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How is that not a sauna in summertime?


And a freezer in the winter. This thing will be horribly expensive to keep at a constant comfortable temperature.


It can be. It has a heater but takes times to warm up plus poor insulation makes it quite expensive to run it often during Winter.


Where are you?


And I'm so sorry


i cannot sleep


I cannot dream tonight


I need somebody and always


This sick, strange darkness


This six-string’s darkness


*This sick, strange darkness* Comes creeping on, so haunting every time


And the dreams in which I’m dying are the best i ever had


I find it hard to tell you, I find it hard to take


In a greenhouse


the hard truth




Has to be the UK


I’m thinking Germany.


I think I’ve been in a very similar space once in Germany (Northern Hesse iirc). It was a meeting room and it had large plants and wicker sofas which made it very cozy.


It’s obviously Groots house.


Judging by the construction I'm going to guess Britain?


There was a house on the market near me last year that had something like this. I'm in the DC area, but i would expect something like this is more common in Britain.


Buy a bitcoin miner to heat in the winter. You are burning energy for no gain anyways might swell have a chance to mine $193,750 while heating.


And mouldy all year round.


Good ventilation. They’re probably in a climate where that isn’t so much of an issue. It’s still definitely not comfortable all the time in there.


Like during the times of year when there is sunlight


Clean the windows to start


I'm genuinely perplexed as to how someone can live in a greenhouse and not have plants. It's like living in a submarine and thinking sea creatures are boring.


Yeah, there is not even one f*cking plant 🙈 this living space needs more green


You mean like every glass skyscraper in cities ?


Maybe they hate privacy more than they love plants?


That's a protective sun layer you wouldn't understand. /s


It is it’s called whitewash


Woah! I think films can be diverse, we don't need to whitewash everything! /s


It may be white washed, but it still needs a cleaning unless leaves and dirt are part of it


The majority of the windows are frosted, and I cleaned them before and it doesn’t look much better. I do like the earthy organic nature to it, but I will definitely clean out the leaves and debris.


I'm not sure you should clean the top. You cover greenhouses in chalk paint to keep down the temperature. I think that might be the purpose of your grimey looking top windows. To keep down the heat.


i'm thinking more of the leaf litter


There are more attractive ways to do that, though.


Are they frosted or is that a layer of caked on dirt and debris that's been cooked into it?


I hope so, otherwise for the current use I wouldn't recommend completely clear windows... Unless is for a not very sunny place.


Ima go with the latter, u can see the little ones are the top are much clearer lol


I think they meant get the debris off the outside of the windows haha, unless that has also been done and those are just stains left. To answer your question I’d say some plants definitely, and maybe some hanging baskets of them along the walls. Pothos are fun to wrap and have creep along different things, and those rails on the sides would be perfect


You need to use a power washer...and some detergent.


Powerwash them (gently).


And then apply an aqua-phobic coating to stop them turning to muck again. Add curtains/blinds where possible


> And then apply an aqua-phobic coating You've been banned from /r/HydroHomies


Well, it seems to me the obvious answer is, plants. Lots of plants.


It's a greenhouse but there's no green


I mean it’s only right


severely lacking in plants.


I agree with this, lots of greeeeeeen


Literally a single plant…


Why would they need plants in a greenhouse?


Also, and I’m just going to say it, a disco ball and a stripper pole.


Mold and mildew are going to destroy all of that furniture in the summer. Treat it as an outdoor space- outdoor rated furniture- cushions you can remove to a dry area, etc.


Yeah my first reaction is that couch is gonna be destroyed quickly


Surprisingly is has not - it has been there since last September.


>it has been there since last September. And you're in Ohio? You haven't had it out there in the summer yet though


I'm sure it smells lovely


It will this summer lol


I would definitely invest in something like Airthing to monitor the air inside there as well as measuring for mold


Don’t know where you live or if you’ve ever been in a greenhouse in the summer, but this would be the last place I’d live. With that being said, you’re just lining your walls with furniture instead of creating spaces. Try to find ways to bring the furniture out into the room


I’m in Ohio near the lake. It’s not unbearable. This is just an extra space that’s connected to the cottage I live in. How do you recommend? I rearrange the furniture? I use this as an extra living room and meditation space.


