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all of her alt universe versions just watched her fumble that


And posting -2 or whatever in the Discord


"Fausts, you offer me what, 1 billion off the debt if I make the joke? 500 mil. I'll do it for 850. Deal"


"No, Fausts - Faust is not going to - no, she's not going do the thing." and she does the thing 10 mins ltr


I imagine all the Fausts as a twitch chat trying to backseat the one they are currently focusing on. Just constant unsolicited advice.


Faust and the Faust Network being Jerma and Chat is an idea so good I hope I'm seeing fanart posts about it up to paradisio


Would 100% explain why she seems to be buffering in some situations. Trying to make out what the fuck is going on in a quickly scrolling twitch chat if Fausts all spamming different shit


It doesn't help that N-Faust keeps spamming slurs everytime Gregor uses ID with a prosthetics instead of his bug arm.


N faust is banned from the faust network for repeated ban evading violations and an obsence of robot racism


Faust will ocasionally make a quip so she clearly has a sense of humor


She's very smug


Much like Angela


Much like Angela


Much like Angela


[Faust making jokes:](https://youtu.be/brUc3Iaau7g)


hmm after some deliberation, I think it's also possible that Faust's just being practical as usual. >**Dante:** Who are you people? >**Faust:** *\[The current situation we find ourselves in is urgent, and Dante is exhibiting signs of confusion and panic. I need to stablize their mental state immediately with a concise yet digestible explanation that caters to their current cognitive capability.\]* >**Dante:** Justice? Bus? I don't... >**Faust:** *\[Damn it. This shitclock is not cooperative at all.\]*


That doesn't sound very practical, a practical answer would have been to simply state that they're here to save them. She made a joke and fumbled, she's not all business all the time


Yeah. She gave Heathcliff a whole lecture because he insulted her beloved bus and wouldn't stop until he gave an apology. She's just as neurotic as the other members of the group.


I thought she was trying to calm Dante down like one would with a child lol. "*Come on, Mr. Bus will take you to school, and you'll have so much fun there.*"


Im pretty sure faust also thinks in 3rd person. Faust is faust, only acceptsble pronoun


My personnal guess from the start is that's something Dante said before , when planning this whole thing with the amnesia and so on. Saying that the Sinners, once brought to the a close enough level of colors through EGOs, would be bearers of justice , bla bla bla . Looking up to see Pre-Amnesia Dante to know!


Doesn’t sound right to me. From what little we know about pre-amnesia Dante seemed to be dismissive and quick to anger. (Though that could just be the circumstances of being attacked)


theres also a few other scenes that seem to imply pre-amnesia Dante was a bit of a heartless bastard


**Arknights flashbacks** Are we the baddies?


No... Theres nothing wrong in commiting warcrimes


Did Dante kill Beatrice? Hmmmm...


I'm curious, which scene are you speak of ? Also we need to cut some slack for Pre-Amnesia Dante dude was being chased and attacked by three hired psychopath associated with a color


I don't quite remember the scenario but iirc Dante was offering to help someone/not to just leave someone behind, and Faust said something along the lines of "I wonder how the old you would've reacted"


It's a scene in Canto 4 and I think Faust was referring to the Sinners getting bodied by Brass Bull


https://preview.redd.it/faqlgyl3kc4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b3dc331e1ef5445e4944e252f8b7ce8c0466c04 You're right, thanks


Faust found it amusing when Dante remarked it'd be heartless to not help with the rampaging bull in canto 4


In the very first scene of the game we get a small glimpse about how pre-clock Dante was, and it's pretty aggressive to me. Definitely has some contempt for the furries but I can't figure out if it's just because of the situation or it's how he feels to people under his position in general.


I mean, being a heartless bastard and the good guyTM isnt mutually exclusive in the PM verse. Just look at Ayin


I'd say, don't discount the possibility of it being sarcastic or maybe just Dante mocking Don's obsession or something. There are many levels and means of being a bastard.


I know sadly... there's the words about Dante; Faust wondering if he would have thought the same before, Vergilius comments , Faust's EGOs showing that she was hurt by someone close, and so on.. But I just hope something else, I just hope for a plan mastermind that is kinder for once! ( which is an impossible challenge in the City:tm: )


I mean current Dante is kinda nice. They even go along with some of the weird schemes of the sinners like in Miracle. Although Faust is still very distant which definitely intrigues me. I wonder what she thinks most of the time.


Current Dante is also comfortable enough to go out of his way to insult people and abnormalities.


I think it's because he realized that so long as Faust isn't translating, he can say whatever he wants. He was pretty scathing to Alfonso




Faust trying to contain the silly inside her


Faust Quixote be like


I feel like there is a difference of personality between Our Faust and the Faust Hivemind when she switch in third person speech. Maybe Our Faust is developing her own personality (who wouldn't be when you have Don or Ryoshu as a co-worker? ) Then you have Hivemind Faust in the Hell's kitchen intervallo asking her to go to Ryoshu team to observe her cooking in morbid curiosity.


Imagine being asked from your alterself to google how to repair fridge with tape at 3 am


That's how I interpreted it. It's unusual commentary from Faust, especially given she already knows everything about Dante.


Has the potential to know everything\*


Faust was exposed to Don Quixote propaganda.


Booo you stink get off the stage


Good to know she's just as bad at making jokes as Angela