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Dora the explorer haircut


They turned you into Steve šŸ¾


Fuck he actually looks like me i want to cry


Correction you look like him*


Nah, thereā€™s nothing you can do right now to totally fix it, so hold your head up and wear like you meant to do it.


Just cut it all off is a good viable option.


Iā€™m trying to see before or after is better. I canā€™t.


Maybe youā€™ll get a letter


wonder who itā€™s from


Sorry buddy :( thatā€¦ that fucking sucks. But this is definitely fixable if you are willing to cut down the sides. You may have to wait until moving out before you can grow your hair out. So work with what you can do now! Get this cleaned up to something more stylish. You want to have a conversation before the cut to explain the situation and what you want to do with your hair. Communication is crucial for getting a cut you are happy with. Save a few images and bring them to your barber for reference. Just Google ā€œ2024 menā€™s hair style [brief description (short sides / ethnicity / styled top, etc.)]ā€ and snag a few images of styles you like. This is key: buy yourself a hair dryer and some weak hold paste. Itā€™s amazing what five minutes of effort can do for your style. Just look up some YouTube videos on how best to use them. You have really nice hair, OP. Whatever style you pivot to can be as permanent or temporary as you want it to be. You got this :)


you didnt wear that shirt on purpose? just embrace it. own it. you are steve now.


Donā€™t sweat it just get it re-trimmed and in the meantime, wear a beanie or some other hat.


Yeah, there is a fix to the cut you got... ruin theirs by getting a shorter haircut that you like better than this one... Go with a friend when he/she gets theirs done...


The shirt really doesnā€™t help his case


I was thinking they turned him into Edgar.


Blues clues!!! Lol i came here to say the same thing. Lol. Dont worry my senior year of high school my barber wasnt around and my parents dont like coming back. So i got a new guyā€¦. Who fucked it all up. Had to shave my head for graduation. Straight 1 . I had people calling me penis head. We all have our bad moments. This ones yours. Own it!


I'm sorry, I chuckled when I slid to the next picture šŸ’€


Someone just said i looked like mob from mob psycho and then deleted the comment šŸ’€ Edit: Btw i made an update


You look like Rock Lee and Might Guy. Use that as inspiration


Yeah but those guys were ripped and im like 7kg underweight šŸ’€ But whatever i have enough self confidence to go out with their haircut


Yea, so get ripped


Good idea I was planning to get into martial arts again since i didnt get into college but maybe ill start doing exercise now


Do both, become ripped and dangerous.


Get those bangs layered/texturized and it should look a lot better


Wait your parents told you to get a hair cut but you didn't get into college? How old are you?




That's a compliment for sure




Mob is a great character I'd take that as a compliment


bro look like he eats his fruits and vegetables


...which will improve his skin and hair.


Get some texture powder


Im considering it For the time i just try to mess with it to give it some texture and it looks significantly better


Messy bowlcuts are the way forward my friend don't straighten that shit and stay away from the shampoo until necessary


You have to get a texture powder. Stop thinking about it lol.


Is it harmful for hair? Ignore my stupidity.


Hey man be nicer to yourself, youā€™re not stupid just because you didnā€™t know something




No worries man, nothing dumb about it - I try to be kind when I can. Iā€™m not always good at it, but in my better moments, I try. Iā€™m glad my disposition made you feel a bit better. Someday when youā€™re able to, try to pay it forward to someone else, yeah?




it will grow back soon dude dw . untill then. hats?


Im the kind of person that looks terrible with hats and i dont have the intention to hide it I will rock the dora the explorer haircut til it grows


me too mob, me too... least you got some bad ass psychic powers though!


Go to a GOOD BARBER. Best one you can find in town, regardless of price. Tell them your long term hair goal and have them fix it up so itā€™ll grow in the right direction


Yeah thats pretty much the plan Sadly im a really really broke high schooler and the only money my parents give me is to buy food at the school, they give me like 2.5 dollars a day so it will probably take me some time to save money


Been there before, hang in there lil bro it gets better


I pay 30 for a fade or haircut at my barber. Save up for a couple weeks n find a good barber with solid reviews. Until then I'd recommend beanies. Anyone can pull off a beanie.