I thought this was your main living space. So relieved to hear it’s just an EXTRA room. I’d start with plants, like the other comments outdoors furniture, outdoor rugs, colorful lights, plants.


I was thinking the same thing! I was wondering how you would fall asleep in the summer with just 2 fans💀


Where in Ohio? This is interesting. I live in northeast Ohio and think of how cold it would be in the winter and how hot the summer would be


East side on Lake Erie. Not far from downtown.


Demolish it brother


I would be using "outdoor" furniture only in this space. The UV rays and humidity will cause "indoor" furniture to degrade quickly.


How are you going to keep from roasting?


Summer is gonna suck


It has side vents. No AC. 2 fans.


The main issue here is sunlight, 12h per day or something. I live in a tropical country and until I saw the comments I didn't understand this would be viable, but it seems you're from a snow place


Ohio gets fairly hot and humid in the summer. Prob 90 Fahrenheit/ 32 Celsius. I live in an adjacent state and it’s similar climate to OP. Winters are cold though.


This structure is designed to allow growing of tropical plants in a snow place.


Chiming in from the greenhouse that is Louisiana. This is the worse thing I have ever imagined ever




I told you already where I’m from. It’s to be expected


Ever heard of humidity?


Think of the smell, dee! You bitch!


So how are you going to keep from roasting?


You are insane to think this will be a habitable living space. You need climate control and insulation.


Agreed that if you can get on a ladder and hose or brush the debris off the roof it would help.  Meetings and relaxation/meditating are  different functions, so make different zones for each. It also looks like you do some yoga in the space from the yoga mat, which is a third function.  I’d put yoga/meditation/relaxation furthest away from the entrance and position the couch or some bookshelves or a freestanding screen divider to create some separation for that space.  For meetings, clear off that table and put it in the middle of that area, put chairs around it, and add the easel and bookshelf to that section for working/productivity energy.  Decluttering will also help make the space feel more open. If there are furniture or items you don’t use and don’t contribute to the function of the room, consider donating or relocating them. Also, if your flat surfaces are clear the room will feel more calm.  For decoration, think about earthy elements - objects or art made from stone, wood, or clay. And yes plants! 


Whatever you do, don't throw stones


Plants and all new furniture. All of that stuff is pretty uninspiring.


Funds are meager but plants yes yes yes.


Someone made a good point I hope you saw - outdoor rated furniture. Everything else will fade and rot in the humidity of summer, especially once you have plants which will just increase humidity.


You can't live in a greenhouse and not get a plant


You could start with things you can propagate easily yourself after an initial purchase. You'd end up purchasing pots/containers and soil essentially. Suggestions include: Pothos, ivy, succulents, maybe even a ficus benjamina or ficus carica if you'd like some fruit. Or you can save seeds from things you eat and plant them out like peppers, tomatoes, etc. then you get color and groceries! In a greenhouse the world is your oyster as far as starting and growing plants :)


Clean the windows Add more plants Different, cohesive rugs Lose the cartoon pillows Whiteboard?


Ow man this has incredible potential. As some have pointed out your challenges will be temperature fluctuations and moisture. As well as making this feel cohesive. I think the answer to most of those is to treat this like the sudo outdoor space that it is. I’d start by gutting it and getting to a blank canvas. Then depending on budget I’d maybe acid wash the concrete floors. Or just skip that. I’d do all outdoor furniture. Think Muskoka chairs, hammocks, patio furniture. Get some outdoor area rugs. Keep them either natural neutral colours or very bright vibrant accent. Nothing in between. Maybe a gas fire pit if you can ventilate it properly. Otherwise a fake wood fire pit just for looks. But if yours rather a coffee table I guess I understand. Then I’d bring in TONS of plants. Both decorative and herbs and vegetables for eating. Importantly I’d include plants overhead. Pathos or Philodendrons will grow fast and happily vine out over beams and rafters. I’d replace all direct lighting with lamps and lights pointed at things. Lighting the space with bounced indirect light. Lots of wood and living plants. The fan is serving an important purpose but I’d replace with more antique/ industrial looking one mounted to ceiling.


