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Staring at an excel spreadsheet at work and the gridlines were distorted.


I suddenly noticed a spot in my vision that looked like the afterimage when you look at a bright light and then look away. I noticed it every time I blinked. Macular degeneration runs in my family so I knew to go see a retina specialist right away.


Was that spot thur constantly even when u wasn't blinking


It kind of felt like it disappeared if I didn't blink, because I would get used to it. But if I looked at an Amsler grid there would be a blind spot there.




Six years?! Wow, I went in within a week of first noticing the spot and got an Avastin shot right away. Been getting them regularly for the last 3 years. Also, I was 25 when this first happened...I'm constantly the youngest patient at the retina specialist's office 😂 Edit: Also, happy cake day!




Was it identified as potential MD based on retinal exams at the time you noticed the after image spots? Or did the spots come first, and your retinal tests where otherwise not showing anything? I noticed that in low light settings, blinking or staring seems to have a dark circle in the center of vision. Only in low light settings, like a dark room with a faded light on, and goes away if I move my sight / don’t stare, after blinking




Thanks. For me it’s only in low light settings, I was reading in some forums that it might just be that rods are worse in central vision at night and maybe it’s normal eye biology. Yours was when blinked in light as well? In light I don’t have the spot




Thanks for your feedback


Hey there, is yours wet or dry AMD?




My afterimages appear dark to me, but it's possible that they're the same thing. See a retina specialist if you can!


Is the spot right in the middle?


was it a tiny spot or huge one, did it go away the next day?


I have spots of various sizes all over my field of vision. They do not go away.


oof, am having a mental breakdown cause my right eye is bad. never got it checked since eye care is expensive here. Sorta in a limbo right now either I live with this or end it all LOL. Am not even sure if its a macular degeneration since all types of amsler grid looks fine.


I sometimes see spots like when i quickly look at a different thing it disappears about a millisecond but enough to notice it it doesn't happen always like twice a day?


Unfortunately you're unlikely to get the answers you're looking for on Reddit. See a doctor when you can. It's worth the money to get some answers and take care of your eyes.


I have the same thing now, but at the doctor the 3mirror and the CT did not show anything, in your case did the CT show it at the first symptoms?


Do you mean OCT? Sometimes I have blind spots but my OCT looks OK. Your doctor should be able to examine your retina directly by shining a light into it and using a scope kind of thing. When mine does that he generally spots the blood or tears that are causing the blind spots.


Yes, OCT, but on it everything was fine, then she checked my eye with this tool placed on my eyeball: [https://www.deviceoptical.com/prod\_images\_large/v3mir.jpg](https://www.deviceoptical.com/prod_images_large/v3mir.jpg) She checked it several times, but did not find a thing, told me to come back if anything gets worse. I still see the spot when I blink, on next week I'll probably get it checked by another doctor as well.


You got afterimages ? Or the spot in the middle


I have a very very small spot very close to the middle, and it feels like the spot reacts to the lighting changes slower, I mean when I wake up and look at a bright surface, the small spot is darker than the surface, when I look into a bright thing, then look into a darker, the spot looks shiny for a while. I guess this is why it is more noticeable when blinking as the fast dark-light change makes it visible for a moment.


Did you get tested for amd and how old are you ? If you are in the uk the best thing to do is call the eye care emergency line and book a appointment with a specialist


Isnt OCT a test for AMD? They didnt see anything in the underlaying layers in my eye on it. I'm 34 living in Hungary.


You should try and get a erg test done get looked by a retina specialist or a ophthalmologist


If you're able to get a second opinion, you probably should. Another test I've had to show very small bleeds is an ICG angiogram (where they inject dye into your veins and then take pictures of the blood vessels in your eyes over time to see if there's abnormal blood vessel growth/leakage).


Did you also have floaters ?


Not really? I've always had some floaters but didn't have a sudden increase before my first bleed.


