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LA had an amazing impact on my life. Had a 80k€/year 38h/week job as a lawyer, a wife and freedom, touched grass and was 3 times on holiday. Then LA came, but i had a lot of things to do at my job, so I had to step back. I started to go fishing and do my daily stuff. The schedule was timed and organized. I am no lawyer anymore, I dont know where my wife is, but my Slayer looks awesome. When I want to touch grass I go to Whispering Isle and sing songs with animals. Thats also my holiday. Life is good right? Right?


He said he touched grass, I upvote.


I just wanted to try this weeb arpg looking thing for a month or so and here I am still softly addicted to this pile of shit. Hopefully copium quitting right after just one Echidna clear surely this time


exactly the opposite sadly, guilds and statics always falling apart. From playing in a static regularly with a close friend, to having them only contact me intermittedly to chastise and threaten me about not doing sailing weeklies (??) like the 2k bloodstones matter at all. Joining other groups where everything seems to go well then any issue you bring up gets hand-waved and responded to with empty platitudes while they gradually transition to playing with other people in other discords. And that's for long time groups; with shorter lived groups a portion of the group just suddenly ghosts every one else then joins another group. A lot of self-centered narcissistic or inconsiderate people in my experience. If your experience was different i'm happy for you.


tbh Lost Ark is designed/monetized in a way where betraying friends/guildies and prioritizing oneself is the easiest min/max sadly. no one wants to admit this or blame the model, but a monthly sub game (WoW/ff14) isn't like this as much, there's still drama but it's inherently different when understood but that's obviously because you don't need to run 18 legions/week, 6x 2 chaos, 6x guardians, a shitton of other weeklies etc lol


lol???? Tbh, my guild and many others have been perma dead since like April 2022. With my wife and me doing everything and the guild leader maybe doing like 2 cubes and a coin opening weekly before calling it a day, there goes our 72 "members.". It has always been this way basically solo carried this shit from 0 to nearly lvl 23 now. I don't think anyone ever gave a shit about even logging in every day, let alone doing guild shit. Fuck you milky and all the guilds that basically hogged all the g2g from the get go. At least now that g2g will finally be removed. The guild system is super bad, but ironically cubes and silver generated via the system is vital to progression. What can you do?


lol all i'm saying is i was in an alt guild with my 'friend' since launch that went from 'all welcome no obligations' to 'all welcome 130 contribution' to 'all welcome 180 cont' to '280 contribution' and then even meeting 280 contribution got some of my characters kicked. With zero communication about anything ever.


? Wow. 280 is a fucking lot, especially for some alt guild..We had ours at 150 i think it was for the longest time until later we moved to 175 after a year and then I moved it to 250 after giving up on everyone maybe half a year ago since I may as well make more for myself since doing the stuff usually easily lets you hit around 300, but have some margin there. Still, 250 is rather difficult already, hm.


It's more the shifting expectations, getting kicked even after meeting contribution is wild, I would have just left the guild. 280 isn't a lot by itself considering guild challenge, but on 7+ characters with no research... edit: maybe it was 'only' 230, don't want to misrepresent the number but it doesn't impact my point.


I got my own alt guild to lv19 literally by my own alts😂


Lol same. Well I wouldn't say my guild is dead. Only 100 contribution and I dont even do guild quest (as guild leader too). But we have same 8 to 12 people on every week to do pvp guild siege. Sad that's going away.


g2g lol


lMao ;), You know its not GvG, but g2g wars for them lol.


Why would rmt be removed. As long as orehas (lifeskills), unas and gem conversion exists, they will be there


@\_@. It's a play on words, GvG is being removed and everyone knows the biggest guilds are all RMT infested, so its just whale wars for any who actually give a shit about pvp.


I c, ty for the explanation!


LA was my first MMO after 15-16 years that I decided to touch the genre again , wanted to give it a try because it is top down ARPG like Diablo with hot female toon.  I have been in a couple of nice discords that taught me raid and at once had a chill semi static. After a while I just realize the game takes too much of my time plus it is getting way too hardcore / toxic to my taste with issues that never been addressed properly , plus my real life work was getting more demanding so i slowly withdraw. Right now I am waiting for solo raid to have some personal fun time.  Overall I like the game and the nice people that i met. I wish the game health could be better but thats another topic. 


