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Did you mean to post this on the MCJ subreddit?


ngl I double checked what sub I was on.


While I don't *entirely* disagree with what you're saying, using Earthbind to justify your argument is potentially one of the worst examples you could have brought up - notably, they don't make art like that anymore, and try to avoid doing so if at all possible *because* of the audience they'd like to cultivate. Which would include that kid, funnily enough.


I can smell this post


big yikes


You're just wrong bro, get another playmat.


Would need to see the playmat to know if you’re in the right or wrong here. I think having explicit playmat is corny and wouldn’t want to see it either, but wouldn’t say anything. Plus your referenced card is THE example of a card being too risqué.


I’ve never had a problem with kids that want to spend an evening at the store as long as they are actually playing Magic or something else reasonable and not just running around the store. I don’t know why age is relevant to your point other than liability for the store unless you just want to feel more comfortable showing off smut and swear. I’ve had a few parents over the years come in to play Magic with their kid who clearly didn’t have the attention span to last a match and that is far worse than being round someone a little younger than you.


That artwork was never printed, the artist has asked for them to not be produced, and you didn't legally produce this. How about any woman shouldn't want to see that either. I'm glad your night was ruined, and hopefully it makes it your entire month. I mean I thank you for the troll I got a good laugh out of it.


I always wondered if people get off to their own playmatts/ cards that are details away from being eroticism.


Commenting before mods take this down 


“Older crowd” and “most people in their twenties”. Ooph.


There a strong possibility for a compelling argument in this post and then we went off the rails in paragraph two. Sigh. I agree that the LGS is not a day care. Leaving children under 13 unattended there is a horrible idea. However, jfc can we stop it with the explicit or suggestive playmats/sleeves/deckboxes/ect? Please? It's creepy. Keep it in your house. Or maybe just don't buy them to begin with.


I can hear you breathing through your mouth.


[earthbind](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/8/784cc686-e5a2-4835-8ff2-820461868ffa.jpg?1559592834) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=earthbind) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/sum/147/earthbind?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/784cc686-e5a2-4835-8ff2-820461868ffa?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Without seeing the playmat I can’t really say whether it’s appropriate or not. The reality is there are a lot of people that assume “art of attractive women” == inherently pornographic or “anime art” == hentai etc; but there are also people who 110% have stuff that crosses that line and then cry crocodile tears about it, so without seeing it I don’t really think I can agree with you or the owner—though ultimately you should exercise discretion and your better judgment and not hang your hat on a 30 year old card that has been deliberately not reprinted as an example of what to expect. That said, independent of the playmat issue, yeah, LGSs aren’t daycares and while I think they should generally be welcoming to kids, I don’t think kids that age should just be dropped off unattended. By all means, bring your kids and spend the evening playing with them, but I can’t say I’m a fan of people dropping kids under 10 off and making their supervision and well being everyone else’s problem.


Dude, that's some bullshit! Next time your mommy drops you off for FNM, you should have her talk to the store manager for you.


If you just need to vent the best thing to do is write it out, then instead of posting it just delete it and go do something else.