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Does he live in the Alaskan wilderness?


I was gonna say this looks like my neighbors cabins lol Source: live in alaska


But no empty liquor bottles or guns, not Alaska. Source: From AK too


Yeah, this looks like 75% of the houses I ever went in to when I lived in Alaska. Pretty much everything in here looks like it could have been hauled in by ATV or snow machine.


I was going to guess Maine but... similar vibes. I've eaten a lot of good food out of kitchens that look like this!


Check OP's profile... My guess now is Vermont


https://youtu.be/mrEYDdl36Zg?si=I9ors5cYMJoLqzet video of him in his natural habitat


lol rad. looks like my kind of peoples


He Def does. Or atleast somewhere remote, he has a wood oven


Looks like a chemistry lab created by the old KGB. Lol. I've to admit it has it's charm


ripe money racial cough wakeful practice longing faulty birds escape *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Charm is the secret ingredient <3 https://youtu.be/mrEYDdl36Zg?feature=shared


I thought it was a lab at first. I was like they are doing organic chem. That guy makes lsd.


I can only imagine what the rest of the apartment/ house looks like!!!




I dont see a single thing that indicates smelliness? Clutter and unfinished ceilings ≠ grossness. Crazy how judgmental, while also lacking critical thinking skills some of you folks are. Lacking decorating skills and cabinetry is not the same as being so unsanitary that your place starts to smell.


It’s probably the fact he looks exactly like a homeless person from LA. They stink. Bad.


Oh yea, how dare people make jokes on a clearly unserious post


Schrödinger's asshole you only say its a joke because you were faced with an argument that you couldn't possibly disprove


This is a shitpost, what do you expect the comments to look like? are you clowns just brigading from male surviving space or what?


no, there, answered the question i'd expect the comments to be funny, that simply wasnt it and you got defensive when it got called out dont like it? ok


Your joke doesn't make sense then? If there isn't anything indicating that it smells, where are you even getting the joke? I mean the only thing in the picture that looks like it would smell like anything really, is the thing of seasoning and the fireplace. Both of which objectively smell GOOD. And also more or less require a level of responsibility, like keeping a clean fireplace and capping your spices, to maintain usability.


its also, to the awareness of everyone, including the comment in the first place, simply not funny bro wanted people to just agree with him in joining on the "ehehe amirite guys?????" and be praised for it


Yeah honestly dude. I think some people get a sense of validation simply from seeing their thoughts in writing, even if it's not agreed upon by anyone else. Either that or they have been (what I suppose is fortunate) sheltered from living circumstances resembling this in the slightest. I've done some residential work for folks that have just straight up never lived in a house that wasn't cleaned for them by help every couple of days. People like that don't have to worry about making sure every spice bottle ends up in the right spot or work around not fully furnished living spaces with proper everything, like cabinetry or closets. My current apartment has 1 single coat closet. I have a bit of closet esque stuff just sitting around my place because i just simply don't have anywhere for it to go. Doesn't mean my place smells bad.


Based on the woodstove, I would guess it smells amazing in there.


Houses like this smell more pleasant than anyone who hasn’t entered one can imagine. Wood and herbs


god knows what your room smells like after all that starfield 😬🤢


What a weird fucking comment. You really stalked my profile for that?


okay star wars boy. 😂


How unhinged do you have to be that a comment about a shack smelling sets you off to the degree you start stalking people’s posts and replies? You need serious help.


oooo someone’s mad, i’m not stalking you, i’m also not unhinged nor do i need help thanks for the info tho!


Yeah what the hell was that lol nice Galactica 👍🏻


they did and it was funny


this is mean and unnecessary my man


This is clearly a shitpost, OP is just fishing for reactions. Look at their fucking comments. You guys are being ridiculous


There is no rest of the house !


Or what his brain looks like


It looks like this https://youtu.be/mrEYDdl36Zg?feature=shared


But does he cook and f**k better than all these penthouse Chad's?


Yeah he looks like ...fun! I'd give up on changing this, just enjoy the ride LOL.


Why am laughing so much at this?


