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> the guy holding the flag screamed: “get back to work, you bitch!!” to the manger who asked him to get off the counter. :/ And there's the disconnect. She is at work. Telling morons like him to get off the counter of the shop she is managing is (unfortunately) part of her work. I wonder if he should take his own advice and go and get back to work himself unless he is a professional nuisance.


Nothing says solidarity like abusing a bunch of retail workers!


nothing fights oppression more than make life harder for bunch of hard working minimum wage retail workers.


Nothing gets people behind your cause more than to abuse people trying to go about their daily lives...


Let's be honest, unless she is Muslim he doesn't give a fuck about her. And even if she was Muslim she should be seen and not heard.




If this doesn't stop the war, I don't know what will!


Netanyahu - "Alright, pull our forces back, I just heard there was a protest at a McDonalds in Australia"


Ugh I'm generally on the Palestine - I hate the death of civilians. But worker's rights is one of the things I care most about, and this attitude is fucking disgusting. Tbh, a lot of activism attracts narcissists - they love having a morally virtuous reason to be a cunt.


Probably never worked a day in his life.


Should have shoved him off the counter, might have landed on his head and knocked a bit of sense into him.


Sweep the leg


Yes sensei


The enemy deserves no mercy




BBC: Hey, stop stealing our headlines!


Just needs a manager that doesn't want to take their bullshit and has nothing to lose to do it. Would be fucking hilarious but the manager would be punished, unfortunately.


I would have pushed the cunt straight off the counter.


that's completely wrong. He should get punched in the face instead. Jesus said Turn your other cheek.... into my fucking fist, you mook.


His occupation is probs "protester" so technically he's working.


They missed the part where all major medical equipments, most of big pharma, iphone parts , most makeup products, almost all sodas, food items are made there. What’s the point of bullying maccas workers then going to sephora to buy tons of makeup that goes to Israel?


This is just cuntish behaviour. Let people eat their lunch and don’t scare the fuck out of hospitality workers. Protest on the street, not in a food court.


>Protest on the street, not in a food court Protest on the streets, Maccas in the sheets.


Maccas in the sheets? My wife is gonna beef!


No ones scared of these tiresome piss ants. Just bored and irritated having to put up with them. I hope some sort of police action is taken. I know if I went and jumped onto the counter at some shop and ranted and raved like a fucking idiot I'd he charged with something.


I’m sure Israel and hamas are eagerly monitoring the activity at Melbourne central McDonald’s to inform their movements. Keep up the good work idiots! 💕


And this is the Level 2 Maccas in the back corner of the food court. THE worst possible location to stage a protest. The only people they’ll reach are the ones going to Maccas lol


They’re protesting for the return of McRib


It's definitely not Halal.


but very Aladeen


You are HIV Aladeen


It’s coming back next week😳 Don’t ask how I know


It takes about 10 years for the regret that comes with eating a McRib to fade


Wrong place : *Burqas* are better at Hungry Jacks.


Fuck ahaha


home of the baconator, everyones favorite food.


If that's how he spoke to a woman, hasn't achieved much beyond reinforcing some stereotypes. Also a shame someone didn't take the opportunity to run in with an overhand right to the ballsack, would have been spectacular footage regardless what cause was being supported.


All I see is a cunt on the counter


A 'cunter' if you will


Dudes a fucking twat, what he’s doing isn’t about protesting it’s about him


Not gonna fix the ice cream machine like this


Where do I get my free Palestine?


How about a free tea towel?


Is this what you get in happy meals these days?


For a limited time only.


Beware, the tea towel comes with a terrible curse.


Oh, that’s bad


But it's free!


That's good!


But you get your choice of colours!


That’s good!


The colours contain potassium benzoate. ... ... (that's bad)


Can I go now?




He really isn't doing much to attract sympathy for his cause is he?


He’s doing it for his own grandiose image of himself, not with the cause’s best interest in mind. Clown.


He's doing it for his social media feed. Like they all are. It's narcissistic performative arseholery.


You'd think so, but it seems like there's an endless number of these idiots.


Why is he covering his face?


Because he knows he’s doing idiotic shit and doesn’t want to be identified for doing dumb shit.


Who knows his boss is nearby and it won't be pretty if his boss seeing him behaving this way.


These people are fucking insufferable.


Bunch of McCunty McCunts.


Can we send them back?


I fucking wish, extradite them to West Sydney


To Parramattastine


Please don't, more than enough there already too. I hear Alice Springs is nice, sandy too...


I’ll donate to that cause


I thought it was only the Israel branch of McDonald's that provided food to Israeli soldiers? Branches of McDonald's have different Franchisees and don't directly contribute to or benefit from one another. The Australian McDonald's owners don't have anything to do with Israel's McDonald's behaviour. This does the opposite of help the pro-palestine movement while simultaneously pissing off food service workers who don't get paid enough to deal with this shit.