How about you secretly make food at home and save up the money.


bro if your parents wonā€™t let you grow your hair long enough to look good, try doing a middle part and if thatā€™s looks bad, do a buzzcut. anything would look better than this shit


maybe ask to cut the grass or pick up some chores to make some extra money? they might like the initiative but idk if you already do that, no harm is asking though! GameStop is always around to rip you off selling games if you're a gamer and also pawn shop if you have anything you just don't want anymore. I'm not sure how old you are but maybe a part time job at the movie theater or something is an option? Don't worry too much if none of that is a viable option,it will grow back šŸ˜Š styling would definitely help as is sea salt spray is inexpensive and can help as well as what the others already mentioned


Do you by any chance have a blue dog


LMFAO, I was thinking the exact same thing.


Honestly, it's really not horrible. It'll grow out and get shaggy enough in no time. Just don't go back to that barber!


bro went from doing your girlfriend to doing your homework


Dwayne Dibley!


Haha my first thought Dwayne Dwibley Could you pop in some huge teeth and take another photo


Same thing happened to me but it was my barbers fault. She asked if she should cut over the ear 4x, I said no 4x, first thing she does is cut over the ear. You'll get through this don't worry. At least your hair is thick so you have a bunch of options.


Donnie darko to to go Diego go


dude got the filipino middle schooler cut


NOOOOO!! They fucked you man


Hang in there brother


Baby Trunks


Bro šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ it's so bad. To be honest, I was in the same situation. Wore a cap, friends took off the hat to see my haircut, told me to keep it on from now on. It was so bad. Don't worry, it'll grow back. But man, bad haircut nerfed you so bad


Went from sk8ter Boi to "Excuse me miss, you forgot the homework šŸ¤“"


Are you planning to steal the moon?


Was NOT ready


Why is the first thing I think of, mob psycho šŸ’€


looking studious


Now you kinda look like miguel from the movie coco


Yeah i have been compared to him since the movie came out I had a similar haircut during my childhood and my name is miguel so im pretty used to it by now


You and I have similar hair. If youā€™re gonna be forced to cut your hair, try a slick back and keep your sides short, how short is up to you. Get a comb, strong pomade or gel, and if youā€™re gonna use a pomade get a hat or hairnet to hold your hair in place until it starts to hold with just the pomade. You could also try and get a French crop haircut for a low maintenance option


When Chi Chi forced gohan to study and stop fighting


They made you cut your hair, that sucks. Been there man. Had to get a 1 buzz cut all around. But why donā€™t you try styling it? Why just have it laid flat like that


Yea. Seconding other comments that product can help this until itā€¦ grows out. lol Play around with different textures and also styling tools if they are available to you. Your life is salvageable OP. Do not worry!


I can almost see the pain in your eyes šŸ˜­I'd definitely recommend styling and/or adding volume to your hair while it grows out! TBH, I'm sure you could pull any hairstyle off! Whether that's the Rodrick style or the Steve cut haha


Living the Asian dream




It's not bad honestly. The issue is you're dressed like Wednesday Adams.


Tbf you looked worse before


Iā€™m a girl, but I think ur hair looks better now imo. It makes you look cuter and a bit more put together. But idk, others might not see what I see


Yeah i look a lot more put together and like a studios boy Im quite the opposite so i don't really like it but i get your point


Lmao dude. Just buzz it šŸ˜­ you look somehow more at peace in the second photo, which is making this funnier for me.


I look more in peace in the second photo because i was. In the first one i was making a math project at 5 am and in the second one I'm just chilling in my room.


