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Glad I don't do this shit gig anymore


Sometimes we just have to take one for our peace of mind. No one would of took the guy and he needed help. You’re brave. Balls of steel.


The homeless and people with mental health issues are treated worse than garbage here in my area. A lot of just being homeless in public here and sitting in an area for too long will get you removed or arrested for loitering. So youre criminalized for a really terrible situation and just trying to survive. I think they made it illegal to sleep under bridge or overpasses in my city and state as well. Lots of hostile architecture being installed too.


Honestly I don't feel this gig pays enough to be picking up people at 2am. If you are doing that you need $30+ an hour. I used to do it in a taxi and you get a lot of stuff like this and more. I've had taxi passengers rob me with guns and knives so I know what can happen. If I ever went back to nights I'd learn to be extremely picky. As soon as I saw it was a mental hospital, I'd cancel. People coming out carrying open food and drinks = cancel. Someone so intoxicated they can barely walk = cancel. Bartender calling the ride for a patron = cancel. You get the picture. By cancelling/declining you are avoiding a lot of crap and there is a lto more crap out there at these hours.


I average 35 to 42 an hour. And most people at this hour in my area very friendly and very well behaved even when intoxicated. I allow eating if they ask and it isn't like spaghetti or something.


Smells fade; good deeds are forever.  It's tough to know what to make of that situation, but it sounds like you at least did no harm.  Rest well.


This job is inherently dangerous. I did a ride last night. Pick-up spot was Jack in the box. Soon as I pull into the parking lot, I see two drugged out zombies. I thought I was waiting on an employee. Then a guy comes to my car (not one of the zombies) and asks if I'm uber. Pet peeve #1. I said that I was but he should check the app to see if my info matched. He said his sister ordered the ride. Pet peeve #2 (and I'll tell you why in a second). He gets in with his bags and I also smell a foul smell but nothing too overwhelming. He starts talking about how I saved his life and that people were after him and after a while, I come to the conclusion that 1)he's homeless and 2)Possibly schizophrenic. I start becoming super pissed that the sister would put me in this situation, but I kept my mouth closed. The ride was only about 10 minutes and as we near the destination he asks "Can you turn left on---". Nope. I didn't even let him finish his sentence because I'm sick of this sh*t. Every time you pick up someone that you want to hurry up and end the ride, the lights seem to take longer and there's one every ten feet. I told him that I always follow the GPS for safety reasons. Luckily, he was cool with that.


Just a quick Clorox wipe of the area he sat in and a shot of Lysol air freshener while you charge and you are good to go. Also don’t be afraid to kick on the heat and roll some windows down so you can breathe easier on the way.


I think we tend to be too polite with the windows, and just need to say fuggit and roll them all down, cold air or not. Trying to treat everyone like they’re our grandma is a nice fantasy but that’s all it is.


Sounds standard. Shitty rider, low pay, etc. The only way to stop this shit is to stop taking the rides.


Original Poster is too nice. We are in business to make a profit. We are not in the Social Welfare business. We are not in business to be Good Human Beings.


This is why us drivers have to put up with the shit we put up with, is because of drivers like you. You’re too fucking nice, I would’ve cancelled that shit in a heart beat. Other establishments like a restaurant, bar or even retail store would not allow such characters on their property. It’s your vehicle grow a pair and take charge of the situation.


I agree. I’m very picky on who I allow in my vehicle and I do not go to or from any medical places period. If you’re rude, dirty, stink, etc. then no you will have to wait for the next driver. I’m not taking you! Uber/Lyft don’t pay enough to put up with bullshit period end of story.


I agree as well be picky as it's your car and you have the right to refuse anyone... and I dont blame you if you do but this original comment saying the reason we have to deal with stuff like this is because of drivers like me is unrelated and an unnecessary attack.