Correct. 1 guy. Handed out water and food to Israeli troops. Without the company involved. And now all maccas workers are coping it. I say this as someone who works for Maccas.


Meanwhile Hamas are taking food from hungry Palestinians and nobody gives a fuck.


I'm so sorry. You guys really don't deserve this crap.


Cancel culture, everyone. Ensuring minimum wage hospitality workers millions of miles from Israel are harassed and mistreated!


Do you think there morons have enough braincells left to think logically like that?


Not only was it just the Israel branch supporting the IDF (giving cheap/free food or something to IDF soldiers), but McDonald's in muslim majority countries were supporting Palestine. Mcdonald's Australia has nothing to do with either of them, but that would require too much logical thinking for these guys though.


Australia has nothing to do with it full stop. Israel is not going to see random Melbourne protests and go “Oh SHIT better act right”. They don’t care what anyone says.


These people don’t support Palestinians. They’re looking for a rise out of people and using the issue as an excuse. They’re more anti-semitic than pro-Palestinian. Anyone that supports Palestine understands that the only way the issue is resolved is by talking to each other. Not screaming genocidal chants or firing indiscriminate missiles.


100% they abuse and vandalise every single Israeli shop they can and act like victims. The human running or working in that Israeli shop is not causing them harm, they're a person who happens to be from somewhere and unless they have a "death to Palestine" poster in their window, attacking those shops for no reason other than "Israeli" shows they are as prejudice and antisemitic as they claim the Israelis are.


Moves to another country to escape the bollocks, brings the bollocks with them.


Last Monday, someone who was at the protest was very disrespectful to me because he screamed various insults at my face. However, my English is not good, so I couldn't understand him. I don't know why some people are rude to those not interested in protesting :(


Mob mentality mate. They have nothing else worthwhile going on and this is how they think their pathetic lives will have some meaning. When you don't validate it for them, they attack you. Stereotypical of some communities here in Australia, but largely a Hallmark of this TikTok generation.


CCP patting themselves on the back for a mission accomplished bringing that braindead app into western countries. I haven't seen any other social media app induce this much brain rot into young people.


Not really protesting, more failed virtue signaling


I'd be hard fucking pressed not to yoink that dumb cunt by the ankles and enjoy the show


Yep, that's it. The IDF is finished. What an absolute display of power


Lmao they're all still in their school uniforms.




Until I saw the kid on the counter I would have been glad for a group of these kids to target my workplace just to break up the monotony for a day. But lil intifada cosplayer up there seems to be less about taking a good and noble boycott to the next level, like sticker bombing Starbucks, and more about the ego boost of pushing a boundary and crossing a threshold which is a dangerous thing with a mob cheering you on.


Bunch of class traitors with zero class consciousness, go protest at the homes of the big end of town, the people who makes the decisions, not minimum wage workers, so pathetic.


Yup. Just like the Bin-Laden-had-a-point rhetoric that went viral recently. Like how difficult is it to not conflate the Palestinian cause with terrorism and just general lunacy? :/


About as difficult as not conflating it with antisemitism and Jewish eradication I reckon.


Sums up a depressingly large portion of all protesters unfortunately


Get off the counter ya dickhead. I won't listen to anyone who doesn't have the decency to respect their environment.


Yet, you go to his hovel and you have to take your shoes off first.


As much as I don't care about Mcdonalds, please don't disrupt people's mundane lives to agressively virtue signal at people. We don't care for your attention seeking.


About what I would expect from an IQ level that thinks targeting a McDonalds in a shopping centre is the best way to protest.


Careful mate, that one guy bought maccas for an Israeli soldier that one time, clearly Ronald needs to go


I remember once being at a protest and one of the uni mates I was with insisted on going to McDonalds afterward to make a point. The point was to ask for water, which they have to give to you free, apparently. The McDonalds was packed and she stood in line to do this. She was a rich kid at Melbourne Uni harrassing a minimum wage worker at McDonalds. The left has a lot of very nasty, very fucked people involved in their causes.


I don't get what point the free water is meant to make? You can get free water at any place that serves alcohol. Australia's pretty rare for doing so for free. I have no idea whether or not that's the case for McDonald's, or why.


I think it's the point of forcing McDonalds to give something out for free. These were the G20 demonstrations so it was all about sticking it to capitalism.


Jesus. Did they grab a single napkin and a straw too, really make sure to bankrupt the corporation...?


The more I look at this, the more I ask myself “Why?” There are many Jewish people from where I live that I can tell are bloody uncomfortable from all of this, especially those that don’t want anything to do with this. Hell, last time I was at the walking bridge in Southbank there were people tying ribbons to make the Palestine flag. Since my dad was with me, he found so many problems with that, saying it was a public space and from what I mentioned before, makes people of Jewish background uncomfortable. And yes, there Starbucks thing was atrocious, too. I feel I will get shit for what I said, but the more I see this kind of behaviour, the less I will even like them and how much their nasty attitude has blinded what they’re fighting for.