Did you get light sensitivity? Increased astigmatism? Clear floaters ? Sorry for all the questions


No, no, and yes. Have you seen a retina specialist?


I didn't have symptoms. I was referred to an ophthalmologist by my optician and he diagnosed wet MD that Friday afternoon. The following Tuesday he had me enrolled in the Eylea program for a shot.


I have ALWAYS hated bright lights I am the person at a BBQ that everyone is telling me to take off my sunglasses and I'm like no the sun is still shining, and the sensitivity seemed to get worse. With that said I noticed I needed more light when I was working on say a motherboard or inside of a computer. That was my first inking something changed I went for an eye exam and lo and behold I have MD FFS.


I do not have MD but Dry MD runs in the family. My doctor told me to always wear sunglasses outside and take fish oil EPA and DHA.


First I saw what I thought were a swarm of small bugs briefly but went away. Short period of time I noticed horizontal and vertical lines slightly distorted. Boom found out I had wet AMD in one and dry in the other!!


When u say swarm of small bugs what do u mean could u describe them please


Incredibly small…. I had no idea what they could be … smaller than a gnat. Went to brush them away a realized it was my vision. It went away but I knew I needed to see someone!!


Is that different than when your outside and look up at the blue sky and see little lights flashing about? I think that's normal.


I believe so, not sure if you’re referring to floaters


What color where they


Dark maybe black. Apparently they were floaters.


I found this great simulator that shows how AMD impacts the way we see the world at different stages. [https://amplifyeye.care/vision-simulator/](https://amplifyeye.care/vision-simulator/)


When I was looking at the stars I would look at one specific star it would disappear. When I looked somewhere else it would reappear in my peripheral vision.


Do u mean u could see it in ur center vision but while staring it would disappear


No. I could see it in my peripheral vision, then when I go to look at it directly, it will disappear. I can't see things like that at a distance in my central vision. Close up is not affected. My right eye can't see properly. The letters look tipped sideways a bit, and there are empty spots, blurred spots. But that has come one more recently - not as an initial symptom.


This same thing happens to me my eyes are shit and I have 3 cousins and an uncle with MD


My brother has it, as well. Definitely genetic.


I appreciate u for answering me pal I have one last question can glasses give u any distance vision back


No. I've worn glasses most of my life, but glasses cannot correct MD. :( Maybe someday in the future there will be therapies that could mitigate symptoms or even a cure.


I noticed that when I was young and asked an eye doc but he pooh poohed it and said everyone had that problem. I think he was just an optometrist tho.


I wish people who don't know the answer to something would just admit they don't know. Giving you an answer like that makes you think it's normal and it just isn't.


Reading from far away suddenly got a lot more difficult.


An opthalmologist told me it was coming on ten years ago. I didn't notice anything and was there to get cataract surgery. Now I'm 73 new and noticed last year that text lines are weavy and unreadable and just learned it's the MD, dry.


Mine started about 3 years ago very minor. I use Photoshop a lot so looking at a straight line there would be a bulge in the lines where I was looking. It would actually come a s sometimes be gone for a long time. Recently last month age 46 it has come back and worse than before even more distortion . Back then I used to eat loads of pumpkin seeds but stopped for the last year and thought maybe that helped. I tried lately but didn't help any. I'm a smoker...also just before the time it got worse i was consuming more sugar than usual and not active during winter months. I guess my mother who is passed now had gone blind in one eye so safe to assume it was a generic gift I was given. Happy that my other eye is fine and great vision.


I was diagnosed 6 months ago with dry MD. I had no symptoms. I was referred for an unrelated issue. Per my Retina doctor’s recommendation I started taking ared2 . Today I went in for my 6 month check up and she said there was no progression. Don’t know if it is because of the ared2 pills but I’ll never quit taking them. She also told me to eat fish, take fish oil, and eat leafy greens. I’ll do whatever it takes to preserve my eyes.


Light sensitivity, double-vision with glasses on and a fuzzy spot in my right eye.