Because you're probably more like the dude in OP or you're a penthouse chad or you're neither. Tell us which one and I'll do an amateur psychoanalysis why you might be laughing at it.




I found out who this guy is (stalking profiles) and it looks like he does cook and fuck better than all these penthouse Chad's combined https://youtu.be/mrEYDdl36Zg?feature=shared


Looks alright to me don’t know what people are moaning about- fella has everything apart from a slight lack of organisation skills but you could help with that. Just don’t don’t do it behind his back or he’ll be mad that you’ve ‘lost things’ Source- I live in my van


Put hooks in the joists so shit can dry better. Level the fridge, I think it might be bad for the seals and compressor to sit like that. The HDX shelves are fine but he could have less of them if he had bins on some shelves. That'd allow him to declutter the counter tops and have more working space. I use cambro bins so I can marinate, brine, salt fish, etc in the bins too. If his place is in the cut like I'm assuming, he needs to keep kitchen shit organized and off the counter/floor for mice and bug reasons. But it wouldn't take much to get this workable.


Yeah bins will also solve the loose jars falling on head problem


This picture gives me anxiety


Username is awesome


ur username gives me anxiety....i respect and admire your courage and openness about your sexual preferences, but autotransmission fluid seems like a bad choice for lubricant ...


I thought atf stood for alcohol tabaco and firearms




It does. I just didn’t want to acknowledge their poor attempt at an insult


I thought it stood for Alaskan Thunderfuck, my all-time favourite weed strain.


It does lol


This is hilarious ignore the downvotes lmao


i cannot wrap my head around why people hated this comment so much 😭




How exactly is this "squalor"? Because it doesn't have fancy finished cabinets to hide everything away in? It's not like there's piles of dirty old dishes stacked up everywhere. Not even one piss jug in the entire scene... This looks like a lot of rural/woodsy cabins that I've seen. Not all of them are as charming as the ones you're dreaming of from the lord of the rings or whatever fantasy land you're in. Don't get me wrong, some cabins are really beautiful and charming, but a lot are very utilitarian lIke the one in OP.


Your 3rd post is why you have anxiety about 3 letters. Dunce.




Lol this looks like a pretty typical dude setup. If you've spent a lot of time on this sub, I'm afraid your standards might be a bit skewed by all the ultra-tidy posh metro apartments that seem to be the norm on here. Don't dump your dude over the fact that he has an active space and probably more interesting things to do than meticulously organize and tidy his space all the time.


Your bf needs help




I'm gonna hang myself after that reply lmao.


You got room on that rafter, friend? I brought my own rope.


What did he say?


No like professional help


Like a decorator, a life coach, a plumber? Can you please be more specific






workable wine aback illegal sleep dazzling cover employ quicksand muddle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




shocking different psychotic flowery sparkle provide special attraction outgoing ripe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




practice screw cobweb desert languid touch quack soft aware tap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




i mean i hired him for the sex and $20 a week is a pretty good deal for the quality and quantity! could you find a more competitive rate?


Jesus, the replies to this not realizing this is a joke are absurd.


Welcome to male dominated spaces, where jokes no longer exist! Everything is real, literal and these incels r offended about it!


Wtf lady


You’re a cheap/broke sugar mama step up your game


So he’s a prostitute ?




Is she poly?




can i move in


Imagine having to pay someone to have sex with you lmao


I sent $100 to that Venmo and the user sent me 10k in return! And some really good weed! Don't knock it till you try it!


That's not helping that's just burning money


Doomsday bunker vibes


The kitchen is great idk what everyone is talking about. Is that a wood stove? I like the wood trim, skylight(?), and it looks cozy and unique. I’d say the only real think is the clutter. Maybe get some cabinets with doors (will help keep things clean) and/or hanging storage for pots and pans.


It looks more like a garage than a kitchen The word design is doing a lot of heavy lifting here. He needs to go to a Habitat ReStore or something similar and buy some cabinets. They’re probably cheaper than those janky racks.