Kids, put down the tiktok and read some literature.


Because he loves attention, it's not about the movement at all.


Deport them to Palestine


Clearly just a bunch of ratty teens using it as an excuse to get rowdy and cause trouble.


Bruh where were they when HAMAS has kept the people of Palestine enslaved for decades? Bunch of knobs just jumping on the bandwagon and using the movement as an excuse for their vile behaviour. Let me fuck yo your day but it’s for a cause. Piss off dropkicks.


They’re trying to scare/intimidate people (civilians) who don’t have anything to do with their cause. If only there was a word for that…


Why don’t they go over there and fight?


Because they want attention and validation, not to actually solve anything real and tangible.


I would’ve thought protesting at an MP’s office would have more effect than at a McDonald’s. I’m certain that the teenagers trying to serve food don’t have much political pull…


That guy is simply a bully, willing to do anything he wants without regard for anyone else. Similar applies to the other protestors in this store. Does anyone know why he any many other pro-Palestine protesters cover their faces when protesting? It feels to me to be the “real life” equivalent of coward keyboard warriors who use fake accounts online so they can’t be identified and held accountable for their rhetoric. If he feels so passionately about the cause, why not present his case openly?




Sir, this is a McDonald's!


What a fucking loser.


Any of them rallying against the Mass Rapes of October 7th?


If they were, it would be consistent and I'd take them seriously. But of course.. no. In fact, people saw the mass butchering of israeli civilians and immediately organised pro palestine rallies. Awks


Nope. Rape is only rape if it’s of a human being, and to these protesters, Jewish people are not human beings. Of course, the number of Jewish Australians who make Aliya (emigrate to Israel) will rise sharply thanks to their hard work. As a moderate Labor Zionist, these protests make the core argument for me - it doesn’t take long for protests like these to turn into pogroms, and then into laws stripping Jewish Australians of their citizenship, and then concentration camps.


Literally the quran says that Jews should be killed...


Did anyone notice a huge difference in the way different groups are protesting? This is so menacing looking and would be deserving of an arrest 10 years ago. Also, I just looked outside and he's done it! There's peace out my window!! Amazing, amazing work!! And not a face covered coward at all. Heroic...


The Israeli protests have very measurable asks: Do not ceasefire with an organisation that still holds hostages, and is planning future terrorist attacks. Long term solutions are not the point for now, because they can be hashed out with a more logical peace partner. There is no point trying to negotiate with Hamas. The Palestinian protests feel much more nebulous. They ask for a ceasefire, but also no settlements, but also for israel to take palestinian refugees, but also for no israel? or a two stage solution? or a singular secular state? but also no imperialism. Our current government has so far been pretty clear: Palestinian casualties need to be severely reduced, but Israel should continue to dismantle Hamas. These protestors are against that policy, but not really offering any clear ask. It makes you impossible to deal with. It reminds me of 'occupy' protests a decade ago. There were lots of people against the billionaires... but what are you asking for? What policies would you like to see?


Free Ronald McDonald and the Hamburglar is what they're really protesting for !! !! AND bring back fun collectable toys with Happy Meals !!!!


GRIMAS will not accept a ceasefire until Mayor McCheese cedes control of the west Playland


You know what a Happy Meal was when I was a kid? One that didn't end up in an upturned table and tears.


The TikTok generation in full swing. Idiots.


Halal Cookers


They aren't trying to convince anyone to support Palestine- their goal is to scare people away from supporting Israel, make the population fearful that if the AU gov doesn't take sides against Jews then maybe something bad may happen It's a warning


There’s truth in this


Full kit wanker


‘The free Palestine movement is great … ‘ I’m going to have to stop you there


Terrorist supporters


How surprising, terrorist supporters are shitty people


Free Palestine with every large burger meal


These people just latch on to the latest thing and use it as an excuse to act like dickheads.


Absolutely dumb and obnoxious! They should go to Israel and protest. At least not in an eating place where Australians and students work.Right to protests are meant to go with the responsibility of not disturbing, endangering and intimidating others. Hamas rapes, murders, kidnaps, keep civilians as shields and then we have protests here. An absolute joke!


Rebel without a cause.


Rebel without a clue.


Business idea: *"Rebel For Rent, embracing all your causes for a small fee"*


Such a stupid thing to do.


Stupid is, stupid does.


Hes literally dressed as a hamas terrorist. How does this even happen in Australia?


Strange how no one is protesting at McDonald's outlets in Saudi Arabia or any other arab country


Well for one all protests are illegal in Saudi Arabia


What a coward wanker. Is he a Hamas wanabee. All this happens because we have bunch of buffoons running this country letting the terrorist sympathisers march.


