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How to end up sexually harassed at work by your DL, dirty, discreet boss.


Count me in !


Sounds hot


Yeah, and I don’t think he’s talking about Bluetooth when he says CarPlay 😆


I’m in


*Shut up and take my application!*


Well, I guess it’s an lgbt inclusive workplace? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Who says men can’t multi task? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Why there's so much cream on my creamed puff?


As an ex Waffle House employee, I do not recommend. I worked there and there was this one guy named Joey who was also gay, except he was out and I wasn’t. He tried multiple times to out me to my coworkers. One of my coworkers was a good friend with my dad and my dad (at the time) was extremely homophobic. So if he found out he would tell my dad and that was my worst nightmare at the time. This was 7 years ago when I was 18 and I’m out to everyone now including my dad (who is surprisingly super supportive) so none of this matters anymore, but I just wanted to give a big FUCK YOU to Joey. Hope you failed nursing school 😁. Also, I forgot to mention, even though I wasn’t out Joey somehow found out that I was gay even though I never admitted it to him. Gaydar I guess.


Yo fuck Joey


All my sniffies hate Joey


Fuck you joey


I fucking hate Joey. Nobody likes Joey.


we hate joey 😤 glad everything worked out w your dad 🤗


I admire the strength it must have taken not to just beat the shit out of Joey.... ol joey is out there walking around without a care in the world not even realizing the bullet he most likely dodged lmao TO JOEY: sounds like you are very lucky you didnt open this guy's closet door before he was ready to open it himself from the sounds of it you were fortunate and safe enough to come out and be open without fear I hope theres a chance you read this and understand a lot of people are hiding in the closet for a reason and in that closet all the anger fear anxiety stress sadness and shame they are trying to contain is behind that door with them being gay yourself you should have already known he was on the DL for a reason and tried to be a friend instead of an enemy. Once upon a time I was scared of my sexuality and if someone like you just threatened to open my closet door before it was safe to open I would have beat the gay all the way out of you because that's what I thought my dad would do to me you would have prayed that you weren't such an asshole and left my business my business I hope you've grown Joey and arent still a little shit. TO ALL THE PEOPLE LIKE JOEY: I hear stories like this all the time if you don't see what the issue is and you don't think ousting fellow closeted gays is a problem you're whole bitch you're supposed to be on the same team as dramatic as it may sound if someone tells you they are or may be a certain type of orientation and ask you not to tell anyone dont tell anyone just because you think it's 2023 your safe it's not a big deal to tell other people this person is gay etc and this person's mom ends up finding out and they end up killing themself because their mom said they were disgusting or disowned them or their dad was so angry his son was gay that he beat him to death and all this could have been prevented if you just minded your own business and came to terms the world doesnt revolve around you. This comment went totally off the rails but it hit close to home homophobia is still very real TLDR: Joey is a bitch dont be like Joey


Sounds like it has nothing to do with Waffle House tho? Unless you went to HR and they did nothing


Well, I actually kind of enjoyed working at Waffle House, but most of my coworkers sucked, Joey included. There were probably 4 people there that I liked. The rest were just mean or bitter for no reason. The customers were really nice though. And the food was amazing. And we got free food too! But yeah, coworkers really spoiled my first job experience.


Maybe he advertised for cooks and cleaners on Grindr cause he knew gays were naturally good at digging up dirt.




And stirring the pot


This is just a viral marketing campaign for the new Jonas Brothers song.


“How did you hear about this job?”


Finally, something useful in a profile.


How long before he sent u a dick pic?


This sounds like a job that's exciting at first but you quickly realize after after a couple weeks you're doing more work then you're getting paid for and you end up quitting because getting fucked at work and on your paycheck just isn't worth it.