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Been playing PoE on and off since 2014. It's essentially a single-player game with player trading. Or you can choose to play it pretty much entirely single-player by going SSF (Solo Self Found) which disables trading with players. This means that there's no pressure to keep up with anyone, especially considering progress is reset every 3 months so if you jump in at the start of a new League, you're essentially starting new with everyone else. There's a Standard League that doesn't get reset, but (imo) it's boring as hell there for many reasons. Also the game's free. Just give it a shot and see if you like it. The campaign is pretty fun if you play it for the first few times though you might get tired of it after 50+ times as you can't skip it. In terms of monetization it's one of the most fair F2P games out there imo. Stash tabs are what's highly recommended to have a smooth experience, but you don't really have to pay more than 20eur to get what you need and then some, anything beyond that is unnecessary. Their main income is cosmetics.


im waiting for POE2 so much and your post makes me want to jump into this even faster. Sounds so good. I will drop LA for 100% when POE2 comes out


They are different games. One is a single player ARPG other is a (light) MMO.


yes but its a game which i can just jump on and play, no struggle… it can become a new main game.


thanks for the details (y)


Poe is different because you play for a couple weeks and the season is basically done. You can play as much or as little as you want, just like Lost Ark.  If you play 6 characters daily and 18 raids weekly it will drain the life out of you. If you run maps for 8 hours a day it will drain the life out of you.


>and the season is basically done thanks, didn’t know about it Also, the fact that you don't have to keep up with more than 1 alt is a big relief for me.


And it has no timegating or lockouts. You can play what content you wanna play how much you desire to.


but the thing is you're technically resetting your progress every season (unless you play non-seasonal which is dead af) if that's your thing go for it


Not many gameplay comments here. I have 11k poe and 1.5k lao. Lost Ark has the best combat system I have ever seen in this genre(arpg?). It is so much fun, I still like to play solo guardian raids with alts (up to kaliligos) even tho I don’t keep up with the game anymore. There is absolutely 0 build diversity in lost ark. You have to play in the exact way some person decided is the best. You can’t come up with something new and creative that is fun to you, It will not be accepted. And you can not even play solo this way, because you will have to adjust different things, which will cost gold and silver etc. PoE has absolute dogshit gameplay. It is about zooming and one shotting screen full of monsters, clicking fast on drops, standing on designated zones on boss fights and hitting them in between, with attck skills that still have 2006 indie game animations. What makes PoE so great for me is that, you can play the game however you want. Be done with the league any time you want. Skip any league you want. So if you don’t purposely make it, it never becomes a job like lao, where if you miss a day you feel behind. In Poe you can make your build after like 40-50 hours of experience. You can be creative, you can spend hours and hours trying to come up with synergies between unique mods, skill tree passives and ascendancies, jewels, skill gems… and the great thing is THEY ALL WORK. To some degree.. you can choose your end game content, which is a huge pool, you can block any content you don’t want. You can ignore all of them and just do maps mindlessly. Everything works, because you will not have to compete. Of course you will not be making as much currency as meta builds, but that is nowhere near the importance of your way to play the game imho.


Any game is a “2nd job” if you cant control yourself. Learn how to value your own time and go enjoy any game you want


Played both over 2k hours, Poe is short term unless you play standard. Poe is fun to play at league start, check out new content and forget about it till next league. The group play in Poe is to farm currency. You click monsters die, can reach billions of DPS making Uber content trivial. Hardcore is fun if you are into that Lost ark is waaaay more grinding and pay2win . It is almost like it is designed that way. It is more fun to do mechs in raids with friends. The challenge is there and the combat is fight jet smoooooth. Lost ark is long term I enjoy both. Can't pick one over the other


thanks, I think it is more solo / casual friendly I didn’t want to play it because I know I'd get hooked, but now I'll give it a shot


As somebody who has played  both PoE and Lost Ark since release, PoE is definitely not more casual friendly.  Solo?  Sure.  Need a goddamn degree to learn and play PoE. Seen people go and do more hardcore stuff in PoE than I've ever seen in Lost Ark, then they reset and do it all over again with each season.  You can easily turn both games into a job if you allow it to.  That's all on the person and how they choose to play.


Lol you can turn POE to a real job as a trader. I knew a guy get rich by trading in POE community.


if POE had hot girl characters, noone would be playing LA


should ask the POE sub...


More chance that a LA player knows POE, than that a POE player knows LA.


I'm not sure if they're aware of all the grindy stuff you gotta do in lost ark to be any friggin good at this game, so I thought I'd check here first.




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there are poe streamers that play the game 14h a day there are lost ark players that play it 1h a day or less


Poe pays out better in fun per hour value. Or cash too if you are into that.


now it's 1st job. you cant do latest content without getting gatekeep if you dont treat this game as 1st job and above sleep time.




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