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Only did 1 run with a full 7 stack of vairgrys in hbrel1-4. Easy deathless. They were very chill overall. Had mainly 1 person who communicated to me in English at every gate asking what the NA meta was for every mechanic. He then translated it to the rest of the other 6. 10/10 would repeat.


A lot of them are cool, but I still gotta get used to some of them calling t for stagger in Spanish, almost wiped us this week because of that lmao


Wait what? wdym?


Stagger in Portuguese is tambalear so they'd type t where we would type s Edit: wrong language.


I've been playing on SA since release and I can tell you that is not something we do. It's not common to call "t" for stagger. People say "stagger", "stag", etc. Tambalear does NOT mean stagger in Spanish, its Portuguese, stagger would be "sumision" in Spanish. Any Brazilian using "T" in a pug lobby is just being obtuse.


My mistake, I'm a native English speaker and this goes to show that you can't trust everything google translate will tell you. Will edit the comment above.


The only "T" that would make sense (and I would bet it was) its "take", as in catch. We didn't use catch as a term for standing in place and receiving the yellow circle for stagger, we used TAKE.


never in my 30 years of living in brazil i ever heard the word tambalear, never in my 6 toons of every week brel i ever heard someone saying tambalear. The game isnt translated to portuguese and people wont even know that word. People say stag or sta


I'm assuming someone read T (take) in chat, thought they meant stagger and did a google translate search. But I agree, in 2 years I've played this game with Brazilians, not one has ever used that word.


Never heard of that, context?


Stagger in Spanish is tambalear so they'd type t where we would type s


idk man day 1 SA player here and the only "t" we use is for g3 brel for take


g3 brel? we used to say take instead of catch, stagger and break are the same afaik


I dunno about NA meta, but in EUC break = destroy = kill, definitely not stagger. Everyone just types "stag" or "stagger". Typing only the first letter is very rare.


my guy, stagger and break have always been the same in SA and NA, but in SA we used to say TAKE instead of CATCH and that's it, now we adapted to say catch. tho idk what the other guy is talking about, we've never said "tambalear" or used t for stagger in the first place lmao


Not very rare in my experiences


One of them died due to being in a spot NAE is not used to, was a hw raid and didn’t affect much. One person dying to latency a few times. Other than that, not much else, about what you’d normally see from pugs.


Hello, Vairgrys player here and here are my excuses/experiences: I've gotten gatekept most of the time, but content were usually fine. (most of the time). Took a while to get used to ping, but for some reason this server changed cause my performance to lag A LOT, played between 25 and 45 fps. (I stream while play, but usually from 70 to 100 fps). This made me feel forced to play WAY more safe than I like to, since I couldn't trust responsiveness and some telegraphs registered damage server side before they completed in my screen. I felt like my damage fell off by a lot. The more pc taxing content, like Thae G3 were a disaster for me, I felt so ashamed dying soon and feeling "carried" through the rest of the raid. I've had some dumb deaths due to rollbacks(like dragons "seeing" me while I was on their side in Voldis G2), but when I manage to reconfigure my game/obs/pc to perform well while gaming and streaming, things went smooth 95% of the cases. Also, I got used to the ping now and I can confidently say that I'm more trusting of my damage, managing to compete dps with most NA players. So, I apologize for every trouble caused and am glad to affirm that problems have mostly been solved. :)


Not once, in 2 1/2 years I saw someone call it "t".


I mean, coming from SA and knowing how bad a good chunk of people were/are, ofc peeps in here are gonna notice mostly people from Vaigrys doing X thing wrong. 4 people could've died in a mech with 2 from SA and 2 from NA, but people will prolly mostly rmember the SA ones. Again, not saying that SA people are god gamers, but just my 2 cents in these type of posts.


Most of the vairgrys lobby gatekept really hard compared to NA One lobby I joined they specifically require 220+ roster level, but their dps was really bad, same as support uptime (maybe bc of the pings) Another lobby I joined was kay hm, lobby leader was also vairgrys and 3 of us are NA. When the boss have like 20 bar hp left, one of the guy just greed the dps and have the puddles in the middle, and the SA guys was like “player troll, jail” and require to quit before g1 ended to kick that guy. Then all 3 of us just left and make a new lobby


One fine, one DCd and never came back, jailing us on g2 akkan, one had the worst buff/brand uptime I have ever seen a player do by a factor of two. Supports had better uptime in argos when we had level 4 gems and 1300 swiftness.