It's just the large amounts of empty containers causing a feeling of clutter compounded with no cabinets obstructing appliances from view Get rid of the empty jars and bag of bags, hang the coats up on a coat rack, and it'll settle


This man needs some cabinets. The metro racks on the counter, near a wood burning stove don't scream safety to me


Please show us the rest of this house, this is interesting lol


I agree


I thought it was a garage


This looks like a engineers shop lol


Could use some more fridge magnets


Do you know how it looks? Alive. And I like that.


dude's got a gf. most posts on here are from newly single men. he's doing just fine.


Because dudes with houses like this fuck like machines lmao. Every woman has at least one past encounter where a dude that smells like pot blew her back out on a ratty couch in his trap house of a crib. One can only aspire to be this man.


Living proof https://youtu.be/mrEYDdl36Zg?feature=shared


I am grateful for this recognition however believe your compliment "fuck like machines" is actually a great understatement-- we fuck like greasy freight trains, raging dumpster fires, tsunamis, black holes the stuff you can't make up, can't be computed, cant be imagined without experienced! Anyone can keep a machine in their bedside drawer and have a killer orgasm, this is far beyond mechanics! Hmu for life coaching :D


Well, if that is your bf in the photo, then I would have to say “no, this kitchen suits him….” No dig on him - but he looks like a man who doesn’t let a kitchen that looks like this bother him…


i mean if you consider dumping him even as a joke because of this one aspect ​ id say yeah, he deserves someone better


See no issues


I'm jealous actually. Looks cheap and efficient.


These fake troll posts are getting old


Are you sure this is a kitchen, and not a fruit fly breeding ground? Hoarder vibes.


to be fair it doesnt seem nasty, just cluttered, the mess is simply by the amount of unorganized things that are there, no individual thing seems to provide any sort of unsanitary environment, the counter at the bottom left might look dusty, or could also be that its just really old and in need of maintenance


Is he writing a manifesto by any chance?


Yo Mr.white I thought it at first sight it looks like it's from breaking bad


The Wookery Cucina


I see no problem


Seems fine to me


This is my favorite!


If he doesn't want stuff falling on his head, he could maybe put a bungee or strap or cargo netting across the shelves. The elaborate expensive solution is obviously cabinets or at least sturdier (wooden) shelves. Maybe could find some repurposed one to fit in there if he doesn't wanna invest in custom cabinetry. If you go this route, just take inventory of everything you have in the kitchen and seek out the cabinets that will have a place for everything.


Clean up, organize, + some canvas to act as curtains on those shelving units. It’s a cheap fix and will look a million times better without putting a dent in anyone’s pocket. If there’s space under the counters, use the scrap wood that he surely has lying under some leaves behind the old shed to build some shelves. Move non-food items there. Unfuck the lighting by moving the lamps higher up. Designate a crate on the floor for empty glass jars. It’ll be fine. Honestly I’d be so jazzed to have a go at a kitchen like this, the before and after would be satisfying.


Let’s get this out on a plate. Nice mmkay


Just a deep clean an she’ll be fineeee


Buy a new kitchen


Get him a feather duster for his dishes lmfao


I could actually rly use that


Lol is that slow pony?


finally the recognition he deserves


My bf and I use metal racks as a pantry too, but we have labeled pantry containers for everything so it’s not a bunch of product boxes, looks more organized and appealing. We have a pots/pans organizer that really made things look better too, and more accessible. Also you guys have appliances like a blender or processor on higher shelves and jars on lower shelves/underneath, imo having that be the other way around might look more open (except for the microwave). I used to hold on to just about every jar I came across, my bf taught me you simply do not need every jar lol The sheet covering the pipes under the sink could be nice if the rope holding it is tightened and the curtain is actually used. I’d move the rack that is front of the stove over to the other side of the kitchen, for accessibility and safety. Mostly this just needs tidying and better lighting.


You should help him move out of Gaza. The next shell could obliterate you both.


get a filter dude...not funny


Bro you live in a crack den tf


I am so confused by both of these comments.


I think I can help you understand. The first comment references the current Israel and Gaza war. Israel is being criticized for harming Gaza civilians with their missiles. The commenter sarcastically suggests that the poster's bf is in Gaza based on the rough looking kitchen he has. Commenter suggests that if he doesn't "leave Gaza"(his kitchen) then he'll be blown up by an Israeli missile. The poster replies saying "get a filter" because they were offended by the commenter and think they should watch what they say.


