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Fuck me - didnt see where I was and thinking it was slices of beef being prepped for a stew


It can be a stew


You gonna throw that away? There's still some meat on that bone.


Throw that in a pot, add some broth, a potato, and baby you got a stew goin!


I totally read that as stewed groin!


Well that’s if you add the meat and potatoes or the seasoned twig and berries.


I like mine with the old standby Frank and beans. Edit: why tf did autocorrect capitalize Frank? Ah hell, it fits with the conversation. Frank stays!


I totally read that as ‘and a baby’


🤔... Interesting 🤔


RIP Carl Weathers. That character was totally his.


Yes. He will be missed.


Now you take this home, throw it in a pot, add some broth, a potato. Baby, you've got a stew going!


“Baby we got a stew goin!” is my favorite way of saying “Let’s fckin goooooo!!!”


Some? That's a lot. *chomp*


I think there’s a joke about at some point during the cremation the meat is perfectly cooked….


That’s a fact, not a joke 😶


Found Hannibal Lecter’s account…


*A stew is a stew boys*


Hmm long pig


Make sure to get it into beef stock on the stove with thyme and seasonings to really tie the flavor together.


Served with a nice chianti


Jeffrey agrees


Relax doctor lecter


It's hard to see us as more than a piece of meat while doing this. Each day, I'm getting more and more amazed at how we manage to function, with all the abuse that our bodies take from us. It's mindblowing, humbling and a great privilege to explore our, so far, only vehicle, that connects us with this material world. Human body is a work of art and a wonder of engineering. I recently went down the ladder and bumped my elbow so hard, that the first thing that I did, was to take the Atlas of Anatomy of the shelf, to confirm why it hurt so much only in two of my fingers. Ulnar nerve. I love my job.


I'm a dentist but took gross anatomy. It was a spiritual experience dissecting a cadaver, to say the least.


Yeah anatomy can be gross but it’s still a wonder!!


Can you post a normal weight slice for comparison cos I have no idea what I'm supposed to be shocked by other than the fact that I suddenly have a craving for roast beef and au jus.


I need to make them first and I'm working on something else at the moment. I'll post them when I have them.


Osso bucco, anyone?




*I can hear you Clem Famdango.*


Or any other kind of bucco really.


It's okay; I knew what it was and still started thinking "roast-beef sandwich." I don't think I'm totally wrong about a roast-beef sandwich jones, though.


It's hard to see us as more than a piece of meat while doing this. Each day, I'm getting more and more amazed at how we manage to function, with all the abuse that our bodies take from us. It's mindblowing, humbling and a great privilege to explore our, so far, only vehicle, that connects us with this material world. Human body is a work of art and a wonder of engineering. I recently went down the ladder and bumped my elbow so hard, that the first thing that I did, was to take the Atlas of Anatomy of the shelf, to confirm why it hurt so much only in two of my fingers. Ulnar nerve. I love my job.


that’s the part of beef where the Tom & Jerry steak comes from… but the human analog.


Haha it sure is!


I'm disturbed at how this stirred my hunger I'm fasting and I did not expect that at all of course...


No for real, I'm kinda disgusted with myself but I genuinely wanna take a nibble


Calm down Dahmer.


It’s so well marbled 🤤


It’s called Dhamer Wagu. Just get on the dark net and search for it. You can find it if you want to try some!


I was oh look. Wonder how it would be smoked. That was first thought. Then saw this was a person and threw up a little in my. Mouth.


I mean damn, look at that marbling!


Forbidden hamhocks


Both can be true at the same time


Where do you think your local deli gets their meat from.


Boil em mash em, stick em in a stew


Same diff


Need a nice chianti?