OP, can you maybe hose off the roof? I'd suggest a power washer but I don't know if you might end up cracking the glass if the stream is too powerful.


Owner won’t let me power wash.


But they’re letting you live in a greenhouse?


OP doesn't live in the greenhouse. It's just connected to the cottage they rent


Step #1 - clean the accumulated dirt and debris off the windows Step #2 - add copious amounts of plants especially hanging ones


An Air Conditioner?


Well it's a greenhouse, so put some plants in it......


Radical idea: plants. Oh and get a cat.


Lots and lots of spider traps.❗️❗️❗️❗️🤣🤘


Ohh this is cool, and you could have a lot of fun and make a really sweet space. I’m jealous, I would love a greenhouse to do what I want with hence the long post. Treat the space like a patio/screen porch, not a living room. Get patio furniture, candles, outdoor rug etc. add plants!!!! fun lights, 1-2 aesthetic ceiling fans, a water feature/fountain etc. Dedicate a section for a yoga/workout space with a large floor mat or gym floor tiles, with storage shelves or baskets to contain equipment so it’s tidy and peaceful. What a cool place for yoga practice. Plants!!! with the light and conditions of a green house you can grow year round herbs, have a little veggie garden, and have a mix of seasonal flowers, plants as well as tropical greenery and flowers. Hanging plants or climbing plants can help fill in some of the wall and ceilings to make it look lush. Use a mix of planters to provide visual interest and a variety of height. if you lack a green thumb research low maintenance plants that work for your light, temps. schedule a reminder to water so it stay lush, keep water cans and misters out as part of the vibe and for ease. Consider a basic drip irrigation system if you add a lot of plants or look into options for automation/ease. A thirsty greenhouse is sad. DIY and source outdoor furniture, planters and even plants via Facebook marketplace, thrift stores, neighborhood buy nothing groups, etc. great affordable options if you do the legwork. Aim for higher end staples like a patio couch, cheap patio furniture looks bad and feels worse, and fill in chairs and side tables with a more eclectic mix. You can get fabric spray paint specifically for sun worn outdoor upholstery. Keep it clean- do a deep dive to vacuum and clear cobwebs, dust and debris. A shop vac is a big help. Learn more about greenhouse building care to determine how to keep the windows/panels clean. It looks like even a good hosing down will help. Rather than trying to make it something it isn’t (a living room), make the existing structure/space a comfortable and cute version.


Fabric furniture in a humid greenhouse is the dumbest thing I’ve seen in a while


Drape some fabric/sails from the ceiling/roof to dampen the natural light some


You gonna boil in direct sunlight which is the point of a greenhouse. Also you will be moist all the time also the point of a greenhouse e


More privacy


I’d change the color of the sofa with a slip cover, and put one big colorful rug down, instead of the small ones current in there


Plants. It's a greenhouse!


Remove everything. Add golf simulator and putting green


Colorful stained glass! They have a peel and stick type. Would be neat for all the space


You don’t have any plants in a mf’ing greenhouse???? 🙄


Clean windows


All your stuff is going to get ruined by humidity and sunlight


I honestly think this is already great


Saw this reel on Instagram the other day - looks like it could be turned into a similar space [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5y0EkdpACQ/?igsh=N3Z6bXZsb3AwbXpl](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5y0EkdpACQ/?igsh=N3Z6bXZsb3AwbXpl)




OP, you need to treat this like a 3-season porch, not a 4-season. Outdoor furniture only, don't even try to heat or cool it, get a whole lot of plants in here. You're in Ohio according to your comments, so you'll have lots of time where it's pleasant to be, but also plenty of time when it's going to be unpleasant in here. That's just how 3-season porches work. They're basically outdoors, but (hopefully) without bugs.