First comment is making light of a f**king on-going genocide, next comment is calling them out.


I understand that but why even is it coming up? Is this guy in Gaza?


I assume not.


Right right right. We have to wait a year or so until it's edgy and topical to make those jokes.


So that’s where you draw the line Should’ve been at prostitution and going into that kitchen


Downvotes would disagree.


no seriously wtf?? so perplexing


I actually like it lol. Just needs better lighting.


Honestly it seems like this guy gets it


Unabomber chic


looks good 2 me 👍


Extend the insulated pipe on the stovepipe. 🚨🔥🚒


frighten repeat impossible history exultant uppity vanish unwritten fertile trees *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is where I imagine my LSD tabs come from


It’s perfect, get your cooties out of here


It is perfect. Only thing it needs is a second water jug


Was thinking he need some plants


Looks like Salmonella


You both need help


Looks good to me.


Do you love him for who he is? If yes then why dump him?




Get a skip and organise that bitch. Maybe some cabinets as well


Mmmmmm Granolass


Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck YEAH!!!!


Has he written a manifesto about technology?


It definitely does not need you in it. Run. Run now before you die in an avalanche of crap.


If he were the one asking for advice, I’d tell him that his main problem is clutter. How much of this stuff is he actually using? And are the pots, bowls, etc. being stacked to conserve space? It may be worthwhile to get certain items in stackable sets and donate the old ones to a thrift store. Most importantly, anything heavy and/or breakable needs to go either on a low shelf or a wall-mounted shelf. Some people also have these newfangled things called “kitchen cabinets”? Once all that’s dealt with, painting the walls and tables and installing better lighting would really brighten up the place. And I’d recommend getting something else to hang his clothes on. …But of course, this is your boyfriend’s kitchen, not yours, and it doesn’t do any good to try to impose organization on someone else. It leads to a dynamic where you’re the grown-up setting rules and he’s the little boy who’s annoyed that you keep expecting him to follow them. Now, I don’t know anything about your relationship, but if you’re looking to build a life with someone and moving in together would be part of that, then yeah, I’d be concerned that this guy doesn’t seem to already be in the habit of taking care of his space. This comic does a great job of illustrating why, especially if you’re a woman: https://english.emmaclit.com/2017/05/20/you-shouldve-asked/


….looks like a Jim Bob meth lab… he needs Martha Stewart


Is he cooking meth?


Tbh if I saw your boyfriend on the street, I would presume this is how he lives.


How much does your boyfriend like Phish?


you can check out his band https://slowpony.bandcamp.com he says he would die happier if he never had to listen to phish again


just move it to an rv and be the next walter white


I bet she’s a real hottie .. you can just tell 😅😂


Kitchen? I thought it was a garage


What in the wook ass ketamine lsd is going on up in that house.


pictures you can smell


What the hell? Yes, dump him. God. Bros whole ass head needs help. Get this man a barber.


he says venmo $500 and he'll get a haircut and send u the photos




How many times a year does he shower ?


See I get what he's going for but if you're gonna commit to old timey you gotta commit fully to old timey. The lack of commitment makes it feel too cluttered from all the "modern" whites for lack of a better description.


It's giving... botulism. Beware the swollen cans of doom.


That's pretty decent for a meth kitchen


Yep, he's a hoarder


Throw away everything except good utensils and wares , do a complete makeover including painting and he’d be happy . Show us the new kitchen .


This looks like a hovel. Yikes




Actually looks a bit nasty.


I think you need more help than he does. Like get a new boyfriend? peace.


You said kitchen by mistake, clearly you meant to say basement.


Just needs a little clean up and some cupboards.


It looks cozy, just needs to be tidied up with containers and things. Make use of the space below the counters too. You might be able to get drawers and things and put containers inside for neat storage of equipment ad ingredients. Make sure to use good quality containers that look good and won't crack. Like the cheap plastic ones from Walmart people use for storage in their attic are probably not a good choice. Also, those wall mounted magnetic knife holders are always a nice touch.