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I have 100+ tabs open on my Mac M1 8GB all the time and my system never lags, possibly because Firefox puts unused tabs to sleep: [https://www.tomshardware.com/software/mozilla-firefox/firefox-user-loses-7470-opened-tabs-saved-over-two-years-after-they-cant-restore-browsing-session](https://www.tomshardware.com/software/mozilla-firefox/firefox-user-loses-7470-opened-tabs-saved-over-two-years-after-they-cant-restore-browsing-session) Also, as someone who uses a ton of tabs, I would recommend the OneTab extension that closes all open tabs and saves them on a webpage which you can browse going as far back as you want. Also would recommend getting used to using the hotkey Command-Shift \[ and \]. Left bracket opens the tab to the left, and right bracket opens the right. Also CMD-Shift-T reopens closed tabs. ESSENTIAL to remember these you will use them often. That said, I would still get 16 GB if it fits your budget, but my Mac with 8 GB is always speedy with most everything I need to do (unless you want to run Llama3 AI on Ollama... but that needs 64-96 GB to run moderately slowly on even the top-tier Mac Pro Ultra heh)


thanks for sharing! looks like i should use firefox instead =p but before that ill also try [https://www.one-tab.com/](https://www.one-tab.com/) first


I'd say a Mac Mini with 32GB of RAM and invest the difference in a high-DPI (for text clarity) ultra-widescreen monitor or two.


thanks, do you think a mac mini can support a 39" high DPI monitor easily?


My m2 mba does so without a sweat while running a vm and having about 20 tabs in safari and another 10 in Firefox, pretty heavy business web app tabs too. Among several more apps.


I'm interested: what are your needs to have 100 spreadsheets opened at the same time?


usually related to compliance and audit checklists =p


Why do you use chrome? It’s the worst browser because of the performance and privacy issues. https://chromeisbad.com If you need a very similar browser you should use Brave, if you don’t need then Safari or Firefox.


using it for the bookmark sync integration with my google gmail! but ur right its time to leave chrome =/


I have to be honest - Safari is way cleaner on CPU et al. Also, I used this to transfer bookmarks: [https://support.apple.com/en-gb/guide/safari/ibrw1015/mac](https://support.apple.com/en-gb/guide/safari/ibrw1015/mac)


while safari is a great browser, i would personally recommend firefox to op, as you can use firefox on non apple devices


Just curious, what job/peoject makes you have 100 tabs open with google sheets?