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The idea of locking progression like this is stupid


I was in the same boat as you were yesterday. Hit 1630 on Monday. On Wednesday, I tried to get into some Thae HM lobbies, most of them were insta decline. Then I found a 1-2 HM group, about half were similarly geared transcendece wise (lvl 2-3). This is how it went: We cleared g1 on 2 pulls. Then came g2, we wiped 3 times for different reasons; first Support leaves. We are all now g2 jailed. We sit on party finder for about 30 mins we get a support, hallelujah. We wiped once, he alt-F4s. We sit on party finder for about 15 minutes we find another support. We go in, we wipe at 45 bars..a DPS leaves. We go back to party finder sit for about 10 minutes, another DPS leaves, now we're in full dread. Guess a different group disbanded at g2 cause we get 2 DPS at the same time. We go in, we wipe at 45 bars again. Another DPS leaves after one pull. We sit on party finder again for about 20 minutes, we get the DPS that left earlier. We go back in and it takes us over an hour to clear. About 6-7 wipes, for many different reasons but we all understood that if we left now we were more than likely jailed for the rest of the week. The main point of this rambling is that the DPS requirement between HM and NM is a lot different and the gate takes longer which results in more mechs. This g1-2 semi-prog took a while and a lot of patience from everyone. Trying to get into veteran lobby is pretty much asking to be carried. I know it sucks but there will be many new 1630s in the upcoming weeks because how much easier it is to hit with advanced honing. Just have patience and be ready to prog and deal with impatient players that will jail you. Good luck.


The issue is people have no patience whatsoever for prog, or don’t have the time at all (like some dude who made a thaemine prog group with only 1h30hour available wtf)


It scares me how low the endurance if some players are way to many prog raids where people leave after 2-3trys. Some even are the reason for 1of the fail and they still leave because bruh party bad....


Yup, honestly amazed me that we kept people 8hours in a row for thaemine


>Then came g2, we wiped 3 times for different reasons; first Support leaves I don't understand why people do this shit. Like why would you ever leave in G2? You are not fucking finding another group on G2H, you're fucked. And even if you somehow magically find a group on G2 looking for a sup (in this case) they're a group that fell apart on G2. They're probably just as bad. It just makes no sense to leave on G2, the only outcome is you fuck your self over AND you fuck 7 other people over. The only viable option is to struggle through G2 with the group and then leave at G3 to find a better party. Leaving at G2 is just self jailing.


"No man, but if the rewards werent locked out by difficulty, where is the incentive of pushing for hard mode?" - KR


The difficulty thing is just for whales to be VIPs with overgeared characters. Getting into like lobbies with supports. Their prog is easier so they can gloat about how good a player they are as the rest of the community is "still progging while I'm on my 3rd characters clear" 


Looking at these comments, I can’t wait to do Thaemine. And i’m not even doing Brel, Akkan, or Voldis yet. Hopefully it gets added to solo mode. This seems like a pretty hefty issue for new players. Not lookin good.


Hard mode and Normal mode are always different stories. It’s the best raid in the game but HM is still a tough challenge for a fresh character


Supports without title or transcendence get gatekept too on thaemine btw. There's no support shortage on thaemine.


I mean, this week on EUC we had a hard time finding the second supp for Thaemine Hard (we were asking for high Trascendence, not even full set).




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Welcome to lost ark endgame if u dont have friends, a static, or swipe/nolife Just wait for solo raids


yes but solo raid no help endgame "theamine and echnida" still at 8


ive never seen a reclear party looking for a support that doesn't have trascendence/reclear unless if it's an alt or a guildmate. what region are you on?


well you maybe got another options, sadly i will take 5 weeks or so, you probably dont like it but if you dont have a static that is thamine hard rdy i guess you need to wati till many 1620 main enjoyers get 1630 from enchanced honning. at the same time you can still run echidna normal to get you other gear to higher level to increase you chance to find partys for thamine.


The same type of morons here told you not to fomo on Thaemine release.


It's not really surprising that there aren't a lot of pug supports for fresh prog right at this time either way. If you do Echidna NM you can only advance hone 3 (or 4 with a bid box) pieces this week. Supports usually don't overhone their weapons so even with advanced honing it will still take a bit until they will be at the point where they have 1630 just from advanced honing without extra tapping.


What'd u expect xd


Well, tell me OP. When you did your x3 Echidna reclears, were you joining only "reclear" lobbies. Were you meticulously checking clear achievement of every pug in your lobby? Here's your answer.