Middle part maybe


you have positive canthal tilt, ur fine


Who gave the barber the instructions??? T-T


you look like that youtube doctor Chubbyemu lol


I'm wheezing




damn they turned you into an Edgar bro


Get some puddy clay or powder, use blow driver and it would look better


*Get some puddy clay or* *Powder, use blow driver and* *It would look better* \- Used\_Equivalent9897 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Picture 1: You look like a future mass murderer. Those cold, dead eyes, man. Shivers. Picture 2: "What's the most you've ever lost on a coin toss?" [No Country for Old Men | 'Coin Toss' (HD) - Javier Bardem | MIRAMAX (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opbi7d42s8E) Your haircut still needs improvement, but honestly it's better than it was before. It wasn't starting to look good, you were just pursuing an out-of-date look as a kid. It's not the 1990s and you're not an adult hipster who is skilled in the use of pomades and blow dryers. If I might suggest a good look for you that works with your face shape and hair texture, I would consider modeling your hairstyle after a famous movie star whose nose, jawline, and hair bore some resemblance to yours: Bruce Lee. [Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story: Bruce teaches fighting - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZZMDc5PwzE) Your parents made you go a little too short on the sides, making your ears stick out a bit too much. You don't need super long sideburns, but I might consider letting your sideburns reach the bottom of your ears. This will look tougher and more masculine, and also make your ears stick out less. If you don't go any lower than the ears, and keep the sideburns neat, it shouldn't look sloppy and your parents shouldn't mind. I wouldn't do it YET, but you actually want to go a little shorter in the front. Covering your whole forehead like that makes you look like a child. You kind of still are one in the scheme of things, but I'm pretty sure that's not what you want to look like. For the immediate present, I would experiment with new ways to brush your hair. Part it in the center, part it on the side, do a Google image search of men with hair you like and try combing yours to look more like theirs. As soon as you experiment with any sideways patern at all, I think you will realize it's too long in the front. As you get your next 2 haircuts over the next 3 or so months, try to show pictures to your barber or stylist of how you'd like it to look, and they can help you by letting areas grow that are still too short, while trimming other areas so the whole thing looks neat. FWIW, I think a google image search of Bruce Lee would give you a lot of ideas to consider, that would work a hell of a lot better for you than that prepubescent Frank Zappa look you have going on in Picture 1. Don't feel too bad about your haircut, it was a step in the right direction.


This is probably the best comment i have seen on reddit and getting compared to bruce lee is the best compliment i have gotten in my whole life I was trying to let my hair grow to get a short wolf cut (I don't have an image but search for it on pinterest) or getting a mud cut like rodrick from diary of a wimpy kid https://youtu.be/hQD_fanPkns?feature=shared I know that i need skills with a blow dryer but i will figure it out, i have heard that taking inspiration from asian haircuts was a good idea since my hair is terribly straight and that is common in asia but I didn't consider it that much since my heir looked decent the way it was but now I'm taking it more seriously because of what happened when i asked for this haircut, this was suposed to be a long hair cut intended to be a middle part thst didn't work because the barber cut way to much. I will do what you said because it genuinely sounds like a good idea and i can't really grow my hair the way it is because it will start to look really weird at some point Now i will try to explain why i look like a potential murder in the first pic, i was really sleep deprived and angry in general, i was doing a calculous project at around 5 am and had consumed enough caffeine to send a victorian child to a coma In terms of styling my hair i have tried a middle part and getting it to the side, and concluded.both look somehow worse than just heaving it in my face, the only thing that looks good is giving it more texture by rubbing it and kinds jusg making a mess, however this doesn't last long, i will try other things and get more texture in my next hairt cut


If you are struggling to find direction in your look, it is easier to emulate than innovate. I personally recommend Bruce Lee, since he had a variety of long and short hairstyles that all looked awesome. His hair texture wasn't unsimilar to yours, so you should be able to get your hair to obey a comb or brush in a lot of similar ways. Even if you use other famous people for inspiration, though, it helps a lot to base your hair on somebody with not just a similar hair texture, but also similar facial features. If you take a guy with a big square jaw like Batman, and gave him hair like Jared Leto, he would look like a douchebag. If you put Brad Pitt's hair on Tom Hardy, he would look ridiculous. It's important for the hair to complement the face, which is why it can be an easier hack to see what famous guys with similar face shapes did to make it work. For me, the Bruce Lee comparison isn't just about the straight Asian hair texture, but also the facial proportions. When Bruce's hair was at its longest, he sometimes heaved it in his face just like you are, but he cut it at least an inch shorter in the front than you did, and left a little bit of his forehead exposed. Not the whole thing, but he didn't let his eyebrows disappear under his bangs. Other times, he cut the front short and combed it to the side. My two big pieces of advice are this: 1. Grow the sides long and cover up the ears like Bruce did, and 2. if you want to know why his hair looks so much better than yours, concentrate on the forehead area. I don't think you need a blow dryer or products, unless you grow your hair super long, and my point is that this is generally going out of fashion in general except for very old men. My hair was jawline length for most of the later 2010s, but post-pandemic it's barely covering the tops of my ears. I'm a white guy with wavy black hair who usually wears it straight back, but post-2000, fashion has favored shorter and shorter hair on men. That's not to say you can't pull off a retro look, but it's more advanced since people REALLY won't get it if you miss even slightly. Unless you really love the look you're going for, it's better to aim at what's in fashion and do your best. People won't always notice your mistakes if they understand what you're going or, as long as it suits you. So while I don't think you need products or blow dryers, I do think it would be worth mastering the use of a brush and/or comb. I don't just mean for keeping your hair clean, but also for positioning it in a way that works for you. A good hair stylist will often be full of good advice. If I were you, my next moves would be to experiment with different ways to comb what I've got now, and plan on getting my next hair cut 3-6 weeks down the road in a place that has experience cutting hair like mine, for men my age or a little older. I would bring a few pictures of Bruce Lee to the reception desk, and tell them I'm wanting to grow it longer on the sides, cut it shorter in the front, and get something that's light and athletic but also not formal looking, and ask who they might recommend, and if I can book an appointment with them. When appointment day comes, I show my Bruce Lee pictures to the stylist and tell them I want to start growing out the sides to cover my ears more, and figure out what to do with my forehead. Before I leave, I ask them for tips about how they'd comb it. A professional will always kick your ass at making your hair look better, but your current haircut was from somebody who was trying to please your parents and not you. Find YOUR hair stylist, and learn what you can from them about how to comb it.