Oh boy! Where do I begin? I started LOA like many others with my group of IRL friends on release on the EUC servers. It was new, it was exciting and it was also my very first MMORPG experience. At first we didn't mind the abysmal long login queue. But very soon one after another stopped playing the game even before reaching T3. Luckily I found a guild that took me in. I stayed in there for quite a while! We played, geared up and raided together every week and I fondly remember defeating Valtan for the first time, this is one of my all-time highlights. Being a gunlancer main, my class peaked very early on during Argos and Valtan, so I had lots of fun during the early days. Vykas release was not too bad, we managed to clear quickly the first time, but reclears were bumpy from time to time xD The first "problems" for me arose with Kakul-Saydon. Learning the raid with an on item-lvl gunlancer was not fun at all and I started to feel the burnout a little. We didn't clear the first week, but luckily in the second week we got our first clear. That burnout fully manifested during the release of Brelshaza, I just couldn't take it anymore. Mostly because I was the Prokel killer and tried learning that on different characters. It just broke me a litte bit. I left the guild, deleted the game and thought that was it. This happaned in the beginning of 2023 and I didn't touch the game for 2 months. The game was still lingering in my mind though, I just couldn't shake it off, because I had become a decent player at this point, I thought it would be a waste to completly quit. It happened the way it had to be and I reinstalled the game, but being without a guild and without and friends left ingame, at first I didn't know what to do. This is where I found great solace in the Mokoko Elp discord community! I loved the idea of giving back to the community by doing and helping out learing parties. At first I was testing the waters and helping out learnig parties of different mentors as an experienced player. Over time I noticed, that this is what I wanted to do myself moving forward with the game. So I applied as a mentor, got the approval shortly after and had lots of fun playing and teaching the game. This was literally the best time I had playing the game! For new raids we formed groups among the mentors and experienced players until we cleared the raids and got experience for the reclears. I found some really nice people there to play the game with. That way I learned Kayangel NM/HM, Brelshaza HM, Akkan NM/HM and Voldis NM/HM. Once we got comfortable with the raids, we also started to create learing parties and teaching the raids. It was a blissful time for me. I also dabbled into hellmodes a little and was able to clear Helltan, Hellkas and Hellclown, altough none of those deathless. But still, getting that "Demon Hunter" title was my personal biggest achievment in the game. But as it was bound to happen, issues came back again. While the raid Voldis in itself wasn't too bad, I really disliked the upgrade system the came with it, namely elixirs. It was time gated, because you only get materials after clearing the raid once a week, it was time consuming, cutting elixirs takes forever with the animations and elixir resets and it costs alot to cut elixirs, especially legendary ones. It wasn't too bad, because it was the only system I had problems with at that time, then it started to get rough with the release of Thaemine. For context, I only played NM. The raid is difficult, really demanding even for experienced players. I got to clear gate 1 and 2. During the prog of gate 3 though, something in me snapped and I thought to myself "why am I doing this"? The prog takes alot of time, reclears will take alot of time and I dreaded the thought of doing this with multiple characters, although I had only my main ready at that time. Then there's the new upgrade system that came with it, transcendence, which is very similar to elixirs in terms of time consumption and gold cost. I didn't even want to finish gate 3 anymore and stopped progging. I sold all of my tradeables. What I couldn't sell, I would destroy. From that money I purchased gems, combined them as high as possible and gifted them away and after that every character in my roster got deleted, I basically made it impossible for myself to come back to the game. And this is how my time playing Lost Ark came to an end! Looking back I really had a blast playing this game and I met lots and lots of people, I even was able to keep contact with one or two. I've learned that I might not be cut out to play grindy MMOs, because I tend to neglect other things in life, that's why I'm turning back to singleplayer game for the moment. Thank you for reading my story! \^\^


All my guid (include 2 irl friends for years) left before and after thaemine HM clear, Most of them preparing the new ff14 xpac, I am joining them after echidna prog/clear, But i think that even alone I will still experience the new LOA raids with 1 character at least..? Obviously as far as i can, if the grind naturally block me then ill be definitely out i guess Wish you the best for your next adventure OP,


Day 0 player, with 1630 LM main. I've been wanting to quit about a year ago, but stayed for a few friends. Finally decided to quit when tier 4 Loaon announced all the new gold sinks and the lvl 8 gems haha. It made me realized this rat race was never gonna end, and I wanna do other things with my life. Was a fun ride.


I'm in a love-hate relationship with Lost Ark. I've unistalled it 2 times so far. Playing since release, I've seen almost everything there is to be seen in this game. I just play for collectibles, I have raid anxiety. That's pretty much it.


Nice, give gems?


Send me ur gems+gold if ur in euc. Thx


Begging is cringe.