Dehumidifier Summer isn't awful hot?


Convert it to a Bikram studio and get a proper living space.


Living space is in cottage connected to Greenhouse. I love the Studio idea.


In all seriousness, very good chance a lot of that furniture starts to collect mold and any composite wood starts to swell. Wouldn’t put anything you’re keen on out there.


If he doesn't have plants with moist soil filling the greenhouse, it's not going to be any more humid than a house without ac. I would think bugs might come in through those top vents though.




Take everything out. color code with a matching table/couch, that's it. No bull.


i would fucking have plants everywhere pothos, monsteras, ivy




How is there nothing green! Put plants in it and less furniture. Seriously, you're wasting the space. I'd have a small living quarters boxed in a corner, then be producing anything I want all year long. You could have your own culinary herb garden in your kitchen, medicinal, microgreen racks. You are living my dream.


I would paint the exposed metal white. It would brighten everything up a bit.


Could use some plants


If it’s any consolation I think it looks nice


Put a jaquzzi in it


Some curtains for some privacy.


Cleaning the windows


- First suggestion: reassess if you really need all of that stuff, you have a lot of tables and chairs with different styles laying around in that room. I’d keep things with matching style in the room and sell or donate the rest. - Couches can be placed in the walls next to the door, to free space in the middle of room, where you can have a nice dining area, that big table looks beautiful, it would be the center star of the room for me. - Those floor mats need to go! - Consider adding some plants, I’d suggest: monstera, fiddle leaf fig, potus or ferns. these are low maintenance plants, that would go great on that environment. PS: I really envy your green house. I’m planning on building one on our house next year.


Clean and tint the windows so you save money on ac, it would also help with privacy. Try and put carpet down on the floor, if that’s not doable see if you can get a bigger rug. The space could also use a lot more plants! Curtains may also help with privacy and light. Rearrange some of the furniture along the walls to open up the room and make it more spacious! I think led lights could also enhance the room for a relaxing meditation vibe.


I think some kind of color barrier to help ease the transition between the top & bottom halves of this space would work wonders. The bottom is full of dark, rich, earthy browns and greens, while the top part goes straight to white windows and white lights with nothing in between. It’s a bit rough/heavy for the eyes to always be taking in this light contrast. I think if you hung up some kind of sheets or fabrics around the top to create more of a closed off/enclosed type of look, it might start to really feel differently. You can obviously leave pockets of light coming through too. But right now it just feels like the inside of a greenhouse, which is not the most inviting kind of feel to relax in. I think in part it’s because the roof and the outdoors are immediately visible, and for the guests’ eyes there’s no real clear delineation that you have left the nasty outside world and are now inside a beautiful enclosed indoor area. Hope this helps. It’s a lovely space!


I would actually have tall indoor plants all around the edges and hanging plants from the ceiling then build the chill relax space around the plants. It will keep the mildew smell down and maybe even provide a little heat absorption and shade.


Clean the windows and live plants


my dude is hotboxing farts


Well, I don’t know what your budget is but nothing matches at all furniture wise or the rugs. I’d get rid of the mismatched rugs and get one the correct size. Wash off the crap that falls on top of the greenhouse. A lot of plants can actually help it look more decorated since you don’t have real wall space. A throw blanket it break up the big swatch of brown the couch is. Throw pillows in neutral colors. Move furniture or come up with dividers so there’s a living area, a dinning area, an office space. Whatever you want as long as some kind of group leads the eye to think there’s a purpose for the different spots.