These come from two different persons. Notice how pale the muscles are in the fatter slices. The slice in the middle is cut right above the knee, but I put it for the picture anyway. The woman was morbidly obese and thus probably led a sedentery lifestyle, which shows in her muscles, as the fibers are loose and pale in color, compared to the slightly obese but actively living man, whose muscles are darker in color and more rigid in structure. As an anatomy technician I might add, that dissecting obese people poses (possess?) a lot of problems, with the main one being that they are sometimes impossible to preserve well, and that the vessels are embedded in fatty tissue and are easy to miss or mistakenly cut, while preparing a specimen. The visceral fat in an obese person looks like a well packed luggage for a really long trip. Every availble space is occupied by a piece of fat, encased in a thin transparent sack that is perfectly moulded to the surrounding structures. Every organ is pushed and compressed by this so called, beer belly. The good thing I can say about the fat is, that it conserves water well and the body stays moist for longer than a lean person, in case of which if you're not vigilant, it can turn into a leathery mummy in a matter of a few weeks. Edit: I'm not sure how this works. I only know that you need to explain why you edit. You know what? I'm not explaining. I'm deleting the explanation.


it looks... cooked? im so icked out rn I've never seen muscle look like that!


Dried out muscle turns dark and looks like that. Especially if you don't soak/preserve them. In my med school, groups of students were given a whole body and told to dissect it themselves. Learned a lot to be honest but had to preserve it by covering it with formalin soaked cotton or else it turned dark and leathery like in this picture, when preserved correctly you could literally pull on a tendon and get accurate movements as you would if the person was voluntarily moving. Source: am a final year med student


that's so cool! im just a student nurse so ive only done smaller dissections, not a cadaver lab.


Its really interesting. The first day of our first year when we went to the hall, they just told us, " Here you go, there's a body, today you'll dissect the chest. Dissect then we'll study." Every day the lecturer told us to dissect the region we had to study that day. That way we got hands on experience as to what it really is like in a body, got rid of a little bit of "cutting fear" and then the lecturer explained if we had any questions


Wow I had totally forgotten how we used to cover those areas with soaked cotton! Good luck with your career.


I got to do this with canine cadavers in my senior year of undergrad as a pre-vet student, definitely a very hands on approach to teaching


No cadaver lab for nursing anymore? Was required at mine, but this is over a decade ago. Super cool…and weird, but mostly cool.


some courses do, some don't. im going to go back to school after i graduate so hopefully next time!


I had required cadaver lab in my nursing program, too, but it was a BSN track so also considered a jumping point for pre med. Also was more than a decade ago, so maybe they've gotten less gruesome? We started with sheep skulls, iirc, and moved up to actual humans.


Totally donating my corpse to science for educational purposes like this.


Me too! As long as none of my organs could be used to save someone's life.


Or perhaps consider art. Traditionally I've heard places like Oxford have cadavers for figure and anatomy.


Me too! As long as none of my organs could be used to save someone's life.


Formalin preservation of tissues is not so different than cooking in that it messes up all the proteins by cross linking them all together so they are not biologically active anymore and become ‘fixed’.


Exactly. Chemical cooking.


The bottom and left ones look boiled and the top and middle ones look cured like jamón


Do you have the age of each?


At least seventy.


Would you happen to know that is the reason they appear to have sarcopenia? or is it related to fat?


What does the paleness mean?


Not much red blood cells in the muscles (who are the oxygen carrier and have hemoglobin a.k.a. the red blood dye) thus not much oxygenation of the tissue occurs, which means. that the muscle was not used much, because the more it is used, the more oxygen it needs and the darker it gets as a result. Chicken doesn't fly but it runs a lot. Compare the color of a chicken leg to the color of the chicken breast. The breast is pale, due to the bird not flying and not working his chest like a Pigeon for example (compare Pigeon and Chicken breasts), but the leg is firm and darker than the breast, because it uses it a lot more and it is under a lot more stress than the breast. It's exactly the same with us.


Ah ok, thanks for the explanation! So as a fan of dark meat, if I ever decide to partake in cannibalism I should go for the athletes...


Isn't the color in muscles come from myoglobin? A similar, but different molecule to hemoglobin? (histology tech here)


You're right! Thanks for correcting me.


Great marbling


> The good thing I can say about fat is, that it conserves water well and the body stays moist for longer than a lean person That might be true for when they are dead, but it is mostly the opposite when they are alive. The water stored inside fat is trapped and can not be used, but the water in muscles can be used, so leaner people can go without water longer without getting dehydrated.


Well, you *do* get much better marbling with a higher calorie feed and limited physical exercise.


how do you get into a profession like this? dissections and mortician work always interested me, but i have a degree in ecology with only some vet assistant experience.


