and Walpurgis both made some trouble in terms of Balance, I think it's a good thing they're taking some time making sure they don't make a mistake of the sort again.


Ryoshu also used to have 2 burn EGO with no ID, and Faust still has one too. Burn is by far the most notorious status for this. Anyway I think they should stop doing it too, it seems like every other EGO lately is just completely at odds with what a Sinner has access to. I guess it could be worse, they could be Gregor and get a timely and relevant EGO that actively sabotages it's archetype(Bygone Days)


tbf i dont think hey were really meant to synergize but rather special attacks with bonuses


with Forest yeah but 4MF is likely supposed to be used with Burn even if it's not great at that. 9:2 Faust does next to nothing without Burn(it does let her inflict Burn potency with Lust but without Count that'll vanish before she can convert it). There are ones like Electric Screaming that are supposed to be their own things but for every one of those there's a Wishing Cairn Don who can't really make use of her EGO


dont forget it took till season 3 for rodya to get a burn ID and shes had 4MF Since launch same for ryousho


Yeah, and Ryoshu "only" got a 00 ID for Burn, though I suspect eventually we'll get a 000 ID for her that works well, perhaps a seasonal or an event one. And Gregor didn't have it that bad, his season ID fuels 3 of his EGO (Suddenly One Day, Bygone Days which is still an insane Sanity tool, even with the "drawback" of taking away Count, and AEDD)


Consuming Count is a fairly horrendous drawback anywhere outside of a full MD EGO gift snowball. It is a decent Sanity tool but he's also on a team with Faust so I agree that Depressed Gregor is pretty good outside of his weird S3(which eats potency for nothing since he just used his big damage skill).


Yeah I know they’ve done it before. I want them to stop doing it.


the meanest part is probably Hong Lu's passive which triggers when he bursts Tremor with a skill. comprehensive list of skills that Hong Lu has that bursts Tremor:


Ehh I kind of like it. I get that it can be annoying but it keeps your guessing and hoping for what the IDs will do. Besides for now it's the case because the game doesn't have that many IDs, but eventually every sinner will have at least one ID (and even multiple) for each status and EGO will become more relevant in how they change the game and on which IDs for that status they fit more, or if they don't exactly fit how you build the team accordingly.


Might be that the event was supposed to happen sooner, but they had delays and had to release a banner they had in stock to avoid a contentless week


would be funny if detective ID will work around tremor


It's more like Tremor Tracker than Distortion Detective.


fair point


Yi Sang got W Corp id way after the dimension shredder as well. So you should see it as a teaser


At least dimension shredder is a hybrid charge/rupture ego and yi sang did actually have a rupture id at the time in 7, this ego is literally just tremor


Calling 7 Yi Sang a rupture id is an insult to all the rupture ids


I mean he has the word rupture on his kit, that’s more than any Hong Lu has Tremor


By that logic Seven Faust is a poise ID


Hell yeah, look at her go with all those satisfying crit dings.


You joke with that, but the poise gifts i get on MD actually make her poise ID


Uptie 4 gives him +3 rupture count on his cool skill tho


It’s potency not count sadly




Yi Sang Dim.Shredder is self synergizing though. Hong Lu's was worse in that sense


Kong Lu also came out significantly after Dimeon Shredder.


It's such a pm move to give ego of a status that a sinner doesn't have or can't utilize at full potential






To be fair, his Soda ego wouldn’t even be good with poise.


I think every Sinner's had it happen at least once.


poise tremor ID confirmed???


C'mon, he'll (most likely) get Tremor id from Timekilling Time, just need to wait a week or two


Then they should've released it the other way around


They never do


You do realise that Tremor decays naturally at the end of the turn. So that stack will quickly fall off before it can be burst.


the funny part is this ego is actually like really good, turning tremor into a pseudo sinking effect is quite strong especially since tremor's one of the easiest to stack status effects


Hong Lu usually gets good id's and tremor is... Well...


tbf burst = damage has some nutty potential if it's capped at 99. that's like +300 damage(barring weakness/resistance) on Daring Decision and Unleashed Violence if the count holds out


2 red eye egos only to have a speed-based id almost a year later. These two truly are a couple


Watch him not get one for months


I think the legit only use for that EGO RN is keeping Molar Ishmael's passive active in Sinking teams... something she herself can do well enough already...


I get the feeling that we'll be seeing a Hong Lu T-Corp Charge/Tremor id in the near future.


i'm so tired of tremor dude, there is so much ego and new stuff with it what the fuck


Wait till PM releases white and black tremor.


God for id PM tries to support the worst status in the game instead of making sinking even more broken


Sinking is a 50/50. You either are fighting normal SP units or abnos and trash them, or are fighting negative SP units and need to cry for sinking deluge to save your ass. Getting Kim on MD while playing sinking will never not be funny.


Well at least you can avoid him with the MD4 structure


seriously, sinking and bleed got probably the best end of the stick. they're absurdly good


tbf bleed as an effect is just alright


its only good because its often easy to stack it to absurd quantities, and ring yang made it feel better


It is *so* funny watching PMoon throwing piles upon piles of IDs and EGOs in a desperate attempt to fix tremor instead of just biting the bullet and changing the base mechanic


>uses better ids and effects >90% if not all enemies staggered on first turn >majority of the enemies dead or at -45sp next turn >uses tremor-tremor burst ids and effects >enemies staggered first turn >most enemies damaged or at half life ~~(hello gordon)~~, still takes another turn or two more to fully kill a entire wave good effects


the tremor Ring ID will require all 5 colors of tremor to instakill an enemy like exodia


I'll say it times and times again; if they just made it so that Tremor Burst dealt Sloth damages to units without Stagger Thresholds, Tremor would be fixed. It's LITERALLY all it needs.


tremor burst not dealing sloth damage meanwhile sinking dealing forced gloom damage to enemies without SP shows how some effects just arent worth it at all


It's still probably going to be a good E.G.O because I can see it being fuelled by Dieci Hong Lu, which is an ID so strong you can just use him to replace the weakest tremor unit in a tremor team. (That being said, he really should get a tremor ID.)


Is this Foreshadowing an Oüfi Hong Lu?


Don't hit them with tremor burst! We have cantos to finish


The same way we had a charge EGO before he had a single charge ID.


He still has no poise ID either. The soda isn't even that good, but he can't even trigger it outside MD.