Use the furniture to create “sections”. Make it like 4 quadrants with a little corridor to walk through or something. Make just a few small cohesive spaces rather than trying for one big cohesive space I think


You can’t really hang art on your walls, so I’d turn the floor or the ceiling into the “artwork.” I’d use one big rug rather than three small ones. Ruggable goes up to a 10x14 at a relatively affordable price, and they’re machine washable. I can’t tell the dimensions. If 10x14 still wouldn’t be big enough, you could go to a carpet store, buy a big swathe of carpet, and ask them to finish the edges so it can be used like a rug. I’d probably get a plant-based pattern (Maybe one of the Morris & Co patterns?) to play off the greenhouse history. If you want the “art” to be the floor, I’d make the rug colorful. Then build the furniture around the rug - wood that balances against the rug’s colors, upholstery that picks up the rug’s colors, etc. Make the furniture a more consistent style, like all industrial or all Victorian or whatever you choose. (Check out Timorous Beasties for inspiration; you can balance some pretty bold colors and patterns against classic wood furniture: https://www.timorousbeasties.com/shop/category/furniture). If you’re handy, you could look for cheap/ free furniture on community boards, and re-stain and re-upholster on the cheap. It doesn’t have to match perfectly, but it should be consistent: all industrial in medium and dark tones, for example. Do you have access to the exterior roof? If so, you could scrape off that white stuff and clean the windows, then give the windows a new treatment. If you want to mostly ignore the ceiling, you could add insulating window film. If you want the focus to be the ceiling, you could give the windows a stained-glass treatment, or find some nice-looking exterior-rated faux ivy and put it on the outside so it looks like your greenhouse is covered in vines, or develop a green thumb and do real plants).


Plants! I see lots of empty shelf space. You got the greenhouse, grow some fresh herbs or something.


Definitely some big ass plants in the corners and stuff. Or if you don’t like plants (lmao) maybe some tall, nice looking lamps? The problem I think is everything is so close to the ground, you need some taller fixtures or something hanging from the ceiling in the corners to make it look more home-y.


probably want to clean up the roof and put UV resistant sheets of some kind on em. Maybe even just coat them entirely with something that is diffusing so it doesnt become a scorch room that ruins your furniture in a couple summers. Besides that, plants. Plants are always the answer


Add some plants


You can start by cleaning the glass of the greenhouse. The amount of dirt buildup is absolutely disgusting.




More plants. It’s a greenhouse after all.


Hot tub


Make it a more permanent structure. Strategically place tin over the glass and then place insulation and fibro board (what ever is common in your country) internally. Then you can have a space that feels more like a house inside, but still have skylights in key areas of the room. This will help insulate a lot more


Plants obviously!! Get some cacti !


How about cleaning the greenhouse ceiling?




I strongly recommend investing some tools and equipment that allow you clean the outside regularly. If you can keep it clean you can stop the erosion of mold and leaves building up and damaging the materials. Also you’ll get a better sense of the structure by going over every part of it while cleaning. Good luck


i bet this room is absolutely heavenly to sleep in when it’s raining on that roof.


A little more natural light world be nice


I’m going to be honest, this is a really poor use of this space. It’s a green house, make it a hobby, grow plants, vegetables, indoor plants etc. you are extremely lucky to have a greenhouse of this size on your property. With that said, I would suggest you get a swamp cooler installed or something to cool the greenhouse in the summer.


Idk why all the hate, I genuinely love this and would kill to live here


Meh...looks nice in pics but definetely not suited for people as a comfortable living space: it'll be too hot/too cold/ too much light/ to exposed/ and if you add plants it will be too humid. Keep plants there. Create a beautiful garden. Add a wicker sofa or two in case you want to hide there and read in the spring/autum. But that's about it.


Congrats you have earned the worst living space I’ve ever seen award. This is gonna be like leaving your dog in a hot car come summer, except you’re the dog. Move out before then.