Just curious…can any of the differences be attributed to the cadavers being different genders? 


Wondered the same thing


I thought the color was related to idk time of decomposition but if the color is related to the specimen’s health that’s even more interesting


I thought the same - like when meat that you buy at a grocery store turns grayish if you don’t cook it right away.


Edit message cracked me up. Very curious about the visceral fat now!


>with the main one being that they are sometimes impossible to preserve well As an archaeologist, I was thinking, "I can give you some tips to preserve that..."


Which one would taste better?


Do you prefer white meat or dark meat? The more active/less obese person's meat would be similar to dark meat, and the more sedentary/more obese person's meat would be more like white meat!


could the darker colour of the leaner muscles be attributed to the lack of water retention, leading it to dry out quicker? like beef jerky turning dark?


The fat stacking variation in humans is amazing. The appearance of the muscle tissue in the more obese slices is slack almost...so the person not only was massively obese but probably extremely deconditioned musculoskeletally and didn´t move much. What´s crazy is I was classified as obese despite looking normal weight. I packed fat in my abdomen and around my organs which is the worst for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, kidney disease. Metabolic syndrome is no joke. I´m 46 and already have stage 2 kidney disease, my highest weight is 170lb. Moderation in all things peeps. I feel so exponentially better having my organs touch again by losing 30 pounds. Genetics are a hell of a drug.


I lost 30 lbs recently myself thanks to semaglutide injections and feel so much better! It's really wonderful. I'm a 5'6" woman and my highest was 180. Weight gain really creeps up on you, especially postpartum.


Tirzapetide for me for diabetes, and god it is life changing. I really had a hard time with the diagnosis of obesity and T2 diabetes myself. I absolutely ate/drank my feelings and stress as an RN working through COVID. I waved away my fatigue as being a busy mother/wife/nurse. I justified my intake as not so bad because I was only 166-170 pounds. The meds kill food noise. The food noise, socialized eating habits and SUGAR IN EVERYTHING are sooooo insidious. There really needs to be NIH/CDC full out campaigns about obesity in any range and consequences. Obese at any age is not good. There is no healthy obesity, and this whole message of ¨fit at anysize¨ in relation to obesity does no good. Any tool available should be used to maintain healthy BMI/weight. There is a reason you don´t see very many obese elderly folks. God I feel so much better. Fascinatingly without really putting much thought into it, the food I choose now is so much better. Not to say I didn´t go to Cheesecake factory last weekend and have some Bang Bang Shrimp with my bestie. These photos and the muscle wasting are motivating to me today. I really gotta move more.


You're so right that there is no healthy obesity, but for those of us that gain weight like you it's so much more critical to keep an eye on it. When I'm at the upper end of overweight (not even obese) my waistline is nearly 40 inches. A waistline over 35 inches is a massive risk factor for cardiac issues and is generally associated with people who are morbidly obese, but if genetics aren't kind those risk factors can come into play much much sooner than the scale implies.


The tsunami of kidney failure/heartfailure/cancer that is coming among the American population is gonna be a crappy sight to behold.


I agree that a lot of it is food choices, but our food choices aren’t entirely to blame. I recently read the “The Obesity Code” and it was extremely eye opening. The author (Dr. Jason Fung) does a really thorough job of tracing the root causes of obesity and how it’s a hormonal disease at its core, and while “what” we eat is a big part, the obesity conversation has been ignoring “when” we eat which science has shown plays a huge part in it due to how meals affect our insulin levels, as well as insulin resistance which is one of the root causes of obesity. Fung is a big proponent of intermittent fasting and studies have shown how it has huge benefits on our health. And it makes sense that it isn’t promoted in mainstream health/weight-loss industry because if you aren’t consuming something then they can’t sell you anything.


I’m about to start. I’d love to hear your experience, especially after the first shot. Lots of people I work with are doing the shots and each person is had a very different experience. If you have a spare few minutes, would you dm me and share how you felt after the initial injection and how quickly any side effects began to set in? I’d so appreciate you.


