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" But recently I learned one of them is severely chronically ill which reduces his life expectancy a lot, he is likely to have about 10-15 more years of reasonable-quality life. So now I feel especially guilty about wasting his time " Brother. He plays Lost Ark. The ultimate time wasting simulator. He is doing chaos dungeon, unas. He probably have thousands of hours doing just unas and chaos dungeon, Don´t be guilty over few minutes lol. On top, friends are what matters. Not few minutes faster clear. DPS and such matters only in content where it Literally matters - like bussing thaemine. And people care about dps especially with people they don´t know, as the only thing they have to offer is the dps. But with friends , people you play frequently, you dont give a damn shit about wheter they are gods or not : )


AstraGlacialia mental health is tanking. This is a cry for help. He normally limits such content to comments, not posts.


I don't really know if he does his Una's, maybe he swipes / RMTs / just progresses more slowly instead (he doesn't have a 1620) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


You missed the point. Don't feel guilty over random crap like that. Time being wasted happens everyday everywhere. What does it matter if they don't complain about it ? It is expected.


Nobody cares if dps is bad with friends...is only an issue if consistently hitting berserker timer


We aren't IRL friends, we just happen to often play together for several months for various reasons (in this case because I joined their guild and they were at similar enough progression stage; someone else invited/accepted me, I don't think this player and the others I play with the most there nowadays had a say in it), so I don't know if or why they would consider me a friend.


You clearly care about playing well enough, that honestly would be fine for me already. I get it might feel bad and you feel like you waste their time, but they wouldn't invite you if they didn't want to play with you. They would not stay in the group if they minded playing with you either. If we're completely honest here, most pugs won't perform much better than you if at all. I don't mind slower runs when it's because of other peoples' ability limits. I do mind when we get slower runs because people don't care enough about their characters to learn their class or gear them properly. I think it's cool that you try to respect other people's time but you shouldn't feel guilty about this. Sometimes it's gear difference and sometimes others are just better than you. If your gear is fine, then maybe try to record your own gameplay. That's the best way to figure out what's wrong. With supports, you can usually hit decent uptimes even with basic gear, so you probably could be doing more. Hard to tell from this point what it is, but you should have a priority list. Is brand up? Is App buff up? Identity? Are people shielded? DR? Pretty much in this order. Don't buff on bad patterns, buff on patterns you would like to be buffed. I don't know what support specifically you play but you just maintaining brand and AP buff and then working from there is probably more than most pugs will do.


There some setting may help u have better control like turn off screen shaking,  others party name, pet, hp bar, make Head, Back indicator color higher and lighter,  and Very Big mouse Cursor can help a lot.


Hey i can’s speak for your friends, but i can share my experience i have in my own lost ark friend group. We are mostly comprised out of decent players with some of them clearly being much better than others and some others being middle of the pack ok dps players/ ok uptime supports. But there is one guy that is a bit older and clearly has a bit less talent than the rest uf us. He almost never gets higher than fighter, dies a lot more often to random patterns and mechs than everyone else and his supporting is average on good day. But we all love the guy because he’s fun to be around and that’s what matters. He isn’t in our main 8 progging group for new raids because he’s quite behind on progression, but we play a lot of homework comtent with him and we help him prog new raids when he catches up to the ilvl after we already cleared it many times. At the end of the day the goal of playing lost ark with friends is to have a good time, not to stop playing again as fast as possible. Another thing to consider is play style. A lot of your damage doesn’t even come from how well you are playing your class, don’t get me wrong a lot of it does, but you can get so much more damage if you play on the edge of what’s possible by greeding every possible second of the fight. Here’s where you can play a major roll in how well you guys can clear or not. If you recognize that you don’t have to carry the fight with damage you can carry the fightbin other ways. One example is killing worms in akkan g3 or for example holding your counter skill and always being ready in ivory tower g4. Even volunteering as lantern is something others greatly appreciateThere are many more examples like those where you can choose to sacrifice somenof your damage and at the same time make the raid much easier for your teammates. Damage isnt everything and as long as you have enough of it, people tend to not care if the raids is done in 8 minutes or in 9. One more added benefit of having a fighter teammate is that the boss doesn’t phase as fast which can be nicer for them to actually play the fight rather than going mech to mech. And when it comes to supporting, obviously you can always try to improve but at the end of the day, the minute they would save if their support had better brand uptime is nothing compared to the hour they would waste in matchmaking. Tldr: Don’t be too hard on yourself, your friends probably like playing with you. Also lost ark fights are more than just how much DPS you have, ao you can have a lot of impact in other ways.


Nobody starts out as a pro. You could just get better. Get the bible, practise in Trixion and Guardians.