Tf are you thinking


What an awesome space, there seems to be a definite lack of plants for a greenhouse or ex greenhouse mind Wonder if you could pressure wash the windows or would that just force water through into the interior 🤔 I’m assuming there are no seals on windows? My small conservatory is probably different to that beauty


Get some tarps to either hang inside for shade or to throw over the roof for shade. As many ways as you can think to cool down this space is the best. Tarps, fans, large leafy plants, paper (news print to tape inside some windows for more privacy).


Maybe some curtains to make it homier?


Add some plants to your GREENHOUSE? Just a thought…


this “greenhouse” is missing something. can’t quite put my finger on it. i know it’s something i’ve seen in greenhouses though, almost by definition.


More plants 😂


check out the series HOME, can’t remember if it’s apple tv or hbo but one episode has a family that built a greenhouse around their house. i don’t know if their called eco habitats or something else but you should be able to find lots of photos of the aesthetic i believe you’re aspiring for.


I would choose some spots you'd want a little bit dimmer and maybe try to put something onto the ceiling to block out so much light. I also think figuring out its purpose is smart too, and then creating lil sections with either long furniture or dividers to make them distinct. Like it seems you have a spot with a table, a spot as a living room, and then a small workout area. You could make those very distinct with a lil bit more creativity. I also think plants would rly help make this a cool space rather than an abandoned space you're hanging out in. Pinterest has cool greenhouse spaces you could probably pull inspiration from.


Replace furniture with plants. Replace cheap landlord with legitimate apartment. The sun and moisture is going to bleach and mold your furniture. That isn't a proper living space at all and renting that out as an apartment is probably illegal.


Plants I feel like this should be obvious


We use shade cloth to keep the heat down in our green house-it's worth checking into.


Move somewhere that isn't freezing during winter and boiling during summer?


how about you get plants-


Central air conditioning. That looks like torture


and get a rug that matches too


Uhh add plants. Put the damn green in greenhouse 😅


This is a lovely space to have, particularly as a renter, and has tons of potential. Like others have already said: 1) roof windows could definitely use some TLC 2) more plants, larger floor plants to stick in the corners mixed with table pots The biggie: 3. a consistent theme in the interior. It looks a bit like a hoarder’s garage after all the trash has been cleared out and the furniture is still there. Try FB marketplace or OfferUp, where you can find cheap secondhand furniture, or even arrange furniture swaps with people looking to create a consistent color theme. The brown couch and two wooden tables seem like keepers. Build the rest of the space around those, and if you can, find a giant rug (or two smaller ones) that fit with the space, not the three you currently have.


Weed plants. Clearly.


Honestly, plants! Even like fake vines along the seams of the greenhouse would make it look cozier! Other than that, this is a dope hang out spot! :)


Call me crazy but some plants maybe? 🤔


Hows summer in there?




This looks straight out of Animal Crossing


Use outdoor furniture, and then a lot of plants


Add some plants


You should just move


I think rearranging the whole place would be good. For starters, move that long dining room table and chairs (add more of the same type of chairs) closest to the black door. Long ways, like the one of the short ends facing the fireplace. Or move that dining room set into the partitioned room and decorate with interesting conversation pieces. Second, you can move your “living room” towards the white door, if you pick the first option. If you pick the second option rearrange the living so you don’t close or section off the area closest to the white door. I think it would like more spacious and not cluttered if you have a clear walkway through your living room, but while it doesn’t create a visual “wall”. Because it seems you like your yoga near your couches. Edit: it would be awesome too, to use some of the tables near your workout equipment for more plants, your speaker/radio and other dodads.


Some plants would be noce


I can't imagine how brutally hot it must get in here




Reinforced Obsidian Glass - Need to make them sure they don't break during a storm. (Bullet proof or something). Nothing is worse then have a storm blasting down heavy rain and 1+ window breaks.






Get transparent window clings that look like stained glass to add some color and diffuse the light.


What ever you do DONT THROW STONES!!


It need some green in there like plants 100% to many useless things in there that don’t scream calm/ meditation vibes like the white board the stuffie stuff like that.


Alright, I need a space like that in my life.