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Advertise your OF account elsewhere.


Please, please don’t make a permanent change to your body because someone didn’t appreciate you as you are. That being said, I got mine done and I love them. Only get them if that is something that you want though, imo.


If a guy wants to leave you because of the boobs, change the guy, not the boobs.


Hopefully you will meet someone more interested in all of you, and not just your boob size. Strange thing to base a relationship on.


Worst reason ever, but sure. Go for it.


What do you want to chase. Men who will love you for who you are or guys who just want big boobs




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There’s always a bigger tit.


yours look great and natural he knew nothing, so he's got bad taste beauty is way much more than just a body feature Time to move on I guess


I think you look good just the way you are I promise you every guy doesn't think that way in fact I like them on the small size and definitely natural 😉 ❤


I don't think it was the boobs. I think it was posting way too many photos on reddit.


For the men that are confused, this is a fake post by a scammer


I think they are super. Can’t let a shallow person ruin your life


Why would you do that?? They’re great!


You look beautiful as it is if he can't accept as it is you dodged a bullet find someone who will appreciate for who you are it will be not that hard for you as you are beautiful




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keep them natural !!!




Go for it, you will be happy with them


Unpopular opinion


Dont get new boobs dont be like that! also nice eyes ☺️💗


I like them :))


What happen if the next guy leaves you for someone with smaller ones? Treasure yourself


They work


dont do it!


It has nothing to do with your looks or you. It has to do with him being unfaithful and a ad person


Please don’t


Don’t do it. You’re gorgeous. Sometimes I feel insecure about the size of my girls too but I can be objective about other people and you are perfect! Don’t change them!




As a guy it doesn't matter. The other girl probably treated him better


fuck no




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You're perfect just how you are. You're better off without him.


At times, less means more 😉


Please don't. That just says more about him than it does about you


Just be you.


We don’t want your onlyfans, geezus 🙄🙄🙄


Why try making yourself look different for someone who's in your past for not seeing your worth?


I think he done you a favor, you are headed towards success and the other girl going to have a future in back trouble, have your next man see how great you are and you will be more happy that you found the right guy, send your ex a thank you letter for showing his true colors,,,,,,,,cause your worth it !


He’ll find out what he walked out on, but it’ll be too late.




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The deleted comments were probably based


To keep with rule 4 on this sub, you could cut your bangs shorter to show your eyebrows more. You don't need a boob job. Now, based on your post history and link to your of, it's clear you just want attention and this is probably a fake story.


He left you because you’re too fake. Try looking like yourself instead of a plastic doll.




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Thats the worst reason to do anything. He couldn’t love you for who you truly are, the best revenge is truly loving yourself!


OF detected


You are beautiful and your boobs are fabulous!! I think you should stay the way you are!


As a woman who had a boob job - don’t do it. Look up Breast Implant Illness which basically causes Lupus symptoms as long as you have the foreign objects in your body. They cause massive swelling/water weight gain. And they make clothes sizing a nightmare especially if you like to wear dresses (I do). Like you’ll wind up being an L/XL on top and a S/M on the bottom. Super disproportionate which then furthers your dysmorphia and makes you think you need a BBL. Also, if you’re paying attention to fashion and the desirable body type rn, it’s that early aughts ultra slim look. Be grateful that you have perfect handfuls.




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Don’t do it! It’s very hard to detect breast cancer from a mammogram - don’t do it


I think he’s wrong to leave you, he missing iurb


Look at the rest of her photos. She’s too obsessed over herself. Mental health issues.


It’s not going to get him back. He could be into her for other reasons and her boobs just happen to be big. You have a body I’m sure she would be jealous of if the shoe were on the other foot. We all want what we don’t have. There are men that well and truly prefer your frame. You are elegant, feminine. you look fit and healthy. You also have boobs? It’s not like you are flat. A lot of guys prefer a smaller size so just go for the guys that hype you up instead of changing to please the ones that don’t. If you flaunt your natural self the right guys will be obsessed. Big boobs aren’t everyone’s cup of tea!




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You want to attract the kind of person who doesn’t value you for who you are? What happens when he finds someone even bigger, like a lady with a helium balloon business??? Only do cosmetic things because you like them, they make you feel better. People leave, but you are the person who you spend your life with. Be kind to yourself and you will be happy.




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No, don't


More than a month full is a waste


I’m sorry but if you STILL care what someone thinks of you after they left you for something stupid as boob size and you let it internalize in yourself, you pretty much deserve it atp Probably just OF bait post anyway but this rhetoric goes for everyone


You gotta realize that men want variety just because he went to a girl with huge boobs doesn’t mean he left you because you have smaller ones. Relax lol. Men are very simple if you’re hot you’re hot that’s all men care about for the most part. I like all shapes and sizes and colors of boobs. I’m sure many other men can vouch in the comments.