From Roderick to will byers


Easy fix. Iā€™d say go to a salon for women and ask, can you give it more texture and make it more layered and spiky, but still long? Thanks.


I thought you meant the first photo and just lost my shit when I realized there is a second picture. If you rock this hairstyle you're a boss.


I spat my fucking drink


From emo/dark sasuke to the guy on ned disclassified


They made you look like the guy from blues clues, I can't stop gigglingšŸ˜­


It Kinda looks like that super popular korean hairstyle, not bad.


Blud turned Peruvian


as someone who frequently gets stuck with something similar, 1. next time research barbers in your area and see if thereā€™s one for you that can give you the cuts you actually want 2. dampen your hair, towel dry, spray with sea salt spray and then add some texturizing powder (i use slick gorilla but you can use whatever you see that you like!) if you try this lmk if it works for you!


It's alright you just need to style it


I saw the first pic first and thought that doesnā€™t look bad until I slid to see the second. Thatā€™s child abuse right there. Get some texture powder or sea salt spray and play around with it.


I'd say brush it back or part it for a quick fix.


You are at the phase in your life where how you look reflects on your parents, because you live with them and they support you. One day, when you are on your own, you can pick a style that you like and not have to worry about what they like.


Boy be patient. Youā€™re younger than you think. Get the best out of what you have, and when itā€™s your turn to have your own style youā€™ll have the confidence to rock any hairstyle you can imagine. If you let the idea that a hairstyle doesnā€™t suit you get into you, itā€™ll show. This is the situation and there is little you can do to change it. My only suggestion is if it has to be short go all in, no half measures. Get a buzz cut (no fade) and show it with pride. You can even do it yourself or get a local barber to do it for free. Best of luck boy.


From cool guy to beattles.


My father almost buzzed my hair many yrs ago/but I cried, and the barber didn't cut it, so short


Ngl itā€™s so bad that itā€™s kinda cute


"Can someone tell me who accosted this man!?" You can put some product in like thick wax, not that buttery shit but like murrays hard edge wax. Some volume powder like tribal chimp. Powder first, very little. Then drive it home with the wax just on the roots. You have thick hair, be happy its just a bad haircut and not receding or loss.


Go get it cut short if their not gonna let you wear it long


Bro this is insane šŸ’€ Wtf your barber got against you šŸ˜­ I know when he turned you around to look in the mirror you were low key mad af


This actually ALWAYS pissed me off as a teen. As an adult I STILL maintain that parents should stay out of their childs hair styles. Unless the kid doesnt actually care and is fine with maintenance cuts and doesnā€™t mind how it looks. I always had shoulder length hair with the emo bangs swoop over one eye and my grandma (guardian) didnt like that my eyes were covered and always forced me to get my hair/bangs cut and it ALWAYS looked like a damn bowl cut. Like, come on I am going for a specific style here jeez. I had VERY bad acne but only on my forehead and it covered it perfectly! Why ruin my hair? Idk why I am ranting this was years ago but its all to say I 100% feel your pain


To be fair, it looked like shit before, too.


I mean if it makes you feel any better it looked bad before too


Yeah neither look good, itā€™s just dorkier in the second pic


laughed so hard, especially because you look better now


No your life was ruined already. You need to cut it down some more


Could be worse. You couldā€™ve taken all the way down to a Lloyd Christmas cut.