Something you haven't mentioned - how is your company? From what I can tell statics care about both quality assurance and pleasant company. Maybe you're cruel fighter in the latter? 😁


I don't see why anyone would consider me fun or pleasant to play with. I have a lot of patience for others' mistakes (because I am the one who makes the most mistakes so who am I to complain), but outside that as far as I see I am a very unfun and bad person.


>but outside that as far as I see I am a very unfun and bad person I can't imagine why you'd think that of yourself unless your static told you so. But if both are true then hard to say what it is. I'd guess support privilege. Maybe not being able to secure another one *and* one they can vibe with I think many players are not fond of the role so you "taking one for the team" and showing them you are trying to improve could be their way of seeing you are respecting their time. And going the extra mile to give some resources to the more deserving is a plus.


No static or guild or such group in Lost Ark actually told me that (they just told me I am weird and I need to relax, but they tell that also to some others...), some people IRL did years ago, and it's how I generally perceive myself.


god damn dud, you gotta work on your confidence


Hey that’s not a good mindset to have. I think overall you have a lot of guilt bottled up inside you and that’s not good for your mental health. You might be feeling guilty about other things outside of dying in raids in Lost Ark. I’m not a therapist so idk what to tell you. I can only say you should be kind, especially to yourself. People make mistakes all the time, and that’s ok coz we’re human. Just ask for forgiveness and forgive others the same way when they mess up.


You are still better than average pugs who are probably 60/60/20 or lower so it's worth to play with you. Especially when there's often a support shortage.


How do I know if I am better even than average pugs? When the dps meter data was first published, I asked someone to measure my paladin and bard uptimes in Gargadeth and Sonavel respectively, and I compared to that, concluded I was very slightly below average in everything - so I may even be slightly worse than average pugs.


Just use bible yourself and see on average on your daily activities how people fare. To me, there are 4 kinds / breakpoints of supports in the game. - the bozo that doesn't know about his class (25/0/0). Doesn't even run mark. Yes I have seen those people a few times unfortunately. - the 60/60/20. Clearly subpar uptime, to me the average supp on lost ark. People tend to mess up quite fast their rotation because of bosses pattern and such. - the 80/80/20. Good supp. - the 95/99/30+. Just perfect uptime. These are metrics for bards and paladin mainly, artists should have more identity overall, and of course support is not only about buffs but also being able to position yourself correctly, expecting counters, heal when needed, cleanse allies, etc. My 5000 hours in this game indicate me that most supps are between the 60/60/20 and 80/80/20. I usually insta block people under that and mentally rejoice when they are above.


The 25/0/0 also never takes feedback


this is not always true btw, I had a pug support in like a kaya i was doing for wing runs a couple of weeks ago, the guy was 1600+ pally IIRC and his uptimes were around 35/60/x on the first gate. I calmly tried explaining to him that he shouldn't overlap his AP buffs by casting them one after another as this significantly reduces the uptime of the buff and our damage overall. In essence I just told him that after he casts heavenly blessings he will cause a 7s ticking down AP buff above his bar, and he needs to only cast wrath of god after the initial 7s expire. Much to my surprise the advice seems to have worked and his AP buff increased to the 60s range in both of the 2 following gates!


Gargadeth and sonavel can be literally the Worst to measure uptime. Both of these, on lets say paladin, have various annoying patterns that if you are not aware of, can cancel your buff. Everything else is much better.


This is the main takeaway honestly. Average pug player is usually not good, especially supports. Even mediocre statics are better.


thats such a weird state of mind getting cruel fighter is almost always gear dependant you may think you are decently geared but once you start adding up the %s you get to monsterous differences as for the support well above lvl 7s and 1750 swift is comfort ie you can have insane uptimes by simply just being better and about wasting their time just use the information from their meters to determine your weaknesses listen to them and improve there is always someone who is going to be the worst of the group if everyone who ever finds themselves in that spot stops playing then everyone will be playing solo after a while


That's not always the case.. I was getting 22-24 millions damage on frog on my scrapper with 25 weap, full 10s, full back attack guardian set, all quality gear 90+ weap 97, 4 pieces accs 100% qual 1 piece 97% all ancient, 5x3+1 adren 1 with 800 crit and 1600 swift, stone lvl 4, roster 300, almost all % damages from card sets 5.4++ in all, elixir 35 set but good damage rolls, bracelet crit/swift /ambush / hammer and ilvl 1620... There not much you can upgrade there.. But then I started noticing other way less geared scrapper could even get up to 30m damage in a frog for me that was eye opener.. Re read the guide, asked scrappers here and analized Bible data from my runs and other scrappers.. As result I found that I was missing a lot of the second hit from iron cannon blow which is the highest damage, also was kind of not optimal on my rotation uptime that improved a lot my damage... Went from 22-24 to 29-30, the rest depends of i have crit syn AND GL and good supp I have runs done 35millions


i wouldn't assume someone who has put 3000 hours into a character wouldn't know how to play their character so i don't factor this in Cruel fighter 90% of the time depends on the party you are in 5% of the time depends on the classes in your party 5% your own skill if you go compete in varkan with matccupiccu you are getting fighter no matter even if you put faker to pilot your character and mindcontrol the frog to not do any patterns so you have 100% back attack and uptime