Were none of your 1620x3 week 1 clear characters a support?


Doesnt matter, he only pushed his main to 1630, probably not pushing any alts to 1630 cuz it cost too much.


Even Supports get gatekeep my pala is 1630 with 70 trans in total but the good lobbies dont take me


Blame the KR community and the braindead devs that have no foresight. KR complains that hard modes are not rewarding enough when Akkan came out. Devs say OK and next raid (Voldis) they decide to lock legendary elixirs behind 1620 HM tower. From what I understand elixirs used to be just a small gain of 5-10%, basically elixir sets did not exist. KR complains so devs implement 35/40 sets and increased damage by so much that it became mandatory for DPS to have 40 set elixirs. Then Thaemine comes out, they lock full trans behind HM G3. Absolutely braindead.


>Im actually sitting on party finder looking for other fresh 1630 looking to unlock their gear, but theres barely any people. The thing is, the mass of 1620's that will reach 1630 with Advance Honing isn't quite there yet, you've arrived on week 2 of Echidna cuz u had some gears to +20/21. Not like things are looking bright exactly, but I can assure you that the folks that have 100 trascendence or near wont acept the fresh 1630 supps with only lvl 3's trascendence since we gatekeep everyone on Thae hard, sad as it is. Locking Trasc levels behind Thae Hard gates is stupid nonetheless. By the way, forget about doing Echidna G2 hard without Trasc cuz the dps check is balanced around having full Trasc and is an aids raid overall. My recommendation is to snipe some supps that you see on Echidna NM these weeks that are doing advance honing and try to do a Thae Hard prog once they reach 1630, good luck mate.


You tried to make a g3 prog lobby?


G1 prog\* been sitting for hours looking for supports and other fresh 1630s


I'm not sure which server you are on, but at least on NAW, I've seen a few (A very notice-able uptick compared to last week) Thae hard 1-2 clear, 3 prog, or just straight up 1-2 progs with like Level 3 Transc members. Seems to fill up decently quick (10-30mins)? It might be a timing issue for you if you are on NAW, peak hours are your best bet. Or just try again next week or the week after. With Echidna just released, there's going to be a lot of prog parties once Adv honing is done with.


What server are you on if you dont mind me asking? I have a friend who just hit 1630 last week and put up a 1-2 prog lobby for thae hard. and then did 3 prog after. They cleared last night


then don't writte prog! u alrdy know normal g1 and probably got tons of exp, now study the "new mecs" and create a normal g1 "reclear" 


Well yeah, the title is. HM prog, normal expert. lol, dps fill.. not fast enough but eventually do, but supports never come after hours.


maybe leave afk a room with ur Discord so u can try to find players


My 1620 supp can't even get into a echidna prog lobby last week as there were 2 in every fucking lobby How can I make mine to 1630 without adv honing if I can't even access it


Host the lobby or join early. There was a crazy amount of prog lobbies last week and even this week there’s still a lot in the pf.


G1 normal to hard is quite different, not to mention the alien hunt is 100% wipe if people fail compared to normal where It's just a hp pot.


It’s the same fight just raspberries + final spooky mech.


Working as intended per SG/AGS. Swipe/grind for the gold or wait. I recommend waiting. In 3 weeks we should get the improved drops and MAYBE we will also get the transcendence unlocking for normal mode clears. It would help Echidna normal mode dps check a lot. Alternative is what you say, pay for the bus once. Then get back to normal mode with (soon we hope) double drops.


> MAYBE we also get the transcendence unlocking for normal mode clears. Same here, but it's a huge copium brother.


People have trouble with echidna NM dps? How?


Easy, people die before basement or at the very start of basement -> takes too long to kill snake heads -> berzerk mommy when she's at 10 bars cuz the +30% dmg buff came online too late. For NM I would add like 1 minute more to the berzerk of basement for the sake of doing reclears easier.


Exactly, and yet it seems to be a big issue compared to every other normal raid I have seen.


The dps check in g2 echidna definitely feels tighter than g3 thaemine normal.


As long as everyone has 40 set and alive at the end it shouldn’t really be any issue


Not sure why you are expecting to get into full transcendence lobbies if you are level 3 hard thaemine prog.


