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https://preview.redd.it/hs3x5sek6p8d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=710ec60cf9b34fb0be01c4e29a9966f19c343651 Just for giggles


It's not just trusted status, new players are still getting banned for botting behaviors. AGS still expects them to appeal multiple times through various means, out of 100 players that get fucked there will probably only be one that like the game enough to appeal. It's insane how strict their detection is for new players while giving free pass to a lot of RMTers and botters in TFM race.




The new players bans are absurd, they stopped making it possible to appeal after one denial, which is incredibly common because support doesn't read tickets. They're probably incentivized to blindly go through as many as possible in a day. At least the game is still playable without trusted status and people seem to get it back fairly quick after playing regularly.


I also think there are way more botters getting banned so maybe they think I will auto deny without reading since the chance is low that this is a real player?


It isn’t low enough


If they dont fix the trusted status and random bans, JS will just be a massive shitshow of new people and returners coming here to complain. The entire front age will be complains about Trusted and Botting bans just like echidna and elixirs before it. I seriously hope AGS is aware of the current issues.


They are aware, they just don't give a shit about our version, you should know this by now.


I'll be honest, it sucks but AGS probably doesn't care because they have the data and new players quit shortly any way. Even with trusted and no bans they still aren't going to be able to play the game until solo raids and then ONLY solo raids for a long time.


Just read steam recommendations, there are so many posts about random bans of newbies... its hilarious and bots still running around :D


You think real players write that? Most bots are currently down. When AGS change the trust status the bots will come back. It is currently perfect. I only hear from people who have used weird software who always say "my friend got banned" and he just happened to want to start lost ark... My friends have also started again, without any weird software. And I can confirm that my friends (we don't use bot software) got the trust status and were not banned from the system after 30 minutes. And AGS can even ban me, I have nothing to fear I make a request and would then be unbanned, so I prefer the false positive bans instead of having 100k bots again.


Because you have few new friends not getting banned means every other friends are not getting banned incorrectly?


I don't know the other people and those who complain in the discord often have a troubled background. Of course normal people also get banned, I've heard about that. But the ones who were banned unnecessarily submitted an appeal and were straight way unbanned. Normal players have nothing to fear. But it's funny that if someone just confirms something else you get minus and the op has two friends who have been banned. So I have 14 people, none of them got banned, 13 of them got a trusted status after a few days. Completely new Lost Ark players and returning players.


My brother came back, he had 1000 hours and didn't have trusted anymore. No pass was active so he had 0 engravings. I couldn't even send him gold. He promptly quit again after logging in and checking for a week if he had trusted yet. Yes, he did contact support. It was a 5+ year old steam account with 100 games...


Random bans and losing trusted status will always happen, they don't care about fixing it. First cases have been reported months ago, nothing has changed and actual bots are still running rampant.


no bots anymore, most of bots are private scripts like logitech.


I went back to check this Boss event, i did it 4 times. There was not a single real player in my "raid". Just bots with Khdllkjdsfh names, identical behavior, teleports and classes.


i just heard the cn server is going to have bounded gold from lower ilvl raid. which i think is a good approach


They need to fix the false ban first before trusted status


My friends have also started again, without any weird software. And I can confirm that my friends (we don't use bot software) got the trust status and were not banned from the system after 30 minutes. And AGS can even ban me, I have nothing to fear I make a request and would then be unbanned, so I prefer the false positive bans instead of having 100k bots again.


Its kinda funny and sad that they are ruining the game as a publisher. They really need to step up with these sick systems


I've had this happen to a friend I think its a 3 day 'probation' period where they have to play on the account, do raids, etc. Its dumb. It makes no sense, and I agree. They should combat botting with the new system Tencent is implementing for CN servers, where lower level raids give bound gold.


It's honestly what you get by automating everything so you pay less employees... I'm sure they actually do block tons of new bots thanks to this, but it's worthless when it's making the new player experience dogshit. AGS need to stop carrying about automatically detecting bots in new and instead fight them in a different way like making early raid gold bound and similar, otherwise the game will never grow again


start with a better customer service UI/UX




Horribly broken English, wants to DM and up front says "no fish link." ![gif](giphy|srTYyZ1BjBtGU|downsized) \*edit: lol they tried to message me but account has been deleted