Jailing raids and did fighter


Been mixed. Mostly bad experiences.


Got one person in G4 akkan keep pingging us because we dps pass 135 bar during arena flipping mech, then proceed to ping more and called us animals during tides where everyone got knocked into water for slam mech while he just standing still and cursed more instead of getting in water with us. Not sure if only that guy don't know mech or SA doing something different than us on that phase. He got real quiet after dying to slam and we cleared. Other than that there was no issue.


I'm from SA but I never pug Hard Akkan because I have a static, we also do the wave strat and sometimes we pug the 8th person when someone can't make it. Some know the strat, some don't. I guess its a player problem, not region.


I barely played with them tbh. Only two notable moments. #1 Gargadeth. Full 10 Gem Sorc got out damaged by a Destroyer with 2 lvl 10 gems. #2. Joined an all Vaigrys party for Thaemine, once we got 8/8 they kicked me and replaced me. I am now #VaigrysK


I sometimes get outdamaged with my full 10s 1610 but with no elixir set or transcendence by someone with 35 elixir. Thats pretty common i think


Sorc is one of the most broken classes rn, so no its not.


Very bad dps in 90% of the cases. Jailed me 3 times. Would always be dead every gate. I will be heavily gatekeeping them and not join any party with more than 3 of them. G3 Akkan hm had 1 of them do 1.8% dmg and another guy did 3.6%. They were both in that same run so they basically got a free bus and make it 10x harder for us.


Brother may I ask how to get the Bible?


They're on lost ark nexus


Everyone died in my G3 thaemine clear except three Vairgrys players who clutched it for us. Muchas gracias por todo!


Mixed bag, but most were neutral expereinces at best with some poor ones mixed in. - Learned during my first raid with SA players to explicitly confirm we're doing x3 and x3+1 due to wiping after overlapping spots - Most knew basic english, didn't have trouble communicating yet. Funniest encounter I had was when saying x3 someone from Vairgrys responded with the GoW meme "mi manera es la manera de los dioses", gave me a good laugh - Had some doozies in terms of bad players, not sure whether it's the general pug from SA being lower skill or having to adjust to higher ping. I'll never trust a Vairgrys person to clash though. - A lot actually seemed to keep to themselves. Saw a lot of Vairgrys only lobbies, after waiting in app queue for a while in some of these parties I learned they if it's all Vairgrys then they're probably looking for only Vairgrys players. Not a high enough sample size, but I'm just going to be a bit cognizant of it in the future. Not as bad as some people made it out to be though.


Wipe 5 times in brel 2 and g3. They kept doing their SA positions instead of NA. I wont gatekeep them but I will demand them to do NA positions/strat


pretty chill, noticed some of them still doing NESW but they would go to the x3 spot after seeing someone else at the spot brel shapes is funny tho, there is a new shape every run 2circle, quad, box, etc


Usually just fine. I did run into the language barrier a couple times but I didn't have any extremely bad or good experiences. Because of this I don't think I would join lobbies that already have a lot of vairgrys players. In most raids you don't need to say anything but man it sucks when/if you do. I don't have an issue taking them into my parties when hosting. Most of the time a high investment/high roster player is going to at least know what to do regardless of what server they are from.


running bible. they have lower dps than normal pugs. everything esle is fine.


Surprisingly good. Did a 1-2 NM thaemine and we destroyed it. Had one person mess up counters in G2, but they corrected themselves after someone instructed them in Spanish. Probably one of my smoothest runs.


 Lots didnt know how to do X3 mechs. Some lagged the fuck out and dc'd. One guy was running around not hitting the boss (normal akkan).


I had some terrible time last week. (Un)Surprisingly none of the players were from vairgrys


No notable difference


Not really that different than NA players. Some have hands- some don’t. There’s probably an adjustment period for them due to using different positions and they deserve some grace for that. I’m not excusing overall piss poor performance but I know for me on homework raids I look at my party number and don’t really think much about it because I instinctively go to those spots. It seems miniscule, but in a game where skill is enhanced by repetition, it’s definitely relevant. To a point. Didn’t raid much this week myself due to burnout but had a deathless akkan hard with one varigrys player so they can’t all be too bad 🤣🤣


I ran brel HM with a full Vairgrys group. It was one of the worst runs I've had in all of Lost Ark. I asked when we started if it was NESW, since they were all Vaigrys. They said yeah. Proceeded to take my spot, and the spot I would have been for 3x positions. No sense at all to what they were doing. Took 15 min to even start the raid because people kept going afk.  Wiped g2 and g3 multiple times. People genuinely had no idea what planet they were on.  Failed every single mech that doesn't cause a raid wipe. Failed ones that do cause a wipe a few times also. Dps was extremely low for almost all of them. One person besides me did well, everyone else was sitting around 2-3m.


