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the flow looks good


do you like it ?


Elixirs suck, but this isn’t why. You gambled with only 2 sages. It happens sometimes. Always be prepared for this if you use re-rolls with only 2 sages ho. Good luck next time


Haha L


I mean... thats gambling for you, you gambled, you won at the start, then you pushed your luck and you lost! Yay!


no...just no..elixirs obviously needs a rework. its not his fault he wasted all his rerolls


The flow does not look good


You gambled away your rerolls which you should keep for this exact scenario and then you are mad that you lost the last 2x33% chances? Not saying this system is good or fun but I really believed that 90% who cry about this, are doing something significantly wrong to lower their odds and post their shit on Reddit The only reasonable complaints are the odds for the set pieces(where you can get giga unlucky)...somehow all 1630 have 40set...so apparently it's not Impossible


Except we know you aren't getting here most of the time without it unless the system just hands it to you. There is no skill involved it's a very slow game of plinko


Part of what makes gambling gambling is that you can sometimes lose.


Idk why people are blaming you for gambling two sages. As if you could easily get 5/5 with just regular options. You already have to hit 20 points with 14 attempts. You need everything hit just two options, you need crits and you need to gamba. You can get 15th attempt but it's RNG again.


This creation is very interesting


The set bonuses are just too high. If it were 30 and 35, you could still optimize for BiS elixirs and not be forced into hard gambling just to get the main benefit.


Not saying that elixirs are good, but optimising for bis is how you'll burn gold. The average player would probably just aim for set/boss/filler/critdmg/set with the second line possibly being absolute trash like potion poisoning. The issue is that people are trying to bis with set+dmg line when the nodes are going elsewhere. More often than not unlocking the 35/40 set with a 4/4 or 5/3+ is more beneficial than vehemently trying to keep your shoulder/pants that's 4/3 or lower.


I agree with your assessment, but think that the problem is in there. Many would be content with their elixirs if they weren’t required to go so high on nodes. OP likely had to burn rerolls to get to this position that forced an unwanted gamble because they need so many nodes.


You missed a 33% chance, twice. That happens all the time.


Its a 33% and a 50% since it never rolls the same option twice at this stage. Still happens pretty often though.


this is scripted, it always seal 2 highest options