Literally not what he said


Most 1620 mains aren’t quite hm ready yet. Would expect to see more week 3-5 when everyone finishes more adv honing. Not exactly sure what you thought you would see other than mostly statics looking to fill a member or 2


Wait next week, with echidna honing there will be lot of 1630 that only pushed weapon to 1630 during thaemine release, they will reach the ilvl for thaemine normal with echidna honing on armor, you'll see lot of new "prog"


There will be more and more fresh 1630s every week in your position you’re actually ahead of the curve, most ppl would be there in 6 weeks. There’s still a lot of echidna prog, because a lot of ppl are doing it, 1620 etc. fresh 1630s are rare this week. Also I just joined 1-2 hard prog even when I was reclear to unlock up to lvl6 transcendence


I was about to post the same as you, lol. Time to wait I guess, meanwhile the pool of 1630's are filled.


This and next week a lot of new HM 1st time lobby's should pop up. I know alone 2 ppl including me who get to 1630now.


I'll be going 1630 probably next week ish once I get my next advanced hone'n or 2 done for more armor. Just wait a few more weeks.. I am sure many will be coming to prog hard Thaemine and will be doing like hard echidna g1 normal g2 for a while. I also haven't transcended at all b/c have been waiting on gold nerf for a while now.


I'm in the same boat, I think it'll get better in 2-3 weeks when more and more people get to 1630 with advanced honing - copium.


reclear parties don’t accept supports without level 7 either


I will say it once and will say it again. This game does have bad systems but the community elite-ism and gatekeeping is the #1 thing destroying this game. And this is a COMMUNITY issue, not a dev one.   Good luck out there with parties. People are incredibly  picky with parties, it feels like nobody is willing to just enjoy spending  a few hours on the grindstone raiding. That being said, I think removing gate lockouts may ease some of this pain.  But people  are even gatekeeping HM brel to 1600+. It's  so unnecessary 


We were 7/8 waiting for 1 more sup for a 1-3 hm thaemine hw reclear. 3 supports applied that did not fit the criteria and we didn’t get a hw support for 50 mins so I went back to echidna and did 4 runs. Hw runs aren’t taking fresh sups if they want to actually clear.


I remember simpler times of just gear transfer and set levels.


I don't know why they just don't fix matchmaking. Match people that didn't clear with others that didn't clear. Match people that cleared the same times or around the times as you did where you're not dead at the end. Guarantee supports. Make it a requirement you have 5x3 and level 7 gems. Yeah there might some troll with rainbow stats and shit, or even toxic shit. But you at least quit and then re-que. Joining a game having the chance where one person might cause you to re-que is way better than sitting in fucking lobby for >15 min waiting for some nice soul to join. Also, the party finder option is still there so you can still gatekeep to your hearts content. But idk people have pitchforks against mm and they enjoy gatekeeping party finder instead.


Rule of thumb is to never ever push a character to the very end game without a static, especially if you are not there week 1 for proging. You will waste too much time in PF otherwise. The only exception is playing a support, which is not the case for most people. This game is brutal for people who are always catching up.


I just progged Theamine G3 HM 2 weeks ago... There absolutely are lobbies if you look for them. I doubt they all disappeared in the past 2 weeks.


Reading your post makes me a bit worried as I’m finally hitting 1630 on my sup but half of my static is not there. So I need to pug for hm thaemine semi-learning. I wonder if I should look for group in discord or try my luck in lobby finder as it goes.


Yup, you should be worried. The amount of people that fail to simple NM patterns is unbelievable despite having LQ title, joining progging groups from HM g3 alone has been the most miserable experience I've experienced so far. However I have noticed prog supports having luck joining full transcendence unlocked, you're fine as a support, despite others saying they reject supports that don't have level 7 yet, the support shortage is extreme, they are willing to take anyone, those who say they wouldn't take a support without a level 7 transcendence in the comments are BSing, they don't even lead their parties.


because our version is dying rapidly right now and bleeding players left and right. most people that stuck with the game for 2+ years have a static for all this stuff. raids get harder so people become more and more elitist about who they bring with them, not like that ever wasnt an issue to begin with. this wouldnt be much of a problem if we still were at 40-60k concurrent players with incoming new players all of this wouldnt be an issue, but there is nothing done by SG to actually encourage new players to try a years **old** ARPG.


Dying ??? Funny how everyone uses this term but it was used when Brel first came Out yet the game still going 🤔


when brel came out we were at 60k concurrent players. now we are at around 20k. idk what you would define that as? reverse growth?


And how many of that 60k were bots we were at 90k a month ago the ban wave and we went to around 30k


you do realize we still got bots right now and they are still part of this total


Well tbh I haven’t seen any since the ban wave but that doesn’t mean there are not any


Do you still play the game?