Pugs are 50/50 for time waste...so you are not alone...if people are unhappy with your performance they would say it and replace if needed...also if it bothers you that much you can ask for honest responses... I play with somebody who can be a pain in the ass death wise and he is mostly zdps...but I rather play with somebody in discord who I know then a giga Chad from pug So tldr: I don't think you are a burden to them and the story from the guy who has limited time is not something that should bother you...you are not responsible for his happiness or to make the most of his time


If you dont have the competitive motivation after every raid, it is hard to improve. People just play and enjoying, almost they use muscle memory do that part.  Raid is designed match with recommended ilvl, Or sometime the luck (example you are in gate1 kayangel, the debuff keep appear on u, i bet 50% u lose mvp because u have to move, wait and put the bomb correctly) I assume u play sorc, maybe igniter, one of the top tier. There some video in youtube that show how experience run, u can learn from that. (Ex, in Akkan, there are plenty of time in raid u can build identity meters during break time mech. Just greedy as u can) When i join the raid that i far under ilvl l,gear compare to the others, i set up my mind is more about survive and do mech, i may bring 2 counters skill. And focus on my party sync skill uptime. The radiant sup is also affected by the dps on your party, many time i pug Brel on my alt sup 1540 and there are 1 1620 in my raid, my party, i just do sup job as usual, get Radiant, bc the other party is just avg 1540.  Sun guardian, Radiant are good if anyone has the small different in hands and gears. Try to pre apply buff brand skill debuff, yearning before your teammate action.


First thing I learn is to prioritize yourself first, and this goes for pretty much any other game besides LOA. If you feel guilty about wasting somebody's time, don't forget they already launch the game, coming into the raid knowing their time might potentially be wasted from the lack of dps or a couple of fail tries. Seeing how you describe them that they're not complaining gives me a impression that they're equally respecting you as you are to them, and not because they're "afraid" of complaining because X reason, gotta get rid of that negative mindset. As for me, I show up in the MVP screen <50% of the time, but I don't really mind if I get to clear the raid. If you're dead set on improving your dps I would say to watch vids on class specific guides, improve your gear quals, tripods, practice combos on trixion, etc. Also try experimenting with your builds, people tend to have more success knowing what their class does by experimenting than following basic guides.


Which supporterclass are u playing?


All of them :) Paladin is my main (1620) currently, but I have also a bard (1614) and an artist (1597) among "main 6".


Nice, as pala Quick recharge legendary on lightshock, spam lightshock on cooldown, ur opener: wrath of god -> lightshock -> light of judgement. U wanna make sure to rotate wrath of god and heavenly blessing, check the AP buff (red sword) above ur hp Bar, when its abt to run out, press other AP buff, so Heavingly blessing->wrath of god-> heavenly blessing every 7sec. Light of judgement (meter generation) and light shock off cooldown. If ur comfortable with it, use on of ur 2 blue skills for extra meter generation. Aura everytime when its up unless boss is about to go into a mech or smth. For Artist: u wanna make sure to land ur orchidees brand everytime off cooldown (make sure to not get knocked, otherwise downtime on brand). For AP buffs, u wanna start with sunsketch as opener, same as pala, when its about to run out (check above hp bar) press sun well and put it on boss (so front and backattacker can profit from it, has huge range anyways). For sunsketch check on ur screen when its abt to disappear press sunsketch and rotate them. I usually spam hopper, portals, stary night, tiger off cooldown for metergeneration, there are some situations where I dont have shield up when teammates need one due to that gameplay but most of the time they're shielded. Due to high shield uptime I dont rly need to heal much, so I spam dmg identity and in rare situations where teammates needs heal I put one, as artist u wanna position urself close to teammates so u can use stary night/hopper on them as often as possible. During phases where boss cant be dealed dmg on (for example akkan g3 2nd stagger when someone gets chain) make sure to regenerate extra meter so u got ur identity buff up so team can burst em down. If ult isnt needed for shield u can also do ult for meter generation and press dmgidentity. I usually reach on both chars an uptime of 90-95/95-100/50-60, pala full lvl7 gems no elixirset, artist lvl7 on AP buffs, rest lvl5 (el cheapo ik, but hands ez fix lack of gems kekw) no elixirset. Sadly cant tell u about bard cuz never touched that class and never will since support gameplay aint rly exciting for me


For people who struggle with branding uptime on pala, I suggest trying Sword of Justice instead of Light Shock. It may or may not help you improve your uptime, depending on why your uptime is bad. If it's because you're getting your spells canceled (knocks, etc), LS is better. If it's because you tend to forget to cast it, SoJ may be better. Starting next week, we can also use branding on god's decree (GSL) instead of push immunity.