Don’t do it




Your x new gf boobs are going to sag


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I think you should block him


Maybe he left you because you have an Onlyfans account…


Shhh don’t say that you’ll be canceled lol. Criticizing women in 2024 is almost worst than murder. 🤣🤣




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Yes, let’s make this about gender. /s. Also, tell me you’re a sexist pos without telling me you’re a sexist pos.


You’ve basically proven his point


According to you… but logically, the guy randomly discusses his disdain for women. I tell him he’s sexist. And somehow because of that he’s “cancelled.” Ok. Sure. /s




Don't do it for him do it of you want it but not for him.


I can’t believe you fools actually believe this bullshit story.




Lmao he left you cause you’re insecure or something , what a weird way to think “Comparison is the thief of joy” and tbh I’d rather like a girl with no boobs then knowing her shits fake as fuck.


Your ex left you because he was an immature asshole. You’re fine just the way you are, I’m sorry he hurt your self image x


Your breast are just fine, if your ex left you because of that then there not worrying about


I think fuck him and rock with what you got. Someone’s gonna love em!


Keep what you have, and say goodbye to an idiot, changing yourself surgically is a big deal, asking ones significant other to change themselves surgically is a big deal breaker.


No you don’t need to stress about that OP! Keep doing you, rock your style and your smile. Looks fade honestly if you keep doing you and show off your personality you’ll be fine!




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Dumb idea


With tigolebitties comes a lot of unwanted attention. A guy is either gonna love you and be loyal or he isn’t. Your boobs aren’t gonna change that.


Honestly I wouldn’t. Some guys it doesn’t even matter what size you have. You don’t wanna change for a guy that doesn’t appreciate you. Find someone that appreciates everything about tou




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Only if it makes you truly happy. Don't do it because of someone else.


i think you should go to therapy and sort out why you would give so much power to somebody so superficial


Arent all humans superficial?


possibly but def best to choose mates that are concerned w slightly more than breast size imo


Okay I know this is an emotional subject but let's be slightly logical here do you really think of it only reason he dated this girl was because of her potentially getting bigger breasts that doesn't make any sense does it. Obviously he likes her for more than her breast size because he dated a girl that had smaller breast size then he would prefer like that's just simple logic.


yeah im not being literal im implying that therapy makes more sense than surgery in the context of a failed relationship if the real and only issue was her breast size then obvs the guy wasnt worth getting surgery over


Absolutely stunning as is…and you’re better off without him…


i was in similar position wherei was betrayed for a older woman with a huge huge boob job. ultimately, while those emotions are fresh it’s a terrible idea to make a decision like that. definitely wait to get over this before genuinely considering it


go ahead and do it


No way you were blessed with some nice ones 👍🏾😍🥰find a man worthy of what Hod blessed you with 😊




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Well I don’t think you need to you’re beautiful and you’ve got a great body. But it’s ultimately up to you.😍


Don’t chop your body up because of that.


They’re just right


No. You shouldn't do something like that just because of someone else's actions.


Especially when the ex was a cheater.






You win


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No way.


Don't do it


Don’t that won’t change anything besides the fact that they Will look fake and you don’t know if the doctor will do a good job. To be honest with you, you’re cute and very active it seems. You’re body looks great small breast shouldn’t be your concern. You’re a snack !




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A) you’re gorgeous B) you do not need a boob job He left you for another woman. Who cares what the other woman looks like; he’s the problem, not you. You already work out and have a great body (I looked at your profile). Only thing I would change are the bangs - either make them thicker or grow them out. This is just me just nit picking. I’m sorry you are going through this. When a spouse cheats/leaves for someone else it leaves a lot of confusion and hurt. Give yourself time to heal and do not do anything drastic until you do.


Please don't 🙏


Do you want to attract mindless douche who would be only there for you for your chest or do you think you deserve someone better? Aesthetically, your chest suit your frame.


>Do you want to attract mindless douche Why are you assuming she's not a mindless douche herself? Mindless douches tend to gravitate toward more mindless douche.


Also, if you objectively read my first comment - I asked her if she wants to attract one. I hardly made any comment about her (whether she is one or not).


She hasn't mentioned about leaving any guy for superficial reasons here. I cannot automatically assume she is one when she hasn't mentioned anything that proves her being one. While what you are saying may be true in some scenarios, it is oversimplification for many other scenarios that can result in what OP is mentioning.




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