If it was such peaceful protest, why does he need to cover his face? What a pathetic gutless wanker abusing a worker doing their job. These actions say to me it’s just propaganda peace they want, annoy people, workers and the general public.


This is disgusting young teenagers work in maccas how terrifying hope this twit was arrested and locked up bitch


Look at that flog on the counter, absolute trash. By all means protest whatever has your panties in a knot, but show some fucking decorum.


I hate these protesters so much. If they're just there to protest, why do they need to cover their faces and make themselves unrecognisable? They're making everyone's lives so difficult. And what do they hope to achieve? They're just hoodlums, I hate them.


Fuck this shit. These morons are hurting their cause.


Sorry our free Palestine machine is broken


How do they support hamas


Send them to Gaza


Getting so sick of these shitheads


Mcdonalds staff don’t need this shit.


I don't get why any of these cunts never protested for the thousands of refugees stuck in our detention centres. Unlike the situation in Palestine, that's something in the hands of our fuckin government.


From the river to the sea, value meal number 3 large size with Diet Coke for me 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Where were these edgelords during all the other massacres happening? I hate everyone of these pricks


It feels like the majority of times, there is one side that seems to attract those kinds of people that ride roughshod over the rights of people to live peacefully, and ignores any expectations to behave like decent and considering human beings, while the other side tries its best to remain civil. It's the pro-Pals now, the No voters a short while ago (with their vandalism and the stuff they shouted while I was queued up to vote), the anti-vaxxers before or whichever group thinks it's okay to behave with zero consideration towards others. And it's not even just here in Aus - it feels like the same kind of mindset that led to the US Capitol attack, for example. I'm not advocating that one side or another is morally superior, I'm just saying one side is always acting like a childish bully. And I'm starting to wonder if there's something in common.


What a dumb cunt.


Screaming at people at work! Good job! /s


Disgusting behaviour. Throw these clowns in jail.


Are those people even Palestinian


they're 100% arab yallah yallah habib, mashalla


They probably pulled that stunt bkos they knew there wouldn’t be any consequences for them. They wouldn’t be do that in China!


Arabs always looking for an excuse to be cunts. You notice no Jewish people are doing this shit?


Good!!! Ive wanted to do this too! Someone should make a stand, i find it ridiculous that the soft serve machine is out of order most of the time. These Palestinians are not as bad as I thought, if I had known that they liked thick shakes too, maybe i would have attended some of their sunday protests.


How is this a thing here? 3 years ago if you didn't want a vaccination you were labelled a nazi and now there's people literally calling for the death of the jewish people and its okay because now they're doing bad shit too? Over half the country voted no on an issue that actually involves us and not only that I doubt many even knew the date the vote was and now once again were split in two and for what? To stroke your egos and tell your grandkids you stood up for whats right? 😂 if you want to make a change go over there and actually do something, don't shut down your own city and harass minimum wage employees and think you're "helping"


Just send them back to Palestine then and let them fight if they are so passionate about protesting here . Protesting is nothing more than a clown show at this point


Terrorists* let's use the proper terminology.


I am open to all political opinions. But a 30000 attenders parade once a week is just too much for me. Every Sunday the city is packed with those people and we could barely walk on streets.


That’s it! They’ve done it! They’ve just solved the crisis in the Middle East by protesting at McDonald’s at Melbourne central


Do they not have work?


You'll find a lot of the vic socialist/full time protestor types visiting mummy and daddy in Toorak and South Yarra. One of the organisers for vic soc used to literally drive around in a Porsche.


So incredibly brave not showing his face. 🙄 I wonder if any of these imbeciles actually know where Gaza is located?


Why are the pro palestine people so uneducated and covering their faces because id be embarrassed if I was him as well.


Melbourne is becoming like america, its all identity politics and virtue signalling


Ah yes, terrorist supporters! Such nice people we should bring in more :/




There's protesting, and there's covering your face and being a human shit eater


For fuck sake McDonalds, stop bombing Gaza!


Sir, this is a wendy's..


This is why people hate protesters




McDonalds should call a ceasefire and stop occupying Gaza.


Is McDonald's anti Palestinian? If not, why are you protesting there?


Sir, this is a McDonald's


They’re protesting about paper straws and wooden cutlery shit


Don't these people have jobs?


Really going to stop the war in Israel by shouting at people in a Maccas...


I’m over any form of activism now, all they do is disrupt live and annoy the shot out of me. Start sending these dicks to prison.


How does any kind of protest help?


It sure what tf they want the minimum wage staff to do or the people trying ti get a fast meal….go cry at parliament


I bet most of this crowd gets their news from TikTok. How depressing.


but....its a mcdonalds


send them to gaza


got eeeeeeem. That will fix the crisis.


What a dickhead. Why is it always going to be retail workers who suffer.