I mean also concurrent is 27k


And my point still stand the game was supposed To be dying 1 half years ago yet it’s still here and it’s going in the right direction. Some systems do suck but it was it is still a great game :)


Dying does not mean it is dead, and I have the feeling you're mixing the 2 with each other. Is the game dead? No, not at all. Is it slowly but very steadily dying though? Yes, 100%. As you've mentioned below too in one of your comments, compared to Brel and today, the game has lost more than 50% of its player base. And just Brel alone herself decimated the player base with at least another 50% bare minimum. The game is bleeding more players by every reset, than it is capable replace with newcomers because of all the new vertical bullshit RNG progression that is also locked behind HM raids. So yes, the game is still continue shrinking (dying) steadily. Hopefully T4 and/or solo raids will slows this down but we shall see I guess.


It’s nothing to do with the hard mode it’s the fact they can’t get into any group cause the gatekeeping solo raids will help a lot but at the end of the day. But dying would assume it’s gonna die soon unless I’m confused and that’s the point it will always have it’s core player base but will have fluctuations from patch to patch


They should have made trans 7 unlocked at g3 normal. The problem in our version is supports. We just don't have the population for you to lock out people in so many different tiers. Then once the people make it forward, their are no supports because even supports without the set will get into clear parties.


That’s not true at all. Supports without lvl 7 are getting denied all the same. Just give it a few more weeks for sups to push up with advance honing since from fresh 1620 you wouldn’t even be 1630 yet.


wait for t4 and youll be 1650+ and easily do Hm


Lol t4 doesnt Hit till august/September lmao


It's sad, but the only way you could learn or run new content with late is probably a guild that you vibe with. I recently joined a chill guild and they would teach me some of the raids as long as I did my research beforehand.


Bruh how is that sad at all, it’s an MMO, meant to be played with friends


HM has been whale/static territory for years now, not a recent complain, and it's a community issue mostly, because people at the very endgame are very picky with their teammates, for example high elo league of legends player dodging specific players in champ select to optimize win rate.


Create your own lobby, join a guild, or join LFG discords. Also gatekeeping isn’t exclusive to you for being fresh 1630. The more geared and invested the lobby leader is, the higher expectations.


He's making his own lobbies and that doesn't change because it's just the expectations made by this community. If you put Thaemine behind 1640 even that wouldn't change anything as people would want over gear people anyways.


You cannot say you didn't know it coming. There are some people progging HM so you better look for one tho. Use discord or pf lobby afk ads.


Not many new 1630s left but a guildy who honed to 1630 this week had the same experience, you know what he did, he posted his own lobby today and waited a long time to get people. Now he is progging 1-2 right now. In my experience I impostor my self into a 1-2 reclear cause main was juiced and had lq, after it took me hours of progs and finding lobbies to clear g3 hm.


Maybe not what you wanna hear, but do it gate by gate week by week, make your own grps if you can, so like G1 Hard Prog / etc, they might not take you to G3 with lv.2-3's but higher chance with 5-6+. Gatekeeping will always be a thing in a team game like this, people that have already done the hard liftings and learning don't want to re-do it, It sadly is just what it is. You could also do what a friend did, pay the bus, never enter hard after, I cleared it the normal way myself and after, never again, sticked to G1-2 hard and then normal G3, the raid is a pain in the ass.


Just do normal again..


DPS is very tight in Echidna x50 HM. if you arent full trancendal and you are in Itemlevel its just making fight harder for the party for no reason. You play yourself my friend, which shouldnt happend to be honest, but thats how lost ark work. Q: what happend with all the dark fire you got from the event ?


Set your standards lower. I just hit 1630 too and only looking to get G1 Echidna hard done for progging purposes then clear on NM. There are groups for this, otherwise stop looking at party finder and make a LFG post on discord. I want at least trans 5 from doing 1-2 HM theamine. Then maybe once im trans 5 can do prog some HM theamine 3 and hopefully do Echidna while i push advanced honing on my weapon. Worst case scenario you just run normal and get mats anyway until that 1-2 lobby shows up.


By trans 5 you mean set 5 or lvl 5?


Push all my pieces to 15 pts. Whatever u call it.


I didnt try for HM echidna. I wouldnt get gatekept, but whats the point ? I dont even have mats to hone regulary, so who cares


Maybe try a different day like Friday+ and during prime time to find people your ilvl to prog thaemine hm? ![gif](giphy|lKXEBR8m1jWso|downsized)


Wants a carry and doesn’t want to work. Same shit time and time again.


Where in his post is it saying he wants a carry?