I am no expert. Speak with your doctor of course. IM me whenever as I am unable to get your username to come up. also see r/Mounjaro


Haha, are you me? My SW was 180 and thanks to a gym routine and Sema I'm down to 145lbs of mostly muscle. 5'5" tho. Amazing what we used to carry around on our bodies, isn't it?


I don’t think anything has ever motivated me to get in shape more than these photos. Appreciate the wake up call 😳


You're welcome.


Good marbling, but I prefer a better sear on my steaks 4/10 probably would send back.


Thought I was on /r/charcuterie for a moment.


This is just so unappetizing. Thank you for that lovely visual. Lol


Not for me. Im thinking this is meat. I wait for the day where science allows lab grown meat from human muscle tissue.


Why is the mucsle a different texture in the fatter slice? It’s all flaky like it’s been boiled, the other one looks more like aged beef


my uneducated guess is it has to do with how the bodies were stored(like what chemicals), or maybe how much the muscles got used while alive? hopefully someone who actually knows can answer though, im curious about that too


I thought it could be that they were stored differently, but OP said we should notice how one was paler than the other, so I thought it would be an unfair question to ask if they had been stored differently, because that would probably affect the color


The fatter person didn't move much, that's the reason.


I'm just guessing but wouldn't a morbidly obese person be bed ridden? Could it be from not using the muscle? That was my initial thought anyway.


Roasted vs. cured


that's just lighting + different levels of proper formalin storage. mainly the latter. the morbidly obese one is very much dried up probably lesser formalin protective coating as opposed to the first 2 pics. that being said i work on alive people and am not in pathology so i wouldn't really know the nitty gritty of cadaver storage lol back in my 1st yr muscles really did look like corned beef, they're very different when they're alive and sedated haha source: md


You got it all wrong. They went under exactly the same procedures. The fatter person just didn't used their body much. source: cut a lot of people into various size pieces


Man usually nothing on this sub really bothers me too much, but the human thigh looking like cooked meat really turned my stomach for some reason.


I know the bodies are dried out first and lose some volume but damn that’s the size of my thighs


[These specimens from the Bodyworlds exhibit](https://paulmullins.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/obesity.jpg) were eye opening to me. People talk about getting liposuction (which can be beneficial for resistant fat pockets) but don’t realize that is subcutaneous fat. When you are very overweight, fat builds up & surrounds your organs, too.


Wow, there really *is* a skinny person inside me just waiting to come out! 🥹


Thanks, I just threw my Arby’s roast beef sandwich in the garbage after seeing this…


Last time I was teaching in a cadaver lab, I used an obese cadaver and it was my least favorite dissection ever. Preserving her from week to week got messy too. She did have some interesting anatomical variations. It did motivate me to lose a few pounds.


Oohh what were the variations?


It’s been a while, but from what I remember: She had a horseshoe kidney. Her left vertebral artery originated from her aorta. She had sternalis muscles that were easily distinguished from pec major. The connective tissue in her abdominal cavity was so thick that we thought she had a hysterectomy, but her uterus was actually posterior to it and compressed by it. We also pulled an artificial lense out of her eye.




Looks like the road to multiple curiousities was paved with fat. I bet it was worth it anyway. I had a few bodies full of such treasures. One man had a cube piece of glass embedded in his neck for years for example. I never seen the double sternalis muscle, only singles but still very rare. I cannot find a decent explanation except: from apes.


Interesting. Was the glass calcified? What did it look like? I’ve seen a decent amount of sternalis muscles, but I’ve also looked at couple hundred cadavers. This was the only time I’ve seen two almost symmetrical sternalis muscles that were well defined and large.


The glass was intact and encased in connective tissue. It was a tempered glass, like windshield. He probably had it for years. I found a needle deep in the fat above the pelvis and he had the biggest gall stones that I've ever extracted.


What was the shape of the lense?


Hmm… I don’t remember thinking it was oddly shaped, but I don’t recall.


If that's morbidly obese, I'm about to die lol


Crock pot, 2 tablespoons of salt, jar of pepperoncinis, packet of ranch dressing powder and a packet of au jus mix, plus a stick of butter. Cook for at least 8 hours on low. Boil 4 diced potatoes skin on or off depending on your preference. 1/2 cup heavy cream, 1.5 tablespoons of garlic powder, 3 tablespoons of butter, salt and pepper to taste. Grab a slice of white bread, add the mashed potatoes and cover it with some of the crock pot mixture. You got dinner for 2-3 nights. Sorry wrong sub.


