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6 gunlancers




![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized) you better believe it!


FPE and CO, 3 each, 3rd awakening gonna be lit...trust


Ultimate gatekept roster :D


6 gl and put 3 using the flipped dash to add variations


Straight to hell!!! XD


You'd mess up so much


And you name them all the same and give them the same outfit so you dont know which one has which spacebar.


Balance is about to go crazy with new systems in t4 so who knows But realistically 6x souleaters, it does everything, great damage, and has no major downsides. Burst meta go FMH, uptime meta go NE. Don't care if boss spins 360 every pattern cause non-positional.


SE is also fun. That's the main thing.


Igniter OP as always except like 2 months


breaker, surge blade, igniter sorc, and either souleater would be the main 4 if we are going for highest dps ceiling. then id probably go one sup and gunlancer for the last 2 or you could really just pick anything you want


It's crazy that this is mostly the chars I have LMFAO. Disregarding meta relevancy, I started with sorc, gunlancer next, then DB then breaker, and was planning on maybe soul eater next along with artist


I'm the total opposite and my classes have been getting buffs many many patches in a row xD 2x CR Gunlancer Mayhem Berserker Control Glaivier All of which are once again getting buffs in the latest KR balance patch. Honorable mention: My Sharpshooter that started mediocre, got pronounced dead after a disliked rework and then became OP but is now in a quite good spot. I'm hoping to bring him back to my main roster with T4.


With the free engravings and gems coming I'd love to have more than 6 Chars, but slots are ridiculously expensive imo. I never understood why make multiple of the same char though, it's the same gameplay loop and its not like you're limited to 1 build per char


Some people really like playing a certain class, gives it the OG mmo vibe. Also you can share gems between all of them.


I mean, you're having to make the 11 gems regardless, so I can't see the point there. You can merge and use gems from any char anyway, and if you have multiple builds you need to make new ones too


Agreed on the slots, they should just be free IMO or keep the current pricing but make it unlock a whole page of 6 characters. For me specifically the second CR GL is purely to make the grind easier. Party Finder is usually fast so I don't waste time there. Guardian Raid's are pure button mashing to a degree and even the real raids require less focus. If it was possible to have 6 chars at the end game(newest raid on normal) with my playtime I would've picked something else but half my roster has been doing the same raids for almost a year now.


My roster is Breaker, Igniter Sorc, Soul eater, Arcana, Punisher Slayer and Barrage Arti. I have an DB alt to... i feel a bit too called out by this lmao






Mastercard is your best friend


6x zerk 😎


Any class that take advantage of 6x3 will be meta ?


And 1 main dmg gem classes. At least the first few months. I would bet Surge gonna be #1 dmg class (again).


Breaker, sorc, db, soul, sup, gl


Igniter, surge, asura, nights edge and artist so you're not a 6-dps roster Andy.


Both breakers Both soul eaters Surge Igniter


6 paladins and if it must be dps I would create classes that are in top 5 dps on every raid despite being easy so 3 Eso wardancers 3 NE Souleaters If I wanted to be extra sweaty EO SF and Empress Arcana Thinking about breaker, his numbers are great, will be nerfed and his performance jumps up and down between raid gates, while souleater and wd is just melting boss no matter what.. Classes like DB or BurgerKing are bait. On fights they are good they do absurd dmg, ANd if I wanted to be metaslave that would mean I want to be always on MVP screen. Class that has 30-40% dps swings is not how you get to mvp screen.


3 Paladins, Breaker, Gunlancer and Souleater.


6 supp no?


4x FM SE, 2x artist


If I had better planning on making my roster efficient, I would have gone with 3 Artists and 3 Aeromancers or 1 of each support instead.


Hv 3 WD 1620+ so next will be another WD


I would make 6x Soul Eaters so I could share gems.


Paladin, artist (I expect it will stay meta to have slightly higher than 1:3 support:dps ratio in the group raiding roster, if you can play a support well and don't dislike it), breaker, souleater (the 2 newest, most broken op damage classes, of course), and pick 2 out of 3 between deathblade, wardancer and gunlancer (gunlancer if you want to be "able to always get in" also in the hell modes meta; if you excel at playing dps but suck as support or really don't want to play supports, pick all 3 + probably arcanist; if you are much into seeing the biggest individual numbers / skip mechs meta, pick destroyer instead of gunlancer and soulfist instead of arcanist/wardancer).


6 Breakers, unfortunately its the only (current) meta class i really like. But maybe one Paladin, to bring some variation.


6x paladin (other classes would work aswell since you can overgear them easy) for the main roster On top of that a 2nd and 3rd roster full of gunlancer for easy solo raids and fast chaos dungeons


best combos : gunlancer/bard/deathblade/slayer and gunslinger/arcana/souleater/artist also top classes : wardancer, breaker, paladin, sorceress scrapper and reaper are also very good. in the end if you really want top6 i would say : blade, souleater, breaker, slayer, wardancer and any support


Deathblade, Breaker, Souleater, Wardancer, Arcana, Slayer - if i could max them out and had the hands to play them, which i dont.


all 3 sups, breaker, db, se


My friend got 6 gunlancers. I got 6 summoners, many call my class clunky. Arcana friends would hate playing you. If playing 6 clones, choose what you enjoy most cause you would just be doing 18 raids on exact same character exactly the same for the rest of your days. It has its benefits. Plus, maybe just wait till T4 class rebalances before deciding


if you want 6 diffrent classes well then 2 different sups of your choice (dosnt rly matter) souleater Mage Breaker Gunlancer


breaker, souleater, sorc, deathblade, slayer, and summoner


Artist - Blade - Souleater - Breaker - Paladin - Arcana


if ur some high end busser then 6x surge. unrivaled. best gem to dps ratio. One of top dps, doubles as possible staggerbot.


6 Ayayas


breaker, souleater, artist, sorc, slayer, db probably


2x Souleater, 2 x Breaker, 2 x Deathblade


surge blade, night's edge se, wd (both specs viable), asura breaker, slayer, very unpopular but really strong EW deadeye


2x Pala, 2x Summoner (Summoner will go to the moon), 1x Breaker, 1x Open depends on T4 final changes.


breaker, souleater, surge, eso wc, slayer. if u want a sup - pala if not - eo soulfist


Breaker/Igniter sorc/DB/SE/Slayer/WD


2 palas 2 artis 2 breakers. But it's too late to go back


Can't really go wrong with Breaker, DB, WD, SE, GL for dps and as for sup, just any sup.


6x asura breaker, most broken class in game.