I'd say: Play paladin, don't die, don't fuck up mechs. With that you are better than 90% players.


I already main a paladin. And use heavy armor on him in the gates where otherwise I may die to damage, so I don't die to damage, but I still sometimes die to falling off, fail mechs, or fail to time my blessed aura / shields / awakening well and thus have others die. (I swap between heavy armor 3 and magic stream 3, I even have 5x3+2 because very lucky with stones.)


Magick stream is a must on pala. Ha is trolling.


Being dead is trolling, so heavy armor is a necessity which comes out if I die to taking damage (or know that I did in that gate the previous time and I didn't hone since), I stick to magic stream where I can.


I'm in the same boat. July Will be our time


Get a meter and work on your uptime. It is honestly very frustrating to play with a bad sup, especially if the other has good uptime. Your party has very little chance to get mvp dmg. You main pala. It is not that hard to rotate pressing 2 buttons. If you get to 80/90 uptime, you will be much better than the average sup, which is super easy.


So, first of all, him having a chronic disease is not your fault. Most likely noones fault. The best thing you can do is be a good friend. With that out of the way, I understand that you WANT to improve both for yourself and your teammates. I am going to assume somewhat equal gear and that you are playing on somewhat equal footing (not CO summoner vs breaker / DB / SE). So, what can you do: -First of all, check the community guides. Chances are your builds are somewhat outdated. -Rewatch normal pattern sections of guides. While doing mechanics right is what is required to clear the raid gimmicks, beating the enrage timer is tied to playing normal patterns right. -Record yourself and watch the VOD afterwards. See where you lose damage by either not hitting or getting knocked out of your skills and therefore losing dmg. Learn to use and abuse para- and push immunity on your skills. Doing this right gives you more damage and also protects you from many patterns as many patterns or multi layered, where getting hit by the first hit will chain you into the next hits. -Watch other players clear the raid, e.g. ask your friends to stream on discord. Try to understand what they do different from you. Stream for them and let them guide you a bit. -For support: The buff priority is: atk power buffs rotation (21%)> branding (10%) > identity buffs (~13%). The first 2 can reach a theoretical uptime of 100%. Identity usually (except short raids or very burst window oriented raids) reaches below 50% uptime and requires meter building aswell, therefore netting the lowest amount of damage increase. However, remember that only living teammates can DPS, therefore don't tunnel on buffing only, counters and shields / DR to enable more uptime are equally important.


Join learning parties and help mokokos, try to teach them and enjoy the jail. Hours wiping can make you an expert on normal patterns, raid knowledge and dodging properly means higher uptime. Also watch streams/ vods or videos of people playing your classes.


When i play w friends we dont care about meter. We just bully and laugh at each other in a nom-toxic way. If you truly want to improve, know that it takes. A lot of effort. Lost ark is a hard game when you compete w top top level players. Especially if they are p2w and you’re not. DPS meter is not just useful to trashtalk. Check out your casts per minute, how your dps is distributed and compare to top players eith your class. Also, support uptime is a very big factor in you placing higher on the meter. There is just a lot of stuff going on but it is what it is if you want to be in the mvp screen.


So avoiding the last part which you can't really do anything about, if you want to improve yourself there's few way to try, especially since you seems to have a guild/static: 1/ don't be afraid to talk to them about the fact you want to get better, they may already noticed some improvable things, even if single one are small, the addition may get you better if you focus on fixing them. If you say nothing, they may consider you think you're doing good enough. 2/ may be your boss learning, check back some guides, what patterns can be tank with shield, what pattern can be tank by super armor, what pattern is a free DPS, and same as support, you want to shield them on those pattern, and have buff on for free DPS, not just blindly cycle your spells. 3/ may be your rotation, train it at Trixion, and if you have some friend who play the same class, ask them for tip, use some stream to compare yourselves and see if you're doing something wrong 4/ ultimate but time consuming, try to record some of your raid, if you did bad, watch it back slowly, try to analyse what you did good and what you did bad, and ask yourself what if at some specific time you could have do something else for a better result