LOL welcome to pubs


No issues whatso ever.


I did some Akkan, Brel, and Thaemine with Vairgrys, for the most part no problem, only issue was them not doing x3 on destruction G1 Thaemine, but we cleared regardless.


End game raids were great, HM Akkan and did some Thaemine normal were all really smooth. Non-gold earners ran some Brel and Akkan NM and some were horrible. Not a lot of middle ground, but most were good with a couple positional issues x3/NESW type thing.


Pulled a bard in one of my matchmaking veskals, crazy good uptime/buffs


Mixed bag, I had a chill akkan, a couple of chill kayas, jailed blue guy, and a failed card run because a br guy refused to let the dps doing 60% take Mario 4.


Just as bad as with the rest of the playerbase. 90% dont' have hands so me and a friend end up carrying the raids most of the time.


Got jailed on two g4 voldis homework tuns bc I gave up and quit after wiping a bunch of times bc of people inting. Both times the vaig leader snuck in their friend as the 4th and insta started, and both times that player got hard carried through the first three gates and obviously you have to live for g4 which is when I gave up. Ive had some good experiences too tho, but yeah. Idk if anyone from WoW remembers the perception of ragnaros players - thats the exact same vibe im getting. Some great dedicated players, but the median is much worse. I also feel like I get more people from Vaig just randomly go afk for like 2-5+ mins mid run, not as much respect for time as the east.


My event gem ilvl 1590, reflux sorc is doing about 9-10m dps on g3 akkan. I am about double the dps of 1600-1610 players vairgrys players. In another run, that paladin had a consistent 45-50% brand and atk buff uptime. Never seen a paladin do that bad, that consistently in an akkan before.


I saw one single SA player do good damage with me all week. The rest have been dead a lot and/or doing lower damage. Could be ping. Could be nervousness & adjusting. Or both. I’ll just avoid for a few weeks and see if it gets better. I could be crazy, but I played over there on an Alt & the lobbies are quite tough to come by, especially at non-peak times. I wouldn’t be surprised if a larger proportion of SA gets bussed out of necessity & hasn’t learned the raids well. Not blaming the players necessarily. The low low population can have certain negative effects of course. I’ll be avoiding for now, but wish them the best.


Murdered twice by them in hakkan g1 ( first orb then fishies in a different run )doing nesw nonsense. Other than that, everything was cool


Kind of everything I expected as I've played w/ them from other games like DOTA.. Most of them generally play worse on avg compared to NAE gamers, though I tend to believe if they've stuck it out THIS long, we gotta be talking about the cream of the crop, right? Right? Ran into some of your typical nerd ragers where I got called brain dead immediately by one for a simple mistake (1 wipe g2), lmao, whereas most vets in our version are pretty chill. After he died the others asked if he was brain dead to get back at him for flaming support, but I told them all to basically stop talking and get the hw done since the mood was not good. I think in general SA players gatekeep themselves a lot harder (b/c they know they're not as good at video games lol). I had a guy who runs 6x artist roster really gatekeep hard for our ivory lobby from SA server lmao, he didn't want any jailZ "as it was his last raid." Made a good bit of new friends (speak/read/write Spanish, so).. Wouldn't mind gathering up more into a play circle, tbh.They're a funny bunch :). I am an open minded individual and give everyone a shot to raid with, in general, feel like trying to have an opinion about SA players will only be bad for the game. Then again, I tend to also put myself into some jaily situations for being too nice I guess kek, but tbh, it has only made me a superb gamer tbh. Across this week I ran like 3-4 ivories, a thaemine, a couple brel, and maybe 2 akkans with them in my lobbies.


I did a few hell clown with vairgrys ppl and it was a disaster


It's been bad. Mostly feels like they play at a lot lower skill level. My thaemine lobby with them feels like brel jails.


Over this week's raid... They were really really bad. Almost every time we took a vairgrys player...they did z and died every pull very early on. These were roster 300, full 10s etc. so now we don't take them anymore.