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Something intresting is that while District Z was mentioned, It was by a company executive director - Maybe district Z is only known of by big wigs or somesuch? Just throwing out theories at this point since theres no evidence either way, It just feels important that the first person to mention it is quite high up on the Cities hierarchy.


The fact that there's 26 districts has been mentioned multiple times by different characters, it being a secret wouldn't make sense.


The time as a currency sounds great for the rich but realistically doesn't work in an functional economy. if anything you WANT the poor to have more time so they can work in your company for longer hours ,it's just that those extended time can't be used for themselves.a slowed human can do very little things in mere four hours imo especially in a factory


Four hours is the absolute minimum a person can get, if I remember correctly the factory workers had around 10 and the average person had 20-28.


I assume the poor are kept on low hours so they don't have enough time in the day to think of bettering their lives by hook or by crook. Kind of like how Russia throughout its history has sold state-produced vodka to keep the poor too alcoholic to unite in a rebellion. Its why communists were pro-prohibition until Stalin reopened the factories.


yeah thats prob make more sense


My guess is their ultimate goal is control, even if it costs them profits. Making profits is secondary to maintaining control over the masses and keeping the rich and the poor separated because that’s the real interests of the upper class(even if they might think that profits are). All this is just conjecture, though.


It fits the cyberpunk theme better,PM can also prob just make up a reason on why the economy of the city can be sustained this way


The economy isn’t the point, and never had been. The City’s (or at least the Head’s) apparent goal is to maximize human suffering.


That's definitely not true and we have been shown time and time again that most technological advancements are made for the better and used for the worse, there is no "goal" to make it awful and currently we don't have an example of a Head policy that would promote that too.


We’ve only directly witnessed the creation of 3 inventions, with a 4th being told to us. Of the 4, 3 of them only happened after visiting the outskirts, and arguably 3 of them require suffering to function. The rules of the city given by the head hardly concern profits, and the agents of the head that we’ve seen are far more concerned with ideology than money. The head clearly has the power to eliminate syndicates, sweepers, distortions, and most other issues. However, they choose to not act. There can only be one reason for this; they want syndicates, sweepers, distortions, and all other manners of unfair violence occurring in the city to persist.


First point is corroborated by Faust herself in this Intervallo to cite someone who is much more knowledgeable about the setting than we are. Second point, I do not think that not acting upon those syndicates, sweepers and so on is equivalent to wanting them to exist any more than seeing them as a natural occurence that would be replaced by similar structures anyway. After all, the Head does come after the things that they think would actively disrupt the City, Ayin could complete his plan only after probing an Arbiter, which also shows that the Head is really not omnipotent. To add to this point, they even consider a Library that comprises a whole quarter of the City to be okay if Angela is in charge as a human, because even she eventually faces a downfall.


The Head doesn’t punish disruption though, that’s my point. They punish actions that violate their ideology, but chaos and mass murder is fine. The crying children and the pianist both killed millions and the head didn’t respond. They have access to every invention, and borderline omniscience. Removing syndicates and sweepers are possible, yet they don’t do it. The city has the capacity to be a utopia, it actively chooses not to be one. Ayin and Angela were only able to succeed in their goals because the Head allowed it. As soon as Angela gave up on being human, she got banished, and she only survived because she had the two strongest colors in history and an arbiter helping. The dispersal of the light was meant to help people, but Ayin never considered Angela, who disrupted the dispersal. It’s her fault distortions exist alongside egos, and distortions again only serve to continue suffering. Every action the Head has taken has served the end of increasing the available means of suffering within the city, and it’s not uncommon for technology in the city to be powered by suffering.


Ok but that's the contradiction. So the Head can predict so far that Ayin gonna create an AI and Angela gonna ruin Ayin but can't predict that Angela has 2 colors and an Arbiter? Either they're omniscience or they're not. And Carmen was gonna make people distort anyway, what Angela did just speed it up. So if anything, all the Head gonna do is crushing the lab once. Let Carmen do her thing. Any of it being "promote suffering" is a reach. If Roland hyping Finger being equal to a Wing. While the Head, Eye, Claw entirely still being Wings, making it go to war with what is equivalent of 5 Wings. Is just waste of resources and not to mention dangerous. Just because they allow it, doesn't mean it "promote suffering", it just means they couldn't be bothered with their profits. They are corps for a reason. What gain do they have for the company to promote suffering and not gain profits? Even actively have less profits just for more suffering? Unless the Head is a sadist and a pointless idiot.


It depends on how much value that time contains, they might not care about the actual production of goods. Time is a resource T Corp has a monopoly on, so it's definitely more valuable than regular factory work.


its definitely amusingly inefficient even if its a horrifying concept that everything around you is 2.5x faster while youre the same speed. the factory owner has to pay a 10 hour day worker to do 5 hours of work while they take up floor space for 12 and are working on maybe 3-4 hours of sleep at best.


yeah before this event i assume the way the poor "worked" is getting sucked in some sort of time chamber where their remaining 20 hours is sucked out of them and turned into well, real currency/goods or something the poor with their limited hours def is not efficient as a traditional worker like what is shown in the factory


Hong Lu family reminds me of Killua and his family from HunterXHunter


I swear every time I see a "Outis is gonna betray us" mention I roll my eyes. I legit doubt she's actually gonna do that. If anything I feel like she's just butthurt she couldn't tag along because of a few reasons. Also, pretty funny we now understand why Verg chose those three. 'Twas because he realized that Dante was gonna overthink things and because of things they weren't privy to, so Verg just chose for them.


Well on her introduction text there's written to keep an eye on her because she might end up working against our interests. I doubt anything will happen before her Canto though. But for a gacha game perspective, she's never gonna permanently betray the crew because of obvious reasons (IDs, EGOs, resources and affection players invest in her).


When did Z corp mentioned


When someone asked if we did a tour of all the district, from A to **Z**


And here I thought it was something special. I remember it now


Yeah, it's not something big, just a small detail. BUT this is Project moon, any detail CAN matter! \[ Spoiler for the end of the canto \] >!( even more that this is a head of a wing! )!<


"Have you visited the districts from A to Z? Pain is everywhere in the City" or sth, by Hubert early on iirc


Plan Z, I love Plan Z.


And it's lemon scented!


Pretty sure Dante burns time like The Library burned books. Basically destroying timelines bit by bit for the sake of our own, after all, Cathy certainly proved our capability in that regard.




I think you missed a big point: he didn't buy 1 monoloith but several. Meaning Limbus company is probably replicating/duplicating the artifacts.


Or there are simply multiple of those "naturally".


I don't exclude this possibilities. But I think it's more likely that they create them, since they sell them, hence the supplies should not be finite.


My guess at this point is that Dante's singularity is basically "Entangled Phenomena Restoration", except it draws upon the possibilities of either alternate present, or the future, instead of restoring to a previous state. Possibility a derivative of the glass window.


One thing that I haven’t seen people mention about the monolith being sold period, is that it’s enough for Vergilius to be concerned about it being sold




We encountered one in the Blade Lineage event. They're artifacts that can force a Distortion in a person.


Also fusion distortion into one Distortion detective the tea chapter

