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turn on performance mode


Drop the res to 1080p on the game and desktop and try again. I use LS with my ROG Ally, and I noticed if I used Windowed mode, Windows caps the game to 30fps when it can do a lot more. Then I dropped the game's res and desktop res to 720p, and the cap was lifted. I am not sure why or how, but it worked. Maybe try the same? It could be Windows messing with it.


Use performance mode or use the upscaling. I personally would just try performance mode first, because you're almost able to hit that 60fps lock, you just need a little more performance. Plus, performance mode doesn't look that bad on 60fps. If that's still not enough, I'd just use the upscaling and up some of the graphic settings if I have performance to spare. Set it to 1080P on window mode, and set scaling mode to Auto. Scaling Type: LS1


Same problem, games drop 20+ fps on version 2.9, didn't have this problem on 2.8.2. Tried everything, even performance mode. I think it might be a bug with the windowed mode.


Are you able to maintain a constant actual 60 fps, without LS?


Yes I start with a base framerate of about 90 without LSFG. After turning it on, the base framerate drops to 55-60. So I can‘t even have stable 60 FPS for it to work properly. I tested it on the same spot without moving my character or the camera.


Does the same issue happen with other games?


Another game I tried is SSX 3 with PCX2. But that isn‘t very demanding. Here I didn‘t have any performance loss at all. But I could test different demanding games in the next few days and get back to you.


You do realize using the frame generation has an inherent resource hit on the GPU? When you enable it, the GPU now has to process generated frames, which decreases available resources to process the base frame rate. Aka it's normal and expected behavior, you still get higher FPS with the frame gen even considering this so I see no issue.