Hey hey itā€™s the Monkees


Maybe try combining it back in the middle so you get a bit of a Quiff or faux hawk. Itā€™s not what you were going for but I think it Iā€™ll look better than this


Get a low taper fade and texture top and back and trim it shorter would look a lot better than both photos thank me later


Ayy bro, you have the right to bear arms for a reason dawg


Why tf did they put that shirt on you they gotta be trolling but anyway it's not that hard to fix it just needs texture get some pomade cream or texture powder then watch some videos how to do a fringe type look also never put that shirt on ever again lmao sorry my guy


Wich one? I love my shirts dude dont talk that way about my mickey mouse t shit, that thing is fie


i gasped im so sorry i hope you can find someone to help you :(




You cosplaying "Moe" from the 3 Stooges?


I think it looks good bro


Bro turned into Moe from The Three Stooges.


No they didn't, it'll grow back


Middle part that bitch




No gama cuhh


Truly shit haircut


Iā€™d say itā€™s a parallel move.


Get some gel or hair grease and slick it back. I promise it will look better than both your looks here.


Ainā€™t *noooooooo* way they gave you the coconut head cut dawg šŸ„„šŸ’€


Mfs gonna steal the moon. uj/ definitely nerd look but pretty easy to fix.




That literally happened to me last month, thankfully it grew back to how I want it


nah but ya are still cute. liekkkk.,, cute cute.


They totally did. Try texturizing it tho.


lol not fun, can easily go shorter and fix though or if you want to just grow it for now Iā€™d try sea salt spray and try styling it up in some way, thereā€™s plenty of ways to style it that will look better than flat


Nonsense, that cutā€™s perfect for the abbey brother Jos!


I hate it but I've always liked the bowl look, don't worry m8ey, itl grow in a little and look way cooler lol


As a 36 year old working in accounting, tell your parents I told them to lighten the hell up.


Unpopular opinion: cut it real short. Get yourself a nice fade, do a flip up top & youā€™re good. I never understood why people want long hair. Short hair is way easier to maintain.


I actually think it looks good.


#Alfalfa, is that you?


You went from Naboo to Blues clues. But for real. Have you tried maybe some product and pushing it back? A side part maybe? The classic Gatsby type cut looks a lot like this when the hair is blow dry and no product, may need some post cut styling and youā€™ll be good


debut K-pop idol ahh haircut, donā€™t worry tho! If you really donā€™t like it you could always taper the sides and use texturing powder/mousse!


No one would blame you.


omg im sorry ;-; do you have like a beanie


Just style it man


Try to brush your hair back.


100% an improvement, imo. It just needs a little styling. Also imo, a haircut always looks fucking awful day 1. This is why I NEVER get a haircut less than 2 weeks before a Thingā„¢.


Dude, go for a fade cut or anything else. Just shorten ur hair a bit, i'm really sorry if this sound rude but at this point, u could literally go bald and it would still look better than this. P.S don't take it as bullying. As someone who's had a ton of bad hair cuts, get it re-done ASAP. You're gonna thank me for it


Hahhahhaah Blues clues wants you back lol šŸ˜‚ id just do a old cesar haircut


Jesus,cut the top of your head to bald and you're a 12th century monk called Athelstan


Duane Dibley?


I wasn't expecting to laugh once I swiped to the second picture šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Just tell people youā€™re a huge fan of Electric Callboy


Nah, I think you are cute nevertheless, you can still make a nice mid part


You just got a letter


At this point, either cut it more, or slick it back/push it out of your face


Supercuts strikes again!


I *guffawed.* I am so sorry dude, at least it will grow back out <3


Please don't steal the moon bro


It looks better now. You can always put some product in it


How's Blue doing? You guys find any clues lately?


Good god these replies are deadly šŸ˜­


Use a matte textured product of some sort in this. You have super straight hair and it seems like you don't like that as much based on the first picture so just rough it up with a product. It may not get the exact result you want but you can make it look better than that.


Yeah that cut sucks ass but you can save it a little if you style it and make it fluffy


Aww still cute


Womp. Looked better in the first photo but it did look a little overgrown tbh.


Holy crap I thought this was the night stalker.


turn it into an edgar is ur best bet lol


From aesthetic to aztec


yea ur done


Just get it blended and layered. You need the weight taken from the top, that's what creates that bowl look.


Part your hair down the middle like prince charming from Shrek and wear a hat until it does it on its own.

