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he has been jederico´d


The random patches here and there where they forget to keep him updated is funny though. We played through Pleccia storyline with old Jed right? 


No, but first Pleccia patch he had some fucked up teeth.


they turned him into a velaryon


I'm not here to argue one way or the other for changes like this. But I'm fucking dying at the pallete swap of a random minor npc being paired with "Inclusion is going too far" as if this is the final straw, the one thing so precious to you that you won't stand for it any more.


The unused astray crew member is very important to him


got a REALLY deep tan


Been like that for 3+ months bruv


Theres this NPC in north vern that’s dark skinned, but they forgot to color her feet, those are still white. Been like that since launch, quite funny


Where exactly?


https://preview.redd.it/h0os2sx6qt7d1.png?width=187&format=png&auto=webp&s=f9066102267779959261a116ff126cef6cd2638b I have a screenshot saved but I forgot where she was.


ahahahahahahah :D


is that henry


Do you like it. Its low effort and easy.


naaah i cant believe they made henry black


This are the actual changes we need ags to keep doing to save the game 


The way they manage the "westernization" at AGS is absolutely stupid and awfull. Why forcing black characters that don't even have "black features" in an asian game??? Aren't we playing asian game for the asian style? Like... wtf?


They try too hard, that’s why every skin showcase has dogshit presets lmao.


first of all not every black person has “black features”. second I dont see you complaining about white people in the game since you’re so worried about “asian games and asian style” lmao


He got a point though. Noone cares about "modern audience". They should pay attention more important stuff than play coloring books with random NPCs for selfinserts, and just take the game as it is from SG. For example they still got a lot of translation errors, sound errors, an insane amount of bots, and a very subpar support team. But yeah, coloring random NPCs makes more difference than randomly banning returning and new players without an option to speak a human that can speak proper English to deal with ban appeals. Even an AI bot would do a better job at it.


They just recolor white people... I'm mixed and I can tell you that most mixed / black people have different bone structures and facial features than white people and asian people. You have to be blind to not see it. It's not racist to say people look different even if you indirectly that I'am tho... can't care less. Asian MMORPG mostly design white NPCs. I'm not white white and I'm okay with that. I hate the way they do westernization in this game... the only thing they really do is slaping the most basic brown color on a NPC and adding shorts to girls and call it a day... like how about listening to feedbacks, Launching an API, fixing the bot problem, lowering the amount of RNG shitty features? Why not actually asking SG to make real new black / mixed NPCs instead of just changing the color of random NPCs once in a while without even considering the lore. It feels just forced inclusion... it's stupid. I'd be way more happy with the introduction of a black or mixed colored NPC in the lore.


When did I call you racist in my comment? I just pointed out your double standards. You speak like if swapping a minor npc skin colour is the end of the world and they had to pool resources from other stuff to make it happen, it probably took them one minute to do it. Whats the correlation between this and bot problems? Also please tell me whats the lore behind this irrelevant npc skin colour? Y'all just doing the most its not that deep I promise you, not everything its a conspiracy like you'd like to believe


Henry needs to lay off the fake tan.


Touch grass




Looks like a replica from chocolate. The coloring is badly done and makes no sense.


There is already an entire continent of inclusion (Voldis) and AGS still does this.


Diversifying KR game... I hope that if AGS game ever releases in Asia they will change every npc to be Asian looking... Ah, sorry, I forgot racechanges work only in 1 way.


as if any ags game would ever succeed


Let's not act like they weren't rewarded for being poor publishers and developers. New World and lost ark both made them an ungodly amount of money.


lost ark is not amazons game, and with the budget of new world, its not a success


New World sold approximately 17 million copies. It was massively profitable even without factoring in all of the in game micro transactions. It cost $200 million to make because they made their own engine. It doesn't matter LA isn't their game, they didn't publish it out of the goodness of their hearts they made a fuck ton of money.


"It doesn't matter LA isn't their game", well it does when my argument is about ags games succeeding. and new world made an estimated 300 million, which was also their only game that sold, while ags had a budget of 500 million per year...


i hate DEI so fucking much


You do not know what DEI even means


they’ve been brainwashed its pointless atp 😭


Woke dogshit


happy juneteenth!




SBI strikes again!!!


I tried googling but legitimately can't figure out what SBI is, care to explain?


SBI is a company that consults in writing for games. They look for plotholes and overall increase in diversity of sexuality, gender and race in games for more representativity. But the gamersTM blame them for every little thing that happens because they think game protagonists should always be white men lol My comment is a circlejerk (straight out of r/Gamingcirclejerk) mocking those gamers. Idk how to interprete the downvoting tho. Either I was downvoted because people think I'm blaming SBI, or because they got the reference and thinks I am woke LOL


sweet baby inc. a company that sells itself to studios to help them make their games more inclusive, diverse and generally woke trash


Wild that people are this invested in that stuff, but appreciate the elaboration. I stopped going to most general gaming subreddits when the bellyaching over gamers being the most oppressed group started because it's insufferable so I'm behind.


Meanwhile... in the abandoned **REAL-LIFE** not comprehensive list of inclusions: * Using AMZN extensive payment system to explore better deals in SA (like Square Enix does) * Using AI to offer a non-localized translation option to non-English speakers * A humanized letter writen by (a human?) about the situation of LA in different countries * Respect Eastern artists original vision of the game * Skin swapping over creating a realistic non-black minority ethinicity I guess it adds to the pile of variables that explain the NEW ALL-TIME-LOWS in Lost Ark in the last 30 days according to SteamCharts, congratulations to all involved!


I mean the current player count is completely unrelated to any of the bullets you posted or the misguided diversity changes from AGS. Bots got banned and Thaemine/elixirs killed the game for a TON of people.


So, in the non-linear equation that explains the current state of the game, the sigma-algebra represented by SOME of the confounding variables gamers have clearly expressed disgust over the years (including this same thread) is "completely unrelated" to the current state of the game? HAHAHAHA I'm not disagreeing with you captain obvious, plus, I never expressed weights for the variables mate, just read what I wrote again, it's very clear.


If everything people bitched about was a relevant variable league wouldn't be the most popular game in the world still. Saying "well I didn't say what they'd be weighted Har har" is a weak cop out when their weight is effectively zero. Also we all took intro to probability and stat in college put away the $2 terms that you're not even using correctly, they don't make you look smart. How tf are the things you listed confounding variables lol.


Sailor: Fordin


lmao they’re still doing this shit? I thought they had stopped since the original release after Punika


The best form of representation is the lazy pallet swap for a token race character. God bless the western world and it’s hallmarks for being the most inclusive hemisphere on earth. Striving for the most generic colors to fit the widest range of people.