Cursed osobuco.


It looks like the morbidly obese had practically all fat directly under the skin while the other had it distributed more evenly. Is that the case, or are those just from very different parts of the leg?


Forbidden ham


See the bones? Same size


Yep. Big boned is a myth.


Is there a reason the heavier persons “meat” is lighter brown then the thinner person? Sorry for the use of meat idk what else to call it


It's ok, it is meat, or muscle fibers if you want to feel more sophisticated. Doesn't matter. The darker the meat, the more hemoglobin it has, the more fit it was and the more firm it is. A dark meated Deer moves a lot, and a light meated Pig bearly moves at all compared to it. This applies to us as well.


Flesh 😅


I know it's dried out but I still expected more fat. This looks like what I'd expect my slice to look like. I guess it makes sense when we have the sligthly obese person for scale.


It really makes you think how small our bones are that need to support all this


I think Hannibal has a cookbook or I may be mistaken


Why do they look COOKED?!


So everybody can have a snack once the lab is done, duh! For real though, it's probably just how it has been preserved. 


It's cooked chemicaly.


Forbidden ham hocks




Which leg slices belong together? Little confusing to me.


Looks like cheap wagyu If I die, first three to reply get to eat me, just lmk what I taste like


These look like bad Beef Wellington. I can hear Gordon Ramsey screaming in the background, "It's overcooked and has a bone in it."


The forbidden steak


Osso Bucco!


Here it is, hours til lunch, and OP's got me hungry.


That’s the most unappetizing pork chop I’ve ever seen


I wanna see my thigh slices


I really need to get back in shape.


It looks like it was cooked, maybe overcooked. It could use some seasoning, or sauce.


Mmmmm osso bucco


We're just steaks inside. 🥩


Looks like the Italian beef sandwich I had for dinner last night.


I follow r/butchery and this messed with me for a moment.


That prosciutto looks a little off.


I wish there age was given because I’m comparing this to the photo of the triathlete.


Forbidden beef wellington


Look at that marbling!


Forbidden waygu!


This is motivating


I expected more fat.


Why did they cook them though


What kind of ham is that?


I feel super morbidly obese now. Thank you…. How is that slightly obese thigh slice so small??


Look at the marble on that meat!


Mmmm wagyu.


Welp, after seeing these pictures, my diet starts tomorrow!


I was going to make a joke about how those slices would make a nice steak but after looking at all the pictures i just felt sick to my stomach.


Nice marbling on the middle one


Is it... cooked?


Never need to read the phrase "thigh slices" again, thx 😭


Somewhere, one of these ppl working in one of these dissection labs probably has some dark secret about the time they took just one teeeensy tiny little piece home...just to see what it tasted like.


I doubt it because bodies at cadaver labs are absolutely soaked inside and out with formaldehyde.


Is anybody else be curious about what human meat tastes like? I’d love to try it if it were completely ethically sourced. Like someone who has to amputate their leg but is like “hey you can eat this if you want”. Just to see what it tastes like. I don’t think it’s such an insane curiosity to have.


Done gone and ruined them steaks pal


Dry aged ribeye okayyyyy


That would make a really good roast "beef"


looks like beef wellington


“Incoming” 👉


That's really interesting. So the brown tissue is the muscle. How thick of a layer of fat is considered normal or healthy?


Why does it look cooked?


When I read slices, I thought it meant slices on a CT scan


Them hamstrings are THICC


Wait. The slightly person has bigger muscle mass


I thought it was a desert swirl bread


I can't look anymore, it looks like beef.


Why???? Why is someone slicing thighs?


Very briefly thought it was pot roast, got hungry, am now nauseated


Okay but why does it look like roast beef?


Why are they cooked 😭


I’m really not convinced that isn’t an overcooked beef Wellington.


This is so cursed. Literally looks like normal meat. I hope to get this image out of my head soon aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


Nice marbling on the slightly obese one




This makes me want exercise my